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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 152

Molly was spiteful enough to have great pleasure in saying,--

"I think I've heard her father was a Russian merchant, and imported

tallow and hemp. Mr. Osborne Hamley is extremely like her."

"Indeed! But there's no calculating these things. Anyhow, he is the

perfect gentleman in appearance and manner. The estate is entailed,

is it not?"

"I know nothing about it," said Molly.

A short silence ensued. Then Mrs. Gibson said,--

"Do you know, I almost think I must get dear papa to give a little

dinner-party, and ask Mr. Osborne Hamley? I should like to have him

feel at home in this house. It would be something cheerful for him

after the dulness and solitude of Hamley Hall. For the old people

don't visit much, I believe?"

"He's going back to Cambridge next week," said Molly.

"Is he? Well, then, we'll put off our little dinner till Cynthia

comes home. I should like to have some young society for her, poor

darling, when she returns."

"When is she coming?" said Molly, who had always a longing curiosity

for this same Cynthia's return.

"Oh! I'm not sure; perhaps at the new year--perhaps not till Easter.

I must get this drawing-room all new furnished first; and then I mean

to fit up her room and yours just alike. They are just the same size,

only on opposite sides of the passage."

"Are you going to new-furnish that room?" said Molly, in astonishment

at the never-ending changes.

"Yes; and yours, too, darling; so don't be jealous."

"Oh, please, mamma, not mine," said Molly, taking in the idea for the

first time.

"Yes, dear! You shall have yours done as well. A little French bed,

and a new paper, and a pretty carpet, and a dressed-up toilet-table

and glass, will make it look quite a different place."

"But I don't want it to look different. I like it as it is. Pray

don't do anything to it."

"What nonsense, child! I never heard anything more ridiculous!

Most girls would be glad to get rid of furniture only fit for the


"It was my own mamma's before she was married," said Molly, in a

very low voice; bringing out this last plea unwillingly, but with a

certainty that it would not be resisted.

Mrs. Gibson paused for a moment before she replied:

"It's very much to your credit that you should have such feelings,

I'm sure. But don't you think sentiment may be carried too far? Why,

we should have no new furniture at all, and should have to put up

with worm-eaten horrors. Besides, my dear, Hollingford will seem very

dull to Cynthia, after pretty, gay France, and I want to make the

first impressions attractive. I've a notion I can settle her down

near here; and I want her to come in a good temper; for, between

ourselves, my dear, she is a little, leetle wilful. You need not

mention this to your papa."

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