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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 114

Meanwhile the love-affairs between the middle-aged couple were

prospering well, after a fashion; after the fashion that they liked

best, although it might probably have appeared dull and prosaic to

younger people. Lord Cumnor had come down in great glee at the news

he had heard from his wife at the Towers. He, too, seemed to think he

had taken an active part in bringing about the match by only speaking

about it. His first words on the subject to Lady Cumnor were,--

"I told you so. Now didn't I say what a good, suitable thing this

affair between Gibson and Clare would be! I don't know when I've been

so much pleased. You may despise the trade of match-maker, my lady,

but I am very proud of it. After this, I shall go on looking out

for suitable cases among the middle-aged people of my acquaintance.

I shan't meddle with young folks, they are so apt to be fanciful;

but I've been so successful in this, that I do think it's good

encouragement to go on."

"Go on--with what?" asked Lady Cumnor, drily.

"Oh, planning,--you can't deny that I planned this match."

"I don't think you are likely to do either much good or harm by

planning," she replied, with cool, good sense.

"It puts it into people's heads, my dear."

"Yes, if you speak about your plans to them, of course it does. But

in this case you never spoke to either Mr. Gibson or Clare, did you?"

All at once the recollection of how Clare had come upon the passage

in Lord Cumnor's letter flashed on his lady, but she did not say

anything about it, but left her husband to flounder about as best he


"No! I never spoke to them; of course not."

"Then you must be strongly mesmeric, and your will acted upon theirs,

if you are to take credit for any part in the affair," continued his

pitiless wife.

"I really can't say. It's no use looking back to what I said or

did. I'm very well satisfied with it, and that's enough, and I mean

to show them how much I'm pleased. I shall give Clare something

towards her rigging out, and they shall have a breakfast at Ashcombe

Manor-house. I'll write to Preston about it. When did you say they

were to be married?"

"I think they'd better wait till Christmas, and I have told them so.

It would amuse the children, going over to Ashcombe for the wedding;

and if it's bad weather during the holidays I'm always afraid of

their finding it dull at the Towers. It's very different if it's a

good frost, and they can go out skating and sledging in the park. But

these last two years it has been so wet for them, poor dears!"

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