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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 100

Mr. Gibson believed that Cynthia Kirkpatrick was to return to England

to be present at her mother's wedding; but Mrs. Kirkpatrick had

no such intention. She was not what is commonly called a woman

of determination; but somehow what she disliked she avoided, and

what she liked she tried to do, or to have. So although in the

conversation, which she had already led to, as to the when and the

how she was to be married, she had listened quietly to Mr. Gibson's

proposal that Molly and Cynthia should be the two bridesmaids, still

she had felt how disagreeable it would be to her to have her young

daughter flashing out her beauty by the side of the faded bride, her

mother; and as the further arrangements for the wedding became more

definite, she saw further reasons in her own mind for Cynthia's

remaining quietly at her school at Boulogne.

Mrs. Kirkpatrick had gone to bed that first night of her engagement

to Mr. Gibson, fully anticipating a speedy marriage. She looked to

it as a release from the thraldom of keeping school--keeping an

unprofitable school, with barely pupils enough to pay for house

rent and taxes, food, washing, and the requisite masters. She saw

no reason for ever going back to Ashcombe, except to wind up her

affairs, and to pack up her clothes. She hoped that Mr. Gibson's

ardour would be such that he would press on the marriage, and urge

her never to resume her school drudgery, but to relinquish it now and

for ever. She even made up a very pretty, very passionate speech for

him in her own mind; quite sufficiently strong to prevail upon her,

and to overthrow the scruples which she felt she ought to have, at

telling the parents of her pupils that she did not intend to resume

school, and that they must find another place of education for their

daughters, in the last week but one of the midsummer holidays.

It was rather like a douche of cold water on Mrs. Kirkpatrick's

plans, when the next morning at breakfast Lady Cumnor began to decide

upon the arrangements and duties of the two middle-aged lovers.

"Of course you can't give up your school all at once, Clare. The

wedding can't be before Christmas, but that will do very well. We

shall all be down at the Towers; and it will be a nice amusement for

the children to go over to Ashcombe, and see you married."

"I think--I am afraid--I don't believe Mr. Gibson will like waiting

so long; men are so impatient under these circumstances."

"Oh, nonsense! Lord Cumnor has recommended you to his tenants, and

I'm sure he wouldn't like them to be put to any inconvenience. Mr.

Gibson will see that in a moment. He's a man of sense, or else he

wouldn't be our family doctor. Now, what are you going to do about

your little girl? Have you fixed yet?"

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