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Without Regret

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Granted, Eric still called Kale his prisoner and Kale simply flipped him off and did whatever he wanted, but it was nice. She liked them both a lot. They were both good men. Heck, she even liked Logan. It took a week to get over his ice cold attitude and discover that he wasn’t half bad. She’d always be grateful for what he did for them.

“Why the hell are you still here?” Chris demanded.

Kale shrugged. “I need a break.”

“So go take a vacation,” Chris snapped.

Kale frowned as he grabbed another box of snack cakes.

“I am taking a vacation.”

“At a Sentinel compound?” Chris asked in disbelief.

“It has all the comforts of home,” Kale said, making a grand sweeping gesture around the lockup’s break room.

Chris turned a glare on Eric. “I thought he was supposed to be transported to the Council.”

Eric and Kale let out identical snorts of disbelief.

“Yeah, because I’m going to let that happen,” Kale said, shaking his head like it was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard and she kind of had to agree. Not once since he’d been brought down here had she actually found him in his cell. He walked around like he owned the place and everyone seemed to be doing a damn fine job of keeping out of his way.

It wasn’t because they were afraid of him, which they seemed to be for the most part, but because Eric was trying a different approach with him. The Council still wanted him to join, but he didn’t so Eric decided he’d rather make the man an ally than an enemy.

She didn’t for a second believe that Kale was sticking around for a vacation. She knew the man was eager to get back to work. It was more than obvious that he was keeping an eye on Marc and wanted to be around to make sure that he hadn’t made a mistake by letting the little boy live. He was also sticking around to keep an eye on Joshua.

Of course he almost didn’t make it through his first night here. When Ephraim stormed into his cell intent on killing him, he stood there and took his beating until Ephraim dropped to his knees panting. The man was in agony over what could have happened to his youngest child and what Joshua was going through. He was tormenting himself over what he did and nothing anyone said or did brought him any relief.

The only times she saw Ephraim appear somewhat relaxed was when he was with one of his children, holding Madison’s hand or holding Jessica in his arms.

Any other time and the man looked close to breaking.

“I’m too tired to argue about this. Are you coming to bed?” he asked, holding out his injured arm to her.

“I guess since beating them isn’t much of a challenge,”

she said, smiling when Kale growled at her.

She took Chris’ poor injured hand and let him lead her out of the room. Before she left the room she mouthed to Kale, “Be back in five hours.” He threw her a wink before he returned his focus on the game.

“I just want to check on him before we go,” Chris said quietly as he led her to the last cell at the end of hall.

Inside, Joshua sat on the edge of his cot with his head in his hands the same as when she came to check up on him two hours ago and the day before and the day before that. He hadn’t spoken to or acknowledged anyone since the day he was brought down here three weeks ago. It broke her heart to see him so miserable.

She wanted to go in there and hold him, but he wouldn’t let anyone in his cell except to give him food and blood.

“Hey, Joshua, look who I brought?” Chris said, holding the sleeping baby higher in his arm as he approached the cell.


Her heart went out to Chris as he stood there waiting for his brother to move or say something, but he didn’t.

He wouldn’t.

“Good night, Joshua. I’ll see you in the morning,” Chris promised. Every morning he brought Joshua a large breakfast tray and sat on the floor while Joshua quietly ate.

Chris sent his brother one last hopeful look before he took her hand and led her to the security door.

“Just one second,” she said, pulling her hand away and walked to cell in front of the desk.

Chris sighed heavily. “Are you planning on making friends with all the prisoners?” he asked teasingly, but she knew he didn’t have a problem with Logan and Kale. Of course he didn’t trust Logan, but he was grateful to the man for everything he’d done.

“Only the cute ones,” she teased back, loving that little possessive growl of his.

“What is it with you women and calling me cute?”

Logan grumbled, coming to the bars.

“You’re cute. Get over it,” she said, trying not to laugh when he scowled down at her.

“Here,” she said, slipping a small folded piece of paper into his hand through the bars.

“You found it?” Logan asked, sounding surprised.

“I believe so,” she said, still wondering why it was so important to him. When he reminded her of her promise she thought he was going to ask her to arrange his escape, which she would have done. She owed him her life after all, but instead of asking to be freed, he asked for a piece of information.

“Thank you,” he said quietly as he took the paper and placed it into the white pants all the prisoners had to wear.

“Good night, Logan,” she said before walking away.

He simply nodded as he headed back to his bunk.

Chris took her hand and led her to the elevator. They didn’t talk for several minutes, probably because Chris was too busy pressing butterfly soft kisses to Jessica’s sleeping face. She already knew that the man was going to spoil her rotten and if she hadn’t already known that, the nursery he set up for her was a big clue.

He hadn’t allowed anyone, including her, have anything to do with setting up the nursery for his, and she was quoting on this one, “Precious baby girl.” The man went a little overboard turning the room she’d planned on using for her office in a nursery. When Madison suggested a teddy bear theme he vetoed it and told her to get her damn teddy bears out of his damn princess themed nursery.

She was actually surprised that she got some alone time with Jessica today. The stubborn man usually took her everywhere with him only returning to her when Jessica needed to feed. He’d decided that they weren’t going to give their baby formula and that only breast milk was good enough for his baby. Sometimes she felt like a damn cow.

“I’m sorry, Munchkin,” he said as they stepped off the elevator.

“For what?”

He sighed heavily as she scanned her hand. “I know how badly you wanted to go to the new house. I’m sorry that you’re stuck here with-“

“It’s fine, Chris. Joshua needs us and until he’s ready to go with us we’ll stay right here,” she said, knowing how torn he felt between taking care of her and taking care of his family. She couldn’t wait for the day when he realized that he didn’t need to choose, because she would be by his side no matter what.

“I hate that you and my precious baby girl have to stay locked up here all day,” he said, sounding exhausted.

She just barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes.

The man was so damn cute and irritating sometimes.

“I’m not complaining, Chris,” she said, heading for their suite.

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