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Without Regret (Pyte/Sentinel 2)

Page 94

Worrying her lower lip, she raised her hand and gave him a tentative wave. “Hi.”

He didn’t wave, didn’t say hello, he just stared at her.

She frowned as she looked him over. He was large, probably almost as tall as Chris, but leaner. He was also very handsome with shoulder length black hair that looked finer than silk, beautiful bronze skin, Native American and couldn’t be older than sixteen.

“They’re moving me an island apparently for my own good, what about you?” she asked, sounding like an idiot, but didn’t care. He was actually starting to frighten her a little bit. Should a kid really look that menacing? She didn’t think so.

When he only continued to stare at her, she shot a nervous look towards the white desk across from them where she was guessing a guard should be, but wasn’t.

She heard a loud creak and looked over in time to see her neighbor walk out of his cell.

Was he supposed to be able to do that? She really didn’t think so. She didn’t know why the hell they felt the need to lock him up, but judging by his rather scary glare she was guessing there was probably a really great reason.

She watched as he disappeared from sight. For a few minutes she sat there in terror as she heard him slamming doors. When he came back into view he was carrying a brown paper bag and he was heading towards her cell.

“Um, are you supposed to leave your cell?” she asked nervously as she watched him screw around with the touch pad that controlled her cell. In seconds he was in her cell and walking towards her.

Just as she was about to run to the corner and get into her trusted fetal position he placed the bag on the bed next to her and sat down, watching her expectantly.

Slowly, so as not to startle the angry looking teen, she opened the bag and looked down. She felt her eyes tear up as she looked up and met his intense dark brown eyes.

“I love you,” she gushed as she hugged the bag to her chest.

The scowl was instantly replaced with a shy smile that turned him from broodingly handsome to heartbreakingly handsome in seconds.

Chapter 40

He watched as the Ramjis demons took off as soon as the scent hit him and had to shake his head in wonder.

Did Logan really think that he wouldn’t notice the demons? Of course he was unable to scent them, but he’d been doing this for a very long time and knew how to spot them.

It didn’t hurt that they kept their rotations coordinated around him, letting him know Logan’s game plan. He had to give it to Logan though, it was a good plan. The Ramjis were fast, great trackers and strong and this plan would have worked on anyone else. Unfortunately for Logan, Kale had made enemies in damn near every species and was always prepared for this type of bullshit.

He moved back into the crowd or early morning walkers and watched as the Ramjis took after the scent. Not even thirty seconds later a large group of Sentinels took off after them, confirming his suspicions. This had been a set up.


Fine. They wanted to make this difficult. He could handle that, he decided as he shot another look at the line of aging brownstones as he kept matched his pace with the crowd. He’d finish the job, both jobs soon. He just had to be a little patient.


Chris risked a look over his shoulder and had to laugh at the amount of demons, shifters and minions chasing after him. The minions were the easiest to spot, they were the ones lagging behind. They might be fast, but they were still human and wouldn’t be able to keep up with the rest of them. They were going to be easy to pick off, or at least he’d make it easy for his backup to grab them, he decided.

Thankfully he’d worked in Boston enough times to know some shortcuts and most of the places humans should avoid, but didn’t. He cut across a busy intersection, ignoring the honking horns, jumped a hood and kept moving his ass, knowing that he needed to get them as far away from the compound and take out as many of them as he could before they figured out that this was a setup.

The few that already decided to cut their losses and head back had already been discretely taking down by his backup or his father. But the bastards following him didn’t care that Izzy was nowhere in sight. The ones who’d scented her on him knew he’d been in contact with her and were more than willing to settle on him if it meant they might use him to get to her.

Never f**king happening.

He’d kill every last one of them with his bare hands before he let them near her. He may not be able to be the man that she needed him to be, but he was going to make damn sure that she was okay and so was their baby if that’s what she really wanted and he knew it was.

His mate was going to have a little girl, a little girl he would never disappoint or hurt, but one he would also never see or hold. As he cut down the narrow alleyway between a pawnshop and a Chinese restaurant he wondered if she’d have Izzy’s hair or his. Would she be a short cute little thing like her mother or would she be tall like him. Cursing as he jumped over a fallen trash can, he wondered if his little girl was going to need someone to hold her at three in the morning and hum to her to help her fall back to sleep after her bottle the way Marc had when he was a baby or if she was going to wake up and need someone to come scare the monsters out from under her bed when she was six.

Now wasn’t the time for this bullshit, he reminded himself. He needed to keep his focus if he was going to keep them safe. He headed towards the dead end at the end of the alley and decided it was time to get rid of the minions. He forced himself to run faster as he approached the ten foot high brick wall and when he was about ten feet from it he shifted course and headed for the wall to his right. He jumped and quickly kicked off the wall and reached up, grabbing the rough edge of the brick wall and pulled himself over.

“Son of a bitch!” he heard a man yell and knew it was a human, because the shifters and demons were still on his ass.

“Freeze!” he heard his backup yell and he knew the human problem was taken care of. Now it was time to get rid of the rest of the riffraff so that he could haul his ass home before he did something he’d regret.

He chanced a look over his shoulder as he headed towards the long ago forgotten docks and warehouses and wondered if Kale Quinn was currently on his ass.

God, he hoped so. He’d love to take out the biggest threat to his mate so that Eric and his team had one less thing to worry about as they moved Izzy out of the country.

All he saw was a group of men and women determined to get their hands on him. He had no clue if Kale Quinn was back there since no one knew what the man looked like other than a few vague descriptions, but he doubted the man was. Based on his reputation alone, Chris knew the man would never follow along with this group. He would have already figured out a way to cut Chris off and take him down. The fact that he hadn’t made Chris nervous.

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