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Without Regret (Pyte/Sentinel 2)

Page 32

“We’re following the Council’s rules,” the leader said with a mocking smile as he gestured around them.

“We’re well away from the humans.”

“You’re two miles away from a bonfire,” Ephraim said, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Really?” the leader said, trying to appear innocent. “I guess we missed that,” he said, earning a few chuckles from his men.

“I guess you did,” Chris said tightly. “I guess we’re going to have to make sure you keep following my rules,” he drawled out coldly, earning nervous, and in her opinion, over the top looks of fear from the na**d men.

With a bored sigh she ran her eyes over the dozen na**d men in front of her. At least she had something pretty to look at, she thought as she ran her eyes over each man, noting their decent looks and mostly lean muscular bodies. She hadn’t missed the fact that most of them seemed to be very excited. She simply didn’t care. They didn’t do anything for her.

The man glowering down at her on the other hand did many naughtily delicious things to her nerves. As she looked over the leader of the bunch she couldn’t help but notice how well endowed he was, she wondered if Chris was as well endowed and giggled when she realized the first time she wondered about a man’s naughty parts she was in the middle of the woods surrounded by a group of g*y actors, she guessed since they were all na**d and obviously liking the view, who were going to try and scare her into giving up a program that two days ago she would have probably just sold to the highest bidder if the FBI hadn’t gotten involved.

“What’s so funny, bitch?” the leader growled, making her laugh even harder.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Chris demanded as he half stepped in front of her and pushed her back.

“Oh no, you guys went through so much trouble,” she said, not bothering to hide the fact that she was annoyed as she stepped in front of him, determined not to miss the little show that they went through so much trouble to put on for her, “the least I can do is……….,”

her words trailed off as she watched the men in front of her suddenly drop to their hands and knees, some growling as others cried out in pain.

She watched in horror as limbs elongated, sharp black claws shot out where fingernails should be, backs arched and lengthened the same time as their faces morphed from human to doglike as various shades of hair began to cover every inch of their skin.

“What the hell?’ she mumbled, stumbling back. This was real. Oh god, this was really happening. There was no way any of this could be staged considering it took movie studios weeks and hundreds of hours of tech work to get the same results she was seeing in person in a movie.

That meant…..

She swallowed hard. That meant she’d really been attacked by vampires or whatever the hell they were this morning and these men were turning into beasts right in front of her. Her eyes shot over to Ephraim who was kicking anything that tried to crawl into the woods back into the middle of the morphing men with surprising ease, sending them flying through the air as they howled.

He wasn’t human. None of them were human, she realized, taking several steps back as her brain screamed for her to run.

Chris grabbed her arm and pulled her closer until his warm breath fanned her ear. “Whatever you do, don’t run.”

Chapter 12

Izzy trembled beneath his hand and somehow he knew that they’d finally gotten through to her. Whatever bullshit she’d convinced herself was going on was now safely out of her mind and the new understanding that she needed to have in order to move forward and do her job was firmly in place.

He knew it would take time before she fully accepted her new understanding of the world and that was fine with him as long as she did her job while she figured things out. There wasn’t any time for sugar coated bullshit or hand holding. Madison had two babies on the way that they needed to protect and thanks to whatever she’d done to catch the attention of every f**king Master on earth they had a war to stop.

“Let me go!” she cried, struggling against his hold, momentarily making him feel like the heartless bastard so many accused him of being, but he pushed it aside.

She had a job to and she’d been slacking for way too long.

“We need to stop them from reaching the bonfire,” he bit out harshly as he yanked her forward once again.

“Please just let me go!” she begged, struggling uselessly against his hold. She was still weak, he noted with distaste.

He started to yank her forward again when movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Barely giving the werewolf a glance, he backhanded the bastard across the muzzle, sending him flying through the air.

“Oh my god, you’re not human,” Izzy gasped.

“No, I’m not,” he said, dragging her closer. When she squeezed her eyes shut he gripped her chin. “Look at me, Munchkin,” he ordered. When she reluctantly opened her eyes he continued, “No one in this field is human,” he said, watching as his words hit home.

“But, I’m-” she started to protest, but he didn’t have time for this bullshit.

“You’re a f**king Sentinel. Now get your ass in there and do your job before one of these ass**les gets loose and gets their hands on one of those kids,” he said, giving her a shake.

“What kids?” she asked in a daze as she frantically looked around.

“The f**king kids at the bonfire. They’re here to snag a few little girls,” he said, feeling the same disgust well up in him as it did when he’d first heard what these sick f**ks were up to.

They were all a bunch of pussies too f**king afraid to deal with a real woman so they were going around trying to snag themselves little girls. Since no female shifter in her right mind would join a pack without the protection of an Alpha they were forced to create their own females, females too weak even when changed to pose any real threat to the men.

Of course the moment the little girls came into their adult powers, became too much trouble or turned out to be a female Alpha this pack would kill them without a second’s hesitation and start looking for the next group of young girls to serve them. That’s exactly what happened two weeks ago according to his sources. These ass**les killed every female in their pack when they started to come into their adult powers and was now on the lookout for little girls to take their place from his territory.

Not f**king happening.

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