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Wingman [Woman]

Page 30

“You’re a daredevil,” he says, leaning over and pressing a kiss to my spine as he fucks me harder. “I knew you would be.”

I come first, throwing my head back and whimpering his name. He presses a hand to my belly and uses it to drive his thrusts, pumping into me harder.

“Come again for me,” he breathes into my ear. “Come harder.”

Another horn sounds, and someone yells, “Yeah dude, fuck her.”

Just knowing they can see what we’re doing but don’t know who we are sparks something inside me. It’s deranged, but I can’t stop myself from wanting it. The thrill that cascades through me is intense. Reign slows the pace, dragging his cock out before slowly shoving it back in.

“My cock is wet with you,” he pants. “Come again for me. Come on, baby.”

He reaches around and finds my clit, and he flicks it with his finger. I spread my legs wider, holding onto the railing. So close, oh God, I’m so close. He massages my clit a little harder, and tilts his hips up on that perfect angle.

I come again. This time he joins me, as if he had been holding out just for me. Feeling him pulsing inside me as I clench around him, hearing his hiss of pleasure, is enough to make any woman never want to let go.

He wraps an arm around me when we both come down from the high we were just on, and he pulls me back into him. “You’re cold.”

He pulls me backwards inside, and I don’t realize until we step back into the warmth that he is right, I am cold. He takes a robe from the back of the couch where I so lazily threw it a few days ago, and drapes it over my shoulders before leaning down and pressing a kiss to my neck. I close my eyes and breathe him in, finding myself not wanting to let him go.

“Are you hungry?” he asks.

I shake my head, nuzzling my nose into his neck.


I shake my head again.


After tonight, and all the shit that went down, I am actually quite tired. I nod.

“Come on. Let’s get you to sleep.”

He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into the room. My body is aching in the most pleasant way from our fucking. I flop down onto my bed the moment I reach it, not even bothering to take the robe off. Reign sits on the side of the mattress pulling back the sheets.

“Are you staying?” I ask on a yawn.

He shakes his head. “I can’t.”

I think it, but I don’t say it.


There are no prizes for second best. I keep telling myself that. It doesn’t stop me wanting Reign, though. It just keeps me understanding that there’s a good chance it’ll be me that gets hurt out of this.

“Stop thinking,” he says, his face hardening.

“I’m not,” I lie. I pull a blanket over me and sink into my pillow with a sigh.

He scoffs. “You’re a liar, but I’ll let it slip. Are you okay?”

“After tonight, you mean?”

He nods.

“I’m fine. Those men didn’t hurt me. They only scared me.”

His face hardens. “They won’t do it again in a hurry.”

“No.” I laugh softly. “I don’t imagine they will.”

He leans down and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. “Goodnight. Get some rest. I’ll call you in the morning.”

“Night, Reign.”

He stands, gloriously naked. When he gets to my door he turns and gives me what is quite possibly the warmest expression he’s ever gifted me with. “Night, babe.”

Then he’s gone.

I refuse to think about what we just did. Instead, I drift off into a deep, peaceful sleep.


“Good morning, Tiani,” Reign’s personal assistant smiles as I walk past reception.

He got another male personal assistant after Slutena’s antics, but he made sure to pick a . . . well . . . a not-so-attractive one. I don’t blame him really; it would be like a swift kick in the balls to have your P.A. banging your woman.

“Morning,” I yell, waving my hand.

I’m wearing my tiniest skirt, my tightest top and my hair is down. I won’t deny that I’m making the effort for Reign’s benefit, but after the other night, why the heck wouldn’t I? He rocked my world, quite literally. The neighbors will never look at me the same again.

I reach Reign’s office and knock gently on the door. I’m on my third knock when he yells out, “Yeah?”

Taking a breath, I twist the handle and step in. He’s sitting at his desk, phone pressed against his ear. He lets his gaze run up and down my body and a sexy smile spreads across his face as he gestures for me to come in. I do, shutting the door behind me. I place the lunch in my hands on his desk and smile over at him, pressing my palms to the hard wood. His eyes drop to my cleavage and he scoots his chair back, using his shoulder to hold the phone still as he pats his lap.

Eagerly, I rush over, gently dropping myself onto his lap. He leans us both back in the chair and uses his free hand to push my legs apart, dragging my skirt up to my hips. His fingers dip beneath my panties and a soft whimper leaves my mouth. He’s still on the phone, so it’s taking a lot for me to hold back my moans of pleasure.

“Yeah,” he says to the person on the phone. “Call them and organize it. I want the renovations done by the end of the week.”

His fingers glide up, seeking out my aching clit. He finds it effortlessly and gently presses on it, causing more whimpering to escape my lips.

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