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Page 71

He gave me a wicked smile, then held me apart with his fingers and licked through my core.

My back came off the bed and my fingers flew to his head to push him away…to pull him closer. “Holy shit.”

His tongue swirled around my clit as one of his fingers slipped inside me, and I was a whirlwind of pleasure. “You taste even better than I imagined,” he said against my flesh. “How do you want it?”

My chest heaved, the tension in me so tight that I was afraid I’d snap. “I…I don’t know,” I answered.

“Tell me,” he ordered with another long stroke of his tongue.

Sparks flew behind my eyes. “I don’t know! God, that’s amazing.”

He lifted his head, his gorgeous eyes slightly wide. “You’ve never had someone go down on you.”

My teeth sank into my lower lip, and I shook my head.

A fierce look of possessiveness washed over his face. “Even better. Hold on to the sheets, Firecracker.”

My hands gripped the sheets, twisting them between my fingers as he set his mouth back on me, licking, sucking, exploring me with his fingers, lips, and tongue. He pressed where I gasped, lingered where I moaned, thrust his tongue inside me when my hips bucked against him.

My legs shook, the tension within me so tight it was a blissful torture. Then he whispered, “Let go, baby,” and with one more stroke of my clit, I was flying, waves of euphoria washing over me, through me, as I came, his name on my lips.

He ran his tongue over his lower lip, and I nearly came again. How the hell was someone that sexy? How am I ever going to look at you again without remembering what you can do with that mouth?

“That’s the general point,” he said.

“Shit, I said that out loud.” I grimaced.

He grinned, but it was strained. “And much appreciated.”

Every line of his body was strained to the max, his muscles nearly locked, tiny beads of sweat dotting his forehead, telling me that he needed to be inside me as badly as I needed him there.

“Condom?” I asked.

He leaned over the bed, grabbing one from his bag.

I laughed at how prepared he was. “Planned this, did you?”

He ripped the foil packet open and rolled it over his erection, the sight sending another wave of want through me even though I should be sated. But my body was more than ready for what was next.

“Hey, a guy’s allowed to dream,” he said, his weight settling on me as I brought my knees up to cradle his hips.

“You dreamed this?” I asked, kissing the stubble along his jaw.

“I fantasized this, and I promise the reality is even better. But you…” He cupped my face as his erection nudged my entrance. “You’re the dream.”

He kissed me, and I melted into him, into what we could be. His thumbs stroked over my nipples, and that fire was kindled in my belly again. I rocked against him, letting him know that I was ready, and he simply tugged on my lower lip with his teeth. “Patience.”

Fuck patience, I wanted him now.

Then his hand reached between us, his fingers lightly petting me, stroking the hypersensitive flesh, and I arched up against him, taking his breaths in my gasps as he worked me over, brought me back to the brink while restraining himself.

“Paxton, please. I want you inside me. I need you.”

He groaned. “God, you kill me.”

I reached between us and guided him to me. With one hand he gripped the back of my head, looking deeply into my eyes. “You’re everything,” he promised as he thrust home.

We both cried out.

I burned a tiny bit from the stretch, but he held still, kissing every other thought from my head as I adjusted to having him inside me.

When I moved my hips against his, he groaned and then began to move with sure, steady strokes, lingering inside me before beginning again, like he couldn’t bear to leave but couldn’t wait to come back.

Each stroke hit exactly where I needed, filled and moved me, fed the fire that was dying to be set free. His hips kept perfect rhythm, never breaking pace as he made love to me, his eyes never leaving mine except during his kisses.

Even when I thought he’d be spent, his muscles locked, he kept moving, kept stroking me higher and higher until I felt that edge approaching, but I needed more.

“Pax,” I whimpered, “I need—”

“Yeah, I know,” he agreed, cradling my ass to rock into me harder, faster. I wrapped my legs around his hips, and his eyes squeezed shut. “You’re so fucking perfect. So tight. Wet. Hot. God, Leah. I want to live here.”

That mouth of his pushed me higher, and I rocked against him, meeting his thrusts until he was pistoning within me, rubbing over every nerve I had, then using one thumb to press against my clit and kissing me. “Let me feel you come around me.” His eyes begged, and I was powerless against the intensity of that look, the way he saw through to my soul as he worshipped my body. “Leah.”

He rubbed his thumb in a circle over me as he switched angles, hitting a spot so perfect that I had no choice but to let go, allowing the orgasm to take me to the stars while he kept me anchored to the earth. I felt him tense above me, within me, and he growled my name as he came, shuddering with exertion.

I’d never felt so exhausted or so alive in my life.

He held me until our breathing calmed, then cleaned us both up before pulling me into the shelter of his body, settling the covers over us.

Out of everything he’d done to my body, it had been the way he’d looked at me that had sent me spiraling, and I had to laugh.

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