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Where Darkness Lies

Page 7

“Jesus,” he roars. “Are you always so frustrating?”

“I told you that you took the wrong girl,” I point out between giggles.

“Answer my questions, or I’ll tie you back up. Is that what you fuckin’ want?”

“Your threats don’t work, you bossy-ass pirate wannabe.”

His brows shoot up. “What did you just call me?”

“I didn’t stutter,” I smirk.

“Firstly, what did I say about you callin’ me a pirate?”

I roll my eyes. “Okay, Mr. I Steal Girls, Play On Ships, And Fuck Up Bad Guys But I’m Not A Pirate.”

His jaw tics. “Watch it.”

I huff. “Or what?”

He ignores that question. “What kind of technology does Hendrix have on his ship?”

“I don’t know because I never went into the navigation office.”

He sighs angrily.

“What kind of weapons does he have?”

“Well, you know . . . the usual.”

He glares at me.

“Guns, what do you think he has?” I snort. “Toy swords? Jesus, ask a real question.”

He puts a hand over his face, running it down slowly. I can see he’s clearly trying to gather his control.

“Bombs? Knives? Swords? Cannons?”

I raise my brows. “All of the above . . . maybe?”

“What do you mean, maybe?”

“I worked as a nurse, Dimitri. I didn’t pay attention to all of that.”

“Jesus,” he mutters. “Fine, just tell me what you do know.”

“He is a pirate.”

“For fuck’s sake!” he bellows. “Stand up.”

I do as he asks, only because his voice is so icy it actually has me reconsidering my sarcasm.

“Now, I’ll ask once more. You don’t answer me, I’ll put you on that bed and shackle you for the entire day. If you piss yourself, it won’t be my problem.”

“You’re a piece of work!”

He shrugs. “I’ll do what I have to do. Now, I’ll ask one more time. Tell me what you know about Hendrix.”

I take a deep breath and know I have to word this just right. I don’t want to give too much away.

“Hendrix is a pirate.” He opens his mouth to argue, but I continue. “He’s the best there is. He knows that ship like the back of his hand and, better yet, he knows the ocean equally well. He’s got the best tracking systems there are and he’s got a good supply of weapons. He knows all the islands back to front and he’s got great contacts at all the docks. That’s all you’ll get from me.”

Dimitri nods stiffly and turns, walking toward the door.

“No ‘thank you’? Really?”

He makes a grumbling sound and steps out, slamming the door behind him.

Damn, he’s a hard one to break.



Two days I’ve been at Dimitri’s house, and in that two days I’ve spent most of my time in the room. I’m not complaining, it’s been nice to be able to catch up on some much needed rest—though, while resting, I think a lot about Hendrix and how I can make sure he doesn’t get hurt. It’s hard when we’re on land. If we were on the ocean, I would be able to plan; here, I’ve got nothing.

Dimitri has taken me into the library once, where he let me read while he worked. This surprised me, but I didn’t argue. I love to read and it gave me a chance to watch him. He’s a solid worker, his voice stays one tone when he’s working, and he doesn’t stray, not even when his pretty maid comes in and offers him beverages. Not only does she offer him beverages, she also adds cleavage to the deal.

I’m sitting by the window today, just staring out at the beautiful gardens. I’ve read almost all of the readable books in the house, which is a whole of about two, so now I’m spending my time wandering around completely restless. The more I sit, the more I think. I don’t like thinking, it only upsets me. I can’t let my shell crack, because if it does, Dimitri will see what really lies beneath the surface.

“Mary is gettin’ you some new clothes, I need your size.”

I hear Dimitri’s voice and turn to see him standing at the door.

“Maybe I’d prefer not to wear clothes.”

His face doesn’t even flinch.

“Really? Not a smile? Nothing? No twitch down below?”

His brows raise.

“Jeez Louise, someone needs to loosen up. I’m a size four.”

His eyes travel down my body, before lifting back to my face. “Figured.”

“Are you saying you’ve thought about my size?”

He sighs and shakes his head. “I know women.”

“Obviously not well enough, because you had to ask me.”

There go those grinding teeth.

“We’re done here. I’ll have some clothes brought for you.”

“Why?” I ask as he’s turning.

He doesn’t look back at me, but he does say, “Because you’re likely to be with me a while. It’s not going to be easy getting Hendrix where I want him. It gets cold. You can’t live in only what you’re wearing.”

Then he steps out and leaves me with a slightly hanging mouth.

He’s looking after me. He might not admit it, but he is.

I can’t help but smile.

“Get up.”

I hear a voice, but my mind is refusing to come around so quickly. It must be midnight, it has to be—I went to bed around ten and I know I haven’t been sleeping long. I groan and I shift my stiff, overly warm body. I’m still wrapped in my cocoon and there is some serious heat trapped inside it.

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