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When Day Breaks

Page 60

Eden acknowledged the silent message with a subtle dip of her head.

Eden listened to her instructions on autopilot, too absorbed in the moment with Swanny, imagining him undressing her. Her undressing him. Them making love. Her lips parted unconsciously and she licked them, ignoring the yelled encouragement from the director and photographer.

Her focus was solely on Swanny, watching his reaction to their mental lovemaking. His gaze promised her all she was imagining and so much more. His eyes bore into her until she could literally feel the heat between them, all consuming. And yet through it all she never faltered. She never moved. She was too much of a professional to allow herself total distraction. But still, she drifted further and further under Swanny’s spell, counting the minutes until they could be alone again. Skin to skin. Mouth to mouth. Joined as intimately as a man and woman could be joined.

An ache began between her legs, spreading through her body until her br**sts were heavy and she was hyperaware. So sensitive that any touch would border on pain.

“Whoever he is, he’s a lucky bastard,” the photographer muttered as he snapped another series of photos.

That yanked Eden’s attention away from Swanny and she glared down at the photographer, unsure of whether she’d heard what it was he said.

“What the hell are you talking about?” she demanded.

The photographer grinned. “Your lover, gorgeous. You must be thinking of him. Never seen you look quite so sexy as today and you’ve always been off the charts. But there’s definitely something different about you now.”

“Well since he isn’t you, then I’d say it’s none of your business,” Eden said icily, staring him down until he had the grace to look way, color staining his cheeks.

“Get the hell off my set,” Lonnie said in disgust. “And leave the memory card behind. You’re fired.”

The younger photographer paled. “What?”

“You ruined what was, up until now, one of the best shoots I’ve ever had the pleasure of directing with your big mouth. You think we’re going to get that back now?”

He turned, acknowledging KGI for the first time, since he’d spent all his time trying to ignore their presence altogether.

“See that the gentleman is escorted from the building.”

Swanny stepped forward before his teammates could, a scowl darkening his features. “With pleasure.”

“I’ll go with,” Edge quickly said. Eden could see the slight concern in Edge’s features that the photographer might have an accidental fall on the way out, courtesy of Swanny.

“The memory card goes with me,” the photographer said firmly, his features changing from shocked surprise to ugly anger.

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Lonnie said silkily. “Read your contract, boy. Those pictures belong to Aria. So take it out, and if you ruin it, I’ll make sure you never work in this business again. Not to mention you’ll be sued for millions of dollars that Aria will claim they lost because those photos wouldn’t be able to be used in their campaign.”

With a sullen look, the photographer carefully withdrew the memory card and thrust it toward Lonnie. But Lonnie still stood there expectantly, hand held out for the camera.

Swanny had gripped the man around his upper arm and now squeezed until the photographer winced.

“Give him the camera,” Swanny said in a menacing voice.

Looking like a petulant child, the photographer handed over the camera and Lonnie proceeded to make sure every photo was saved to the card, and then went through deleting every single photo stored on the camera itself.

Lonnie nodded at Swanny. “He can go now.”

Swanny turned him around and Edge fell into step on the photographer’s other side and gripped his arm in the same fashion Swanny had as they propelled him from the studio.

When they got to the entrance they all but threw him out and he stumbled onto the sidewalk.

“I’ll sue you for this,” the photographer yelled. “I’ll have bruises. I’ll file assault charges.”

Swanny gave him a bored look. Edge merely studied his fingernails, digging at invisible lint underneath one.

“Whatever makes you happy,” Swanny drawled. “But understand me on this, boy. You f**k with Eden in any way, and I mean any way at all, and I’ll come after you. There isn’t a rock you can hide under where I can’t find you. That’s what I do for a living. I get rid of cockroaches just like you and crush them underneath my boot.”

The young man went white as a sheet and then turned and fled down the busy street.

Edge laughed and clapped Swanny on the shoulder. “Let’s go get your girl. I think Lonnie has pretty much called it quits for the day after that stunt.”


EDEN kept glancing in Swanny’s direction on the way back to the hotel, and he could tell she was dying to say what was on her mind or had some burning question on her tongue. Several times she’d even parted her lips as if to speak, and then, as if changing her mind, she promptly shut them again.

This time Skylar was on Eden’s other side so Eden was seated in the middle of the backseat between her and Swanny. Edge was riding shotgun, which left Nathan and Joe in the lead vehicle, along with their purchases made earlier in the day, as they traveled back to the hotel.

“Say what’s on your mind, honey,” Swanny murmured.

Then he wondered if he should have encouraged that since he had no idea what it was she wanted to ask and Skylar was right there, although Swanny knew damn well Skylar wasn’t in the least fooled. She knew there were some serious sparks between Swanny and Eden and hell, the women had been thick as thieves today, whispering and likely stirring up mischief. He was just worried it was directed at him and wondered if he should be ducking and running for cover. ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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