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Way Down East - A Romance of New England Life

Page 35

"I have no home." She looked at them desperately, her dark eyes

appealing to one and the other, as if they were the jury that held her

life in the balance. Only one pair of eyes seemed to hold out any hope.

"If you would only try me I could soon prove to you that I am not

worthless." Unconsciously she held out her hand in entreaty.

"Here we are, here we are, all off for Boston!" The voice was Hi's. He

was just turning in at the field gate with Kate beside him. Kate, a

ravishing vision, in pink muslin; a smiling, contented vision of happy,

rosy girlhood, coming back to the home-nest, where a thousand welcomes

awaited her.

"Hello, every one!" she said, running in and kissing them in turn, "how

nice it is to be home."

They forgot the homeless stranger and her pleading for shelter in their

glad welcome to the daughter of the house. She had shrunk back into the

shadow. She had never felt the desolation, the utter loneliness of her

position so keenly before.

"Hurrah for Kate!" cried the Squire, and everyone took it up and gave

three cheers for Kate Brewster.

The wanderer withdrew into the deepest shadow of the porch, that her

alien presence might not mar the joyous home-coming of Kate Brewster.

There was no jealousy in her soul for the fair girl who had such a royal

welcome back to the home-nest. She would not have robbed her of it if

such a thing had been possible, but the sense of her own desolation

gripped at the heart like an iron band.

She waited like a mendicant to beg for the chance of earning her bread.

That was all she asked--the chance to work, to eat the bread of

independence, and yet she knew how slim the chance was. She had been

wandering about seeking employment all day, and no one would give it.

Only Dave had not forgotten the stranger is the joy of Kate's

home-coming. He had welcomed the flurry of excitement to say a few words

to his mother, his sworn ally in all the little domestic plots.

"Mother," he said, "do contrive to keep that girl. It would be nothing

short of murder to turn her out on the highway."

A pressure of the motherly hand assured Dave that he could rely on her


"Well, well, Katie," said the Squire with his arm around his niece's

waist, "the old place has been lonely without you!"

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