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Way Down East - A Romance of New England Life

Page 30

But this blessed state of affairs was not long to continue. Anna, as

she grew stronger, felt the necessity of seeking employment, but to

this the baby proved a formidable obstacle. No one would give a young

woman, hampered with a child, work. She would come back to the baby at

night worn out in mind and body, after a day of fruitless searching.

These long trips of the little mother, with the consequent long absence

and exhaustion on her return, did not improve the little one's health,

and almost before Anna realized it was ailing, the baby sickened and

died. It was her cruelest blow. For the child's sake she had taken up

her interest in life, made plans; and was ready to work her fingers to

the bone, but it was not to be and with the first falling of the clods

on the little coffin, Anna felt the last ray of hope extinguished from

her heart.

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