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Page 34

“I finished going over the inventory and expenditures for the shelters with Mina. She’s taken a liking to Bernard, by the way.”

Terry grunted when she mentioned his new human secretary. Gemma imagined he still missed Carl. It was taking a while to warm up to the new man, no matter how efficient he was.

“And I’ve cleared up the details on the trade meeting with Ernesto’s people.”

“Will Baojia be there?”

“I think he’s still in San Diego.”

Terry growled. He and Don Ernesto Alvarez had a good working relationship, but it had been tested by Ernesto’s treatment of his head of security, who Terry considered a friend. The immortal leader of Southern California could be a hard man, and one known to hold a grudge.

“Don’t let it become a wedge, darling. He’s an important ally.”

“I know that. But he’s being a fool over sentiment.”

According to rumor, Baojia had let a favored relative of Ernesto’s come to harm. Gemma knew it to be the father of Beatrice De Novo, Ernesto’s favorite granddaughter. Since then, the skilled water vampire had been exiled to minor assignments in San Diego and out of active participation in Ernesto’s business and political negotiations.

“What did you want to talk about?” Gemma asked. He’d sent a note with Roger for her to join him when he usually liked working alone.

“I’ve been thinking about Spain again.” He stepped back and picked up the wood plane, going to work on another plank that would form part of the bow. “Can’t seem to get it off my mind.”

“Neither can I,” she said with a satisfied smile.

He laughed. “Not the fun part, the other bit.”

“Oh?” She sat in a scarred chair next to the workbench and watched him get back to work.

“Leonor in Spain.” He ran the plane down the board with a level thrust.

“Who appears to be stabilizing her position since she rid herself of Guillermo.”

“Mmhmm. Murphy in Dublin.” He took another long swipe and a curl of wood fell to the floor.

“Also seems stabilized now, particularly with Carwyn and Brigid nearby.”

“Jean Desmarais in Marseilles. The Dutchmen your brother spoke about.” He planed the board again. “Me.”

She nodded, starting to see his train of thought. “All facing challenges or unforeseen threats in the last year or so.”

“Just when we start hearing more rumors about this bloody Elixir drug.”

“What are you thinking?”

He paused, hand resting on the board. “What do they all have in common, Gem?”

She blinked. It was so obvious. Why hadn’t she realized it before? “Shipping.”

Terry nodded. “Shipping.”

“All those being felt out by whoever was pulling Guillermo’s strings have strong shipping interests.” Of course! Gemma wanted to kick herself for not seeing it sooner.

“You always were a brilliant woman.”

“A bit slow on this one. Have you talked to my father?”

“Not yet. I want to meet with Ernesto first. All the major Atlantic shipping powers are being felt out for weaknesses. I’m curious about the Pacific. The Dutch still go back and forth; we might try a meeting with them if your brother could arrange something.”

“He will. If nothing else than to repay the favor for Rene. I haven’t heard anything from the Scandinavians, but then, they tend to be very close-lipped.”

“See if Jetta is amenable to a meeting. I believe she sired that bloke who attacked Brigid. You could feel out her position.”

“So whoever is behind the Elixir manufacturing is involved in shipping.”

Terry nodded. “Either involved or wants to be.” He swept the wood plane down the board once more before he paused. “Hundreds... thousands of years, luv. Some things don’t change much. You control the oceans...”

“You command trade. Especially in our world.”

“The richest immortals are still those who rule the seas, Gem. God knows that’s how we’ve made our fortune.”

She stood. “So, what do we do?”

Terry shrugged. “Keep an eye on the water and fortify our position. Keep in touch with allies like Alvarez and Murphy. That’s all we can do right now.” He set down the tool and walked toward her. “We’ll be fine. We just have to be careful. But you and I...” He put an arm around her waist and pulled her hard against him, swooping down to place a searing kiss on her mouth. “We’re a force to be reckoned with. I’m not worried about us.”

Gemma purred in pleasure, tucking her hands under his waistband and against the cool silk of his skin. “Did you really only ask me here to talk politics and strategy?”

“No.” Terry grinned and tossed her over his shoulder. “We’ve got a boat to christen, don’t we?”


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