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Page 32

“I did no such—”

“Maybe if you appreciated the human’s technology a bit more, you’d realize we’ve already been on the phone to London, Guillermo.” Terry stood as the other vampire jumped to his feet. “Maybe you’d realize that my head of security has already investigated the death of Carl Stanton. Maybe you’d realize he kept records of your meeting in his electronic organizer.”

Guillermo bared his fangs and started toward the door, only to be halted by the tiny form of Luisa, who stood in front of it, a bloody dagger in her hand and fangs bared.

“Luisa, have the others been dispatched?” Gemma asked.

“Si, Señora.” She brought the blade up and licked at a drop of blood. “I left the human alive for later.”

“He may have nothing to do with Guillermo’s betrayal. We’ll question him, but leave his fate to Leonor,” Terry added.

The Spaniard stood frozen in the middle of the room. “Leonor will hear of this. You have started a war.”

Terry roared in laughter. “You can’t have it both ways, boy! Do you think she’ll believe your word over ours? With what has happened here tonight?”

Guillermo sneered. “You know nothing. Do you know who I—”

“Who you are?” Gemma broke in. “Of course we do. I only grieve that my old friend has to face the decision you have forced on her. I hear her coming right now, in fact.”

The look of horror on the vampire’s face could not be hidden. His eyes darted around the room, but Terry only said quietly, “Try it. Luisa is very quick with the knife, you know. She used to perform on stage.”

The round-faced immortal beamed from the doorway as Guillermo shifted his eyes toward the windows. Luisa edged closer as Terry felt Leonor’s energy approaching.

“Luisa,” Gemma said, “would you be so kind as to greet our guest and her entourage at the door? Please see if they’d like any refreshment.”

Luisa bowed slightly and backed away. Guillermo started to edge toward the door again.

“Do try,” Gemma said, at his side in the blink of an eye. “Killing you would be worth ruining this dress.”

Terry saw Guillermo trying to muster his courage. “When Leonor—”

“When I what?” The Spanish noblewoman entered the room with not even a whisper. She leaned against the wall and edged the library door closed with the tip of one designer heel. Gemma backed away. “When I arrive? Do finish your sentence, Guillermo, for I am here.”

“Leonor,” Terry said. “Welcome. Has Luisa taken care of you?”

The stunning woman raised a single eyebrow. “Luisa has taken care of quite a lot this evening, including me.”

Gemma stood to greet the Spanish leader. “Leonor. How are you?”

“I am sad, my friend. How true it is: To be forced to part allegiance with those you thought you could trust is sad, indeed.”

Guillermo lurched toward her. “Madre—”

In a blur, she had him by the throat, fangs bared and wine-colored nails cutting into her child’s neck. “Do not call me your mother,” she spat in Spanish. “Did you think I would not know of your trifling attempts? I am only sorry that my friends were pulled into this. You have shamed me. Shamed my court with your petty manipulations and delusions of grandeur.”

“Madre—Leonor... I can explain.” Guillermo forced out in a strangled voice.

“No, you cannot.” She lifted him higher. “I will extract every piece of information about these allies of yours. Then, my son, I will kill you.”

“You wouldn’t.” Guillermo’s voice came in a high desperate whine.

Leonor’s voice was tinged with sorrow. “You know I will.”

A crashing sound came from the hall, a shattering of glass, then suddenly, the room was filled with smoke.

“Tear gas!” Gemma yelled.

“Smoke grenades, too.” Terry snarled as the cloud filled the room. The gas did little to affect vampire breathing as they didn’t need oxygen, but it did cause the eyes to water and the scent was overwhelming to his sensitive nose. He heard Leonor hiss and drop Guillermo, but could see nothing as the grey smoke began to fill the room.

“Gemma?” he shouted.

“Luisa?” He heard her calling for the maid and bodyguard. “Luisa, where are you?”

A flurry of voices yelled in Spanish, some he recognized, some he did not. Terry’s only thought was for Gemma. Just as he was about to burst into a rage, he felt her grab his hand. The blood leapt in his veins as she pulled him closer.

“They’ve broken into the house,” she said. “I can’t see or hear—”

Just then, a frustrated scream rose from the clouded room and the sound of windows shattering broke through the confusion. Terry lunged toward the voice.


More glass shattered as vampires poured into the room. Terry recognized the small form of their housekeeper as she methodically went to each window, breaking it and clearing the room of smoke.

“Leonor?” Gemma shouted.

“I’m here.” Her voice was hoarse, but she was surrounded by four vampires dressed in dark grey suits. There was no Guillermo in sight. “Damn my arrogance. I should have brought my guard.”

“You had no way of knowing, my lady,” one murmured as he held out a handkerchief.

Terry looked back at Gemma, but his wife was already composing herself, dabbing at blood-tinged tears that stained her face and ordering Luisa to bring wine for their guests. Terry swiped at his face, brushing back the helping hands of their humans, who had come from the servants quarters upstairs.

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