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Waltz of Her Life

Page 97

Suzy stood beside them and showed her the steps. Soon the two couples rock-stepped and twirled back and forth and Linda laughed with joy.

"Try turning her out," Vic said, "Like this." He pushed Suzy away and held her with one hand, which he lifted and guided her through a spin turn."

Seth shrugged. At the end of one rock-step, he lifted his hand for Linda to turn under, but she took two walking steps along with Seth's lead. Linda turned twice and nearly stumbled, but Seth caught her. "You pivot, like this," Suzy said, showing her. "Just like in band. Were you ever in band?"

With that little tip, Linda was able to turn smoothly the next time Seth lifted his hand. Vic and Suzy broke apart and clapped for them. "You guys are getting it! You look great together!"

Linda jumped up and hugged Seth, planting a kiss on his cheek. He held her and said "I can do much better than that," and lowered his lips to tenderly kiss her, pressing his lips softly against hers.

Vic and Suzy had to leave after a couple of more songs, saying that they had other places to get to. Linda and Seth just returned to their seats and their drinks. They watched the crowd inside the bar steadily thicken-still nowhere near what Linda had seen during the school year-but a busy Saturday night none-the-less. By then, Linda coyly sat beside Seth, raised up on her knees so that she could rest on his shoulder. "I'm so glad you came this weekend," she said.

He smiled warmly and said "Me, too."

After a few more songs and a couple of more drinks, he turned to her. "What do you say we spend some time together alone?"

Linda knew exactly what he meant, and she was ready. "Okay."

At Seth's motel room, they sat cozily together on the bed and watched Same Time, Next Year on television together. The movie was romantic, with some comic elements. Soon Seth turned to her, leaned in for a deep kiss, and tenderly stroked her hair. His hands gradually moved to her neck, her shoulders, then her breasts, which were swaying lightly in the cups of a light, satin bra. She burned for, him, ached for him, and when his hand cradled her breasts she gasped, as if electricity had shot through her.

Next, their clothing became unbuttoned, or slipped off. Seth sat next to her, shirtless as she flitted her fingertips over his chest muscles and small tufts of downy, blond hair like butterflies. He groaned, reaching for the hook clasps at the back of Linda's bra, unhooking them with a twist of his fingertips. "I want you," he said. "Oh, I want you. I've always wanted you."

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