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Waltz of Her Life

Page 225

She attended the dance party that next Friday night. Roger's Shall We Dance studio had re-invigorated the entire building. Other tenants moved in, encouraged by the inexpensive rent, and the building management had repaired glass and archways along with power-washing and sand blasting the brick facades. New students flocked to the studio in the elegant retro building, and Linda felt deliriously happy for Roger.

His Grand Benefactor program had been a huge success in getting the studio off on the right foot. Roger made improvements to the studio, such as a brand new front desk with a granite countertop, and he ripped out the walls, replacing them with glass, so that all the managers and teachers on breaks could see the lessons and parties out on the dance floor. He'd also re-shellacked the decades-old hardwood floor and put in new, warm LCD fixtures overhead.

The staff working for him warmly greeted her as she stepped off the elevator and into the classically-appointed, soothing lobby. Roger had hired a bunch of bright, pretty women and men in their twenties to teach the lessons and work the parties. He also emceed the parties, entertaining the crowd like a Vegas performer: "I want to thank everyone for coming. Jeez, can you believe it's gonna be the year 2017 soon? Yeah, me neither. I saw this movie on the pod the other day Back to the Future Part 2.Anybody else see that? It was made in 1989, way before my time (he rolled his eyes for effect). But did they mess up or what? They had flying cars!

Kids on skateboards that hovered! Look outside these windows, folks. DO YOU SEE ANY FREAKING FLYING CARS?"

Roger always saved at least one dance for Linda. He would walk over to the special table reserved for her and all of the other grand benefactors. Usually he chose a waltz for them, but sometimes he surprised her with a tango or a West Coast Swing. As the party ended, he sought her out and then took her aside. "Hey, before you take off, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure." As the crowd thinned out she walked with him into his office, at the center of the glass wall. He sat down with her in the chairs placed in front of his desk. Before their seats got warm beneath them, a fresh-faced young guy with ash blond hair appeared at the doorway, smiling down at them.

Roger said "Linda, have you met Tristan before? One of my brightest young male instructors?"

He reached down to shake Linda's hand. "Yes, we've met," she said. "Thank you so much for the dance."

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