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Up to Me

Page 7

She squeezes my hand back.  I take that as a good sign that maybe she doesn’t completely blame me.  Well, maybe that she doesn’t completely hate me.  Because the blame, no doubt, falls to me.

“Sir, we do have a suite available through next weekend.  Do you have a Rewards card with us?”


“Yes, sir.  I’ll just need your driver’s license and the credit card you’d like to use for payment.”

I notice she doesn’t mention a rate for the room.  I suppose it’s understood that, when you ask for a suite at a hotel like this, it’s going to be exorbitant.  I hand her the card for Dual.  It’s listed under the name of the corporation, so no one should be able to track its usage. Also, I specify that I want the reservation under that same name, for billing and tax purposes.  She nods her head in understanding.

For most people, that would seem completely reasonable.  And she’s no exception.  Several times, I see her eyes flicker to Olivia.  No doubt she thinks I’m a business man having an illicit affair on the company dime.  I don’t care what she thinks, though, as long as it’s nowhere near the truth.

“Here are your keys, sir.  Your suite is on the fifteenth floor.  Suite elevators are just behind the water wall.  Wave your key in front of the infrared eye once the elevator doors close.  It will take your floor.  Your room will be to your left as you exit the elevator.  If you have need of anything, my name is Angela.  It would be my pleasure to assist you.”

“Thank you, Angela.  One question: do you offer twenty-four hour room service?”

Yes, sir.  In-room dining is available at any time to our suite guests.”

“Fine.  I think we’re all set for the night then.”

“Yes, sir.  Enjoy your stay.”

After taking the keys and the packet of information Angela hands me, I put my hand in the small of Olivia’s back and guide her to the elevators.  Once inside, her silence continues.  I don’t try to urge her into conversation because I know she has only questions, questions about things we shouldn’t be discussing in a public elevator.

When the car comes to a smooth stop and the doors open with a muted whoosh¸ I usher Olivia out and to the left.  I open the suite door and let her precede me into the room.

I can tell by her expression she’s never seen accommodations like these before.  Despite her shock and fear, she’s still clearly impressed.  And the suite they gave us is pretty upscale.  It makes me happy I’ve got the money to treat her to something like this, even though the circumstances are less than desirable.

The first thing I notice when I walk through the door is the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows that look out over the impressive Atlanta skyline.  They are the backdrop for the living room straight ahead, as well as the dining room to the left.  Both rooms are done in a beige color and dark red.  The lighting is soft, which has a soothing effect.  As a guy, I totally approve.  There’s a huge flat screen at one end of the living room and, beyond that, double doors that open to the bedroom.  

I walk straight to the leather-bound hotel guide on the coffee table.  Opening it to the menu, I hand it to Olivia.

“I’m sure you’re hungry.  Why don’t you pick something to order from room service.  I’ll wait until they deliver it to leave.”

“Leave?  Where are you going?”

“Someone will be calling me back in another forty minutes.  I want to be at the club when they do, just in case they can track my GPS.  After the call, I’ll get us burner phones to use until I can get this taken care of.”

“Taken care of?  Cash, tell me what’s going on.”

I sigh.  And I think again, Damn, I hate that I dragged her into all this.  If I could’ve just stayed away from her…

“They’ve got Marissa.  They want me to bring the books.  They’re going to call back one hour from the first call.”

“You can’t take them the books by yourself, Cash.  They’ll kill you both!  You need to call the police.  My uncle is a very influential man.  He’ll have people moving heaven and earth to get his daughter back.”

“Which is why he can never know.  Until it’s over, that is.  It’ll be a greater risk to her if we draw attention to it.  They’ll have more reason to clean up their mess.  If I can get this done quietly, get Marissa back, I can figure out a new plan.”

“You’re going in there alone?  To give them what they want and then expect them to let you go?  And take Marissa with you?  Cash, I don’t even know these people and I know that’s not what they’ll do.  Criminals don’t work like that.”

I want to grin at her.  Like she has a lot of experience with criminals.  Ha!  No doubt, this is all based on some classic mobster movies.

“Olivia, my father knows these people.  Better than anyone.  I’m not doing anything until I can talk to him.  The books are hidden.  I’m gonna tell them that they’re in a safety deposit box and that I can’t get to them until Monday when the banks open.  I would’ve already told them that, but they just told me they had Marissa, to go get the books and they’d call me in an hour with a place to meet.”

“So, you’re gonna leave Marissa with them until Monday?”

The look in her eye plainly says she thinks that’s something a monster would do.

Flattening the binder up against her chest, I step closer to her and cup her cheek with my palm.  “If I had any other choice, I wouldn’t do this.  But I don’t.  I need time.  They won’t do anything to her until they get what they want.  And I have to be damn sure I’ve got my ducks in a row before I give them the only leverage I have.”

She searches my eyes.  And I let her.  I know she has trust issues anyway, thinking I’m the bad boy through and through.  The reality of my situation only makes things that much worse.  If she can just stick with me a little while longer…

“Can you trust me?  Please!  I know I’ve not given you many reasons to, but this one time, just go with your heart.  I promise you, promise you¸ I won’t let you down.”

Even as I say the words, I know there’s no way I can make a promise like that.  But what I can promise is that, if I do, it won’t be because I didn’t do everything in my power to live up to being the kind of guy she deserves. I want to be worth the risk.  I want her to finally fall for the right guy.

She says nothing, only nods.  I know it’s hard for her, but the fact that she’s willing to try gives me hope.  Maybe bringing some familiar things will help ease her mind.  I know she dropped her bag just inside the door of her apartment and I didn’t pick it up as we were leaving.  I’ll go by and get it on my way back.  Maybe that will make her feel better.  But, then again, I’m a guy.  What the hell do I know?

“Tell me what you want to eat. I’ll order it.  When it gets here, you can eat while I’m out.  I’ll go by your place and get your bag and some more clothes, and lock up.  Is there anything specific you need?”

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