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Page 24

I bring my face closer, closer to his, until our lips are just inches apart.

“Take me.” I breathe as my mouth finds his. “I’m yours.”

Emerson lets out a tormented groan, and then his control is gone, all restraint lost as he sweeps me into his arms, his lips crashing down on mine in a searing kiss that shocks right through me.

He slams me up against the cabinet, devouring me with his mouth, his body, his hands. I clutch eagerly to him, overcome by my hunger, to know every part of him; feel everything. He lifts me as if I weigh nothing, and I wrap my legs tight around his waist. I kiss him back with everything I have, already pulling his T-shirt over his head so my hands can roam across the warm skin of his shoulders, his back, his chest. I slide my hands over the smooth planes, marveling at the taut, hard muscles. The beauty of him.

Emerson breaks the kiss, yanking my dress straps down and raking his tongue across my br**sts. I gasp, the sensation rippling through me, a thick pull that itches in my veins and pools with an ache between my thighs. I thrust against him, reckless, wanton, loving the feel of his mouth closing around my nipple, teasing and toying until I’m crying out for more.

Emerson lifts me away from the wall, and we fall to the floor in a tangle of limbs and hot, greedy kisses. I lick across his chest, savoring the taste of his skin, and the way his whole body flinches under my mouth. He shoves my dress down, yanking it off the whole way so I’m trapped beneath him in just my lace bra and panties. Exposed.

He catches his breath, looking down at me with a fierce tenderness in his gaze. “God, you’re beautiful,” he breathes, and then he’s kissing me again, hard and fast until there’s nothing left in my mind and all I can feel is the tantalizing thrust of his body against mine and the delicious sensation of his bare chest pressing against my br**sts. He tears off my bra, groaning into my mouth as his hand slides between my thighs.

I cry out. I’m wet for him, aching, and I sob with relief as his fingers find me, rubbing gently, searching, teasing me until I’m bucking wildly in his arms.

“Now,” I gasp, pulling away to grip his face in both my hands. I stare at him, panting and desperate for something I’ve never even known. “I want all of you, I need to know…” I break off, helpless. There are no words to explain how I feel, how this desire is consuming me, and I’m lost in the glorious flames.

But I see it, in the dark intensity of his eyes, Emerson feels it too. He rolls off me, just for a moment, and pulls a condom from his pocket. Then he strips off his jeans and underwear, returning to lie beside me, his body hot against my skin. He kisses me again, tender, and slowly moves me into position.

I lay beneath him, and catch my breath. He settles between my thighs, the look on his face so strained and focused, I can’t help but smile.

“What?” he whispers, reaching to stroke some hair back from my face.

I smile up at him. “You.” I whisper, suddenly shy. “It’s always you.”

A look comes over Emerson I’ve never seen before. A quiet joy that takes my breath away.

“I love you,” he whispers, and I feel his body surge to meet mine. I gasp, taking him into me, feeling the sharp ache and then, oh, the glorious fullness. I stop, our eyes locked, something so precious and true passing between us, I know my life will never be the same.

“I love you,” Emerson breathes again. He starts to move, and I move with him, moaning, lost in the fresh wave of sensation pulsing through me. “It’s you, Jules. It’s always been you.”

He shifts, pulling me closer, angling deeper, and I cry out in pleasure. The fever is taking over me now, pulling me down, every thrust sending me closer to the edge. Emerson is gasping, wild against me, and it’s all I can do to hold on tight, answering his body’s every demand with my own. The tide rises, building, every muscle in my body pulled tight with desire, but somehow I can’t break, I can’t surrender.

“Don’t hold back,” I gasp, writhing under his touch. “I want all of you. Everything you are.”

Emerson’s eyes flash, and then he’s slamming into me, harder, deeper, everything I need. I rise up to meet him, sinking my nails into his back, throwing back my head in abandon. I feel it come, closer, closer, and then Emerson’s face changes and his body goes stiff, and I’m crying out as the wave finally crashes over us, sending me spinning, broken, into the depths of pure ecstasy.

I finally surface, limp in his arms. Emerson is heavy on top of me, his delicious weight pressing down. I take a shuddering breath, my heart racing. Pure gold is shimmering in every cell of my body, an afterglow of peace and breathless pleasure.

“Hey, baby.” Emerson blinks his eyes open, and rolls off me. I open my mouth to protest, but then he pulls me against him, spooning me so I’m tucked, tight against his chest. I relax into his embrace, feeling the race of his heartbeat, and his labored breath.

“Hey yourself.” I sigh, resting my head back onto his shoulder. “That was…”

“Mind-blowing, life-changing, f**king perfection?” Emerson finishes for me.

I laugh, twisting to kiss him. I place my hand against his cheek, still dazed from the storm of sensation. “If that’s what it’s like, how does anyone get out of bed?” I tease.

Emerson grins. “It’s not like that, not with anyone else.” he answers. “Not ever.”

“Oh,” I feel a glow of pride, and snuggle closer. “Just us.”

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