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Unraveling You

Page 25

“He goes to school with me.” I fiddle with one of the leather bands on my wrists. “He’s on the football team, too.”

His grip constricts on the soda can as he frowns. “Football? Really?”

“What? There’s nothing wrong with football guys.”

“Yeah, but … it just doesn’t seem like your type.”

“I don’t even know my type yet.” I resist an eye roll. Jesus, he’s getting weirder and weirder about guys the more I go out on dates.

He places the can back on the trunk then rests his arms on his knees. “Is Ayden going to this party?”

I shrug, feeling a lump swell in my throat as I remember the coldness in his eyes when I left his room. “I invited him, and he seemed like he might show up, but with Ayden you can never be sure. He might end up feeling too guilty about missing movie night.”

Maybe I should go check on him before I leave?

Or at least text him.

I just need to know that he’s okay.

My dad ponders over something then sticks his hand into the pocket of his jeans. “I’m going to call Ethan to see if I can find out.” He presses a button then puts the phone to his ear while I retrieve my cell from my jacket pocket to text Ayden.

“Yeah, you do that.” I jump to my feet when I hear a horn honk outside. “That’s my ride. Have fun with your phone call.” I scurry for the door with the phone clutched in my hand.

“Lyric Scott, get your butt back here.”

Dammit, so close.

I spin around and smile innocently at him. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Don’t you ‘yes Daddy’ me.” He nods his head toward the window at the driveway where the engine of William’s car is rumbling. “I have to meet him before you get in that car with him.”

My shoulders slacken. “What, you don’t trust my judgment?”

He dithers with indecision. “No, not really. You are my daughter after all.”

I blow out a frustrated breath. “Fine. You can walk me to the car and meet him.” I aim a finger at him. “But don’t be weirdo, strict dad.”

He rolls his eyes as he stuffs his phone back inside his pocket. “Lyric, when it comes to you dating guys, I will always be weirdo, strict dad, but only because I love you.”

Sighing, I lead him out to William, knowing my dad’s already docking points for the Mercedes he’s driving. William appears wigged out when I stroll up to the driver’s side and rap on the glass.

He rolls the window down. “What’s up?” He casts a glimpse over my shoulder at my dad. His appearance is going to be strike two—blonde hair slicked back, a polo shirt, and his somewhat cocky grin isn’t going to impress him.

“William, this is my dad.” I motion back and forth between them. “Dad, this is William.”

My dad eyeballs the sleek lines of the car with his face screwed up tight, like he just tasted something bitter. “How long have you had your license?”

“For about a year.” William flicks a what the hell look at me.

Things only continue to go downhill as my dad fires question after question at him. By the time we’re pulling out of the driveway, fifteen minutes have passed since I first walked out of the house.

“Sorry about that,” I say as I buckle my seatbelt. “I’m not sure what got into him today.”

William squirms in his seat as he adjusts the mirror. “No worries. I just didn’t expect your dad to be so uptight.”

“What do you mean by your dad?”

He shrugs as he shifts gears and speeds up. “I just figured with as laid back as you are that your parents would be pretty chill.”

I feel a little bit defensive, which is really out of character for me. Usually I try to stay all peace, love, and sunshine. “He was just making sure his daughter wasn’t driving off with a psychopath.”

He laughs, kind of snidely. “He seemed a little overly intense, if you ask me.”

Okay, maybe Ayden was right. Perhaps I should spend more time with a guy before I proclaim that I’m in love with him.

“Sorry,” he quickly says when he catches sight of my disappointment. “I just don’t do well with parents.” He reaches across the console and wraps his fingers around my bare knee. “Let’s drop it, though, and have some fun tonight.” He flashes me his infamous dimpled grin.

I smile back, but I’m suddenly not feeling him.

As William starts rambling about sports, I slide my finger across the screen of my phone and send Ayden a text.

Me: Hey, so I just wanted to see if u were ok. U looked super upset when I left and I feel like maybe I might have pushed u a little too far… If u need to talk or want to meet up later, I’m totally down for it. William might be a bust anyway.

I slide my phone into my pocket, waiting for a reply. By the time we arrive at the party, I’m still feeling super down and a bit anxious, so when William offers me a drink, I take it, even though I’ve tried to avoid alcohol since the whole scotch incident.

William flashes me his pearly whites as I guzzle down half the cup in one gulp. “Hell yeah!” he cheers over the pop music I loathe, blasting so loudly I can feel the bass in my chest.

I lick a drop of the spiked punch off the bottom of my lip, slightly more at ease as the alcohol settles into my system. “Want to dance!” I shout, figuring anything will be better than talking about sports some more.

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