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Undefeated God of War

Page 900

Chapter 895 – Jia Ya Goes to Battle

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR



The organized army formation was solemn and silent, Jia Ya had a gloomy expression, and under the falling radiant energy that resembled snow, it made the scene look extremely divine. The clan elders stood on a ring shaped stage, and observed the army that was ready to move out.

Jia Ya was well known for his defensive prowess, and had the trust of the Great Clan Elder, allowing him to spend most of his time to defend the core region. His life was extremely dull as he stood aloof from worldly affairs, although everyone respected him, but most of the time, this Great General did not seem to even exist, and was always forgotten by the majority.

Jia Ya’s army was in the same position, inside the Saint Continent, the most striking unit was the Honorable Martial Banner of Knights, all of them held extremely high positions and were all powerful individuals, and were considered invincible. The Honorable Martial Banner of Knights that was unfathomable, was the aspiration for many youths.

But at that moment, witnessing Jia Ya’s army that was armed and ready, the clan elders realized that unexpectedly, there was actually unease in their hearts. Previously when the situation was dire, along with the pressure of the Savage Continent army, they were not worried about their own safety. There was no army unit stationed in the Saint Continent, instead, the Holy Bell was used, causing all the armies under the skies to converge in the Saint Continent, causing all sorts of Armies to gather, still, it did not lessen the unease in their hearts.

The Clan Elders then realized, this army that rarely had a sense of existence was the true reason why they felt at ease.

Jia Ya Army’s campaign was not for the Southern Alliance, but the Wei Ye Guan Continent. Mu Zhi Xia had gone silent and his whereabouts were unknown, the Wei Ye Guan Continent was in imminent danger, and they required a powerful military general to be stationed there. In Temple, the only one capable of holding the responsibility was Master Jia Ya. The clan elders knew of the importance of the Wei Ye Guan Continent, although it would decrease the level of defense of the Saint Continent, and threaten their safety, but they knew that if the Great Army of the Savage Continent were to enter the Honorable Martial Continent, it would be the most terrifying problem.

Regardless if it was the rumored path to Heaven’s Road in the Southern Alliance, the revival of the Sin Domain, or the rampaging Gold Continent Bandits, none of them were as important as the Wei Ye Guan Continent. The movement of the Savage Continent caused anyone who merely had the thought about it to tremble, it was the true root that would cause Temple to sway.

When the ceremony ended, many of the clan elders that were familiar with Jia Ya went forward to send Jia Ya off. Jia Ya maintained a faint smile the entire time, his confidence and steadiness gave everyone a huge boost in confidence.

The Great Clan Elder had spent the entire past night talking to Jia Ya, but did not appear at the ceremony, leaving Sacred Son Charles to conduct the ceremony, in which he was the last man to walk forward.

Jia Ya patted Sacred Son Charles on the shoulders: “I will have to leave the Saint Continent in Your Highness’ hands.”

After he left the Saint Continent, the Saint Continent’s defense would be held responsible by Charles. Although he was worried about the Saint Continent’s safety, but thinking about the number of armies present along with Sacred Son Charles’ personal strength, he became more at ease.

Charles bowed slightly, and spoke with respect: “Please be assured, the light is eternal!”

Jia Ya nodded his head, he bowed towards Charles, then turned and gave the order: “Move out!”

The army started moving.

The Great Clan Elder watched the large army from a distance, and was unwilling to leave for a long time. For some reason, everyone’s mind had a strange emotion, ~Even Master Jia Ya is being sent out….~

A campaign involving all five Great Generals had never occurred in history before, Temple had become so empty, causing everyone to feel unsafe.

When the Jia Ya Army’s warships faded into the distance, the clan elders turned to leave, all of their faces were filled with an indescribable worry and loneliness.

Charles noticed everybody’s worried faces, and quietly left.

Charles sat down on the chair inside his study, his expression rather pessimistic.

Sophie entered, and upon seeing his look, said: “Ignore them.”

“Ignore them? How do you want me to ignore them?” Charles suddenly erupted in anger, his handsome face turned sinister: “How can I, be unable to put them at ease? There’s the Honorable Martial Banner of Knights here, and with so many prestigious families, how can all those old men be worried with me here? Am I so useless in their hearts?”

At that moment, Charles was like a beast trapped in a cage, roaring in rage, but remained helpless despite his struggles.

Sophie kept quiet, ever since the Great Clan Elder had punished Charles, Charles had become more sensitive and weak. His self confidence had disappeared over the night, he had become a man filled with suspicions, and Sophie did not know how to dispel the thoughts he had. Sophie knew the reason, but was helpless.

The Great Clan Elder held irrefutable power in Temple, and even Charles’ position as the Sacred Son could be removed by the Great Clan Elder if he wanted to.

Ever since Charles received the punishment, the Great Clan Elder’s display of dissatisfaction towards Charles caused rumors to spread inside Temple.

The rumors were not the scary part, what truly made Charles fear was that the clan elders were affected, and their attitude towards him started to have small changes. He had even heard the clan elders discussing in private once, thinking that he did not have the ability to take over after the Great Clan Elder.

Charles started to fear.

He was the only Sacred Son in Temple, but he knew that as long as Temple was willing, no, as long as the Great Clan Elder was willing, Temple could produce many Sacred Sons overnight. He knew that there were many other potential candidates behind him, all of these carefully chosen potential candidates had talent not inferior to his, it was just that all the resources were taken up by him alone. But once the Great Clan Elder lost faith in him, all of the precious resources would be taken away from him and and given to them.

Once they have the resources, all of these potential candidates would grow at an astonishing rate, and could easily replace him.

Charles position had always been stable, but this stability was completely given because of the support of the Great Clan Elder. From young, the Great Clan Elder had his eyes set on Charles, giving him a smooth journey, he had never suffered any setbacks, allowing the faith of the Clan Elders to grow. He had never thought that with one failure, with one whip punishment, everything would change.

He started to feel pressure, and his temper became worse.

He finally understood that in Temple, only the Great Clan Elder was irreplaceable, anyone else could be replaced and taken over.

After hosting the ceremony, all the Clan Elders completely forgot about his existence, they revealed the worries and unease in their hearts. To Charles, this unease showed their distrust in him, because he was in charge of Saint Continent’s defense.

Charles who had an ashen expression finally calmed down, his expression returned to normal, in which he apologized to Sophie: “I am very sorry Sophie, I shouldn’t had vent my anger on you.”

“It’s fine.” Sophie shook her head, she then changed the topic: “Your Highness, we need to control the families. Recently, there were already a few conflicts amongst them in the Saint Continent, like the Qiu Family, they had a conflict with Mace Field Tradings. Although their conflict was controlled, and they did not go against any of the bans, but if we do not maintain the situation, the conflict might become worse.”

Charles frowned: “Qiu Family? Why did they have a conflict with a small family like the Mace Field Tradings?”

Compared to Qiu Family, Mace Field Tradings was truly a small family. In the Honorable Martial Continent, the ranks amongst the prestigious families were extremely strict, for a top notch family like the Qiu Family, there would be no benefits to get into conflict with a small family like Mace Field Tradings.

Sophie replied: “It has to do with the Elizabeth Family. The Elizabeth Family suffered from a setback under the Mace Field Family, and since Qiu Yun Qi has some interest in Claudia, he decided to help her, but who knew that the Mace Field Family would not accept the threat of the Qiu Family.”

“Why can’t they be peaceful.” Charles tone was filled with unhappiness, for them to actually have troubles at such a time.

Temple did not have a good relationship with the prestigious families, especially with the first rate families. They were different from the ordinary families, they no longer needed the recognition from Temple, and instead had many contradictions with Temple, and started to have conflicts in many places of interests. The emergence of the first rate families came with the emergence of the Honorable Martial Continent, they had established many heroic contributions, and thus did not revere Temple.

Adding that their roots were extremely deep, Temple was not as strict to them as they were to the other families, and both parties maintained a tacit understanding.

As for the internal department of Temple, the desire to suppress the first rate families had never stopped.

But at that moment, no one said anything. Temple had to rely on these prestigious families, their strength had already proved that it was insufficient to win the war. Temple needed to pull more people up the war wagon, although the spoils of war had to be split and shared, but the priority was still to win.

If they lost, they would lose everything.

Charles had to admit that he respected the Great Clan Elder’s efficient and shrewd decision, before the situation had plunged to a pessimistic outlook, he already chose to use the Holy Bell.

But this did not allow Charles to relax, the gratitude and resentment with the prestigious families was extremely complicated, which traced back for centuries. All of these families had unhappiness amongst one another, and sparks could easily be ignited with the friction, and the conflict between Qiu Family and Mace Field Family was but just one of the minor ones.

Charles knew that they could not allow such actions to continue, if the friction between the families were to intensify, if something were to truly happen, they would not be able to stop the fights. At that time, Temple would completely be swayed into the current, and punishing these families would only cause them to harbor anger in their hearts.

“Send the Honorable Martial Banner of Knights.” Charles said: “Tell them, I do not care about their resentments in the past, at such a crucial time, whoever dares to try and cause trouble, Temple will not be tolerating it. The Banner of Knights are ready, but be advised, whoever doesn’t listen to Temple, will be killed without warning!”

Sophie’s eyes lit up, the decisiveness to kill and the Sacred Son that was filled with confidence was the Sacred Son that she knew.

She replied with compliance: “Yes!”

The Honorable Martial Banner of Knights formed an enforcement team and started to patrol the Saint Continent, in the short span of a day, they secured peace, over 40 people who did not comply were instantly beheaded, while two prestigious families were stripped off their qualifications.

In time, the armies gathered above the Saint Continent became more compliant.

Tang Tian did not care about all of the matters, he did not even care about the conflict with the Qiu Family, and handed it over to Ji Ze.

All of his focus was on one thing.

Qian Hui had arrived at the Saint Continent!

In his heart, there was nothing as important as this.

Persevering for so long, through the long distance, the intense thoughts, the anxious waits, the treks through days and nights, the unending battles, all of them were for this reunion.

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