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Undefeated God of War

Page 868

Chapter 863

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

The energy vortex near the Shang Continent’s estuary had long become a famous sight of the Southern Alliance, allthe traders who travelled would usually head over to witness the sight. It emerged from a battle, at that time, thesmoke and flames in the Southern Alliance had long dissipated, and only the energy vortex was brightly lit. Everytraveller who saw the energy vortex would be shocked by its intensity.

Its diameter reached 2km, while its height was 13km.

It was not as if they had never seen large energy vortices, but the slowly revolving dazzling beast was a product fromwar, and was the result of men.

To personally create it, how powerful was the Southern Alliance!

It was the Southern Alliance’s strongest symbol.

When the Honorable Martial Continent’s fleet had arrived, everyone who saw the energy vortex was shocked. Forsafety, the anchoring positions of the warships were specially placed a distance away from the energy vortices.Fortunately, the energy vortex had always been stable, its revolution was not considered fast, and it was extremelyquiet. There were various energy vortices inside the Sea of Energy, and they were all the subject of research for thebig powerhouses as it was related to the safety of fleets.

The experienced crew could tell from a look that the energy vortex in front of them was in its stable and safe phase,thus would not be dangerous to them.

Wu Kai also saw that point, and thus suggested the idea.

It had to be said, when his idea was proposed, it immediately attracted everybody’s attention. The energy vortexwas extremely stable, not only Wu Kai could see that, it was just that no one had thought that there would be spiritobjects in the vortex.

Spirit Objects were unattainable objects to the soldiers. But they were clear of the value of spirit objects, and eventhe lowest grade spirit objects were extremely precious. Even if they could not use it for themselves, selling thespirit objects would definitely allow them to live a life without worries. As long as they could find one, they couldretire&

nbsp;immediately and live a millionaire life.

The deadly lure was enough to make the hall filled with heavy breathing.

The soldiers who were so bored to the point of agitation, found a small scale warship and flew towards the energyvortex. Someone noticed the small scale warship, but did not bother about them. Aside from executing their patrolpositions, they did not need to care about the movements of other soldiers. They maintained a tight exterior but alax interior, to allow everyone to relax their already strained mental states.

The scouts had already been spread far out and wide, because the patrolling radius of the patrols were alsoextremely huge, any wind blowing and grass swaying could not escape from their eyes. It was practically impossiblefor anyone to sneak in under such a tight defense.

Even the Banner of Knights would not be able to achieve such a thing, that was why the officers on duty were sorelaxed.

When the small scale warship flew close to the energy vortex, everybody’s attention was instantly attracted. It wasa completely different feeling seeing the energy vortex up close. From afar, the feeling they got from the energyvortex was that it spun slowly, but up close, the dazzling energy flow formed an impassable wall, causing their skinsto go numb, the high speed flow was extremely threatening.

Everyone who were incensed took some time to calm down.

“Is this really possible?”

“It’s too big!”


As more of them started exclaiming out loud, the confidence of the soldiers were shaken. Even Wu Kai’s confidencestarted to sway.

Suddenly, someone shouted out: “Stop! Quickly stop!”

The soldier controlling the warship immediately shouted: “Hey, Buddy, relax alright, I’ve stopped already!”


In their eyes, their distance with the energy vortex seemed to be closing in, as though the gigantic wall of energyflow in front of them was gradually closing in on them, causing everybody’s spirits to fly out from their bodies.

“Retreat! Quickly retreat!”

“Oh my god, what’s happening?”

Panicked shouts became incessant.

The soldier controlling the warship also started to panic, he did his best to control the warship to move backwards,but it seemed as though the warship was stuck in some quicksand.

“Damn it! We are being sucked in! It’s attractive force seems to be getting stronger!”

This caused everybody’s face to turn pale white with fear in their eyes. The worst thing that everyone feared themost when encountering energy vortices in the Sea of Energy was being sucked in by the energy vortices. Once theywere helpless against the attractive force of the energy vortex, it was a definite for them to be dragged into theenergy vortex.

The inertia required to move the warship was the largest, but the warship still remained unmoved.

“Damn it!”

“Quickly call out for support!”

Wu Kai stared blankly at the energy vortex that was coming closer, he still did not understand, why the energy vortices attractive force would become stronger. ~This was clearly a stable energy vortex, and the duration that the energy vortex is stable is extremely long, usually stretching a thousand years, how long had this energy vortex been here for?~

The small scale warship’s plea for help passed down to the various armies, instantly causing an alarm.

Before they could move out, they watched as the small warship plunged into the energy vortex like a leaf, thendisappearing.

“Damn it! I knew that those idiots would cause trouble!”

Wu Kai’s superior officer chided, his face ashen green. ~What could it be reported as? An accident?~ In the blink ofthe eye, his unit had lost over a dozen men, regardless of anything, he could not escape from the punishment ofbeing negligent.

“Master!” His subordinate’s anxious voice broke his thoughts, he raised his head, only to hear his subordinate’strembling voice: “Energy, the energy vortex….”

“What’s wrong with the energy vortex?” He asked impatiently, to him, the accident was caused by Wu Kai and theother’s boredom.

The subordinate’s voice trembled even more: “It seems to be moving towards us!”

“Moving towards us?” The officer was startled.

The gigantic energy vortex slowly moved towards the anchored warships. Yet, this slow movement was just a visual,its immense size moving looked to be slow, but in truth, its speed was not slow at all.

A mournful alarm resonated across the entire fleet.

No one knew that in the center of the gigantic energy vortex floated over a hundred treasures, forming a sphere.And inside this sphere was a figure who had a sword in hand. It was Jing Hao.

“Go onwards, Heavy Man!”

Jing Hao raised Drunk on Saint Blood and shouted in the void, when a thread of divine consciousness responded, and the energy vortex rumbled forward.

When Jing Hao saw Ling Xu and Crane revealing their talent as military generals, Jing Hao was envious. It was notan envy towards them being military generals, but envious that they could go to battle, and could be of assistance tothe war. Crane and Ling Xu were busy with training, and although he could not help, he did not stop his bittertraining.

Until when he sensed a divine consciousness. He suddenly thought about the time when Tang Tian had unintentionally spoken to him about it, that the energy vortex seemed to be harboring something.

Jing Hao’s intuition was never as sharp as Tang Tian’s, but his knowledge foundation was far denser and stronger than Tang Tian. After carefully thinking about the process of forming the energy vortex, he roughly guessed what was inside the energy vortex.

Over a hundred star treasures were destroyed, however the spirits did not disappear, but they merged together tobirth one new spirit.

This new spirit’s growth was astronomical with the dense energy.

Jing Hao tried to communicate with this divine consciousness. At the start, it was not smooth, but Jing Hao was an extremely tenacious man, aside from training, he would spend his time communicating with the energy vortex. ~Ling Xu and Crane are at the frontlines, while I’m at the back and unable to help.~

Jing Hao’s understanding towards star treasures was far more profound than anyone else.

The new spirit started to accept Jing Hao, and Jing hao tried various methods to communicate with it, for exampleentering the energy vortex.

He did all of this quietly without anyone knowing. When Bing decided to move out of the Shang Continent, Bingreceived his intense opposition, but when he understood Bing’s intent, he gave a response of his own.

He had not forgotten the look, when Bing found out that he could control the energy vortex, the completelystupefied poker face look.

Bing reacted very quickly to his ability, and quickly formulated a new plan that included his ability, making this planextremely dangerous and deadly.

The energy vortex sped quickly towards the location of the anchored warships, and started to crush them. It’s quietrevolution was overwhelming enough, but when it moved, the overwhelming pressure choked the army.

This giant monster’s diameter was over 26km, with a height of13 km. When this pressure moved, it gave the soldiersa feeling of helplessness.

The fleet was in a mess, no one had ever been in such a terrifying situation before. The majority of them wereawoken from their slumber, and on every warship, all the panic–stricken soldiers made the place even messier.

As there were limited positions for the anchoring of warships and with too many warships, all of them wereanchored side to side. Many of the warships close together only had the intent to rush out for their own safety.

Once they were pulled into the energy vortex, there was only one ending for any warship.

The scene became chaos.

The instinct to live exceeded their relaxed state of mind, adding the sudden attack on the fleet, it made them losetheir effective command and control. If Gou Cheng WenDao was around, or if any of the three generals were incommand, the situation would not had been so terrible. But lacking a powerful officer to offer his guidance, thedifferentiated armies and warships naturally became chaotic.

Death came closer, and the helplessness in the chaos made every commanding officer of the armies choose selfpreservation without hesitation.

All the different sized warships retreated with all their might, breaking out of the encirclement.

The small scale warships were in the most terrible situation inside the chaos, aside from a few agile ones that tookthe lead to escape. The other small scale warships were smashed into smithereens by the larger scale warships.

Many of them chose to disembark their ships, completely disregarding the corrosion from the Sea of Energy, theyjust wanted to preserve their own lives.

The only thing worth rejoicing was that although the energy vortex was powerful, its speed could not be comparedto warships, and it was not as agile as the warships.

But when the warships that managed to escape looked back and saw the energy vortex occupying their previouslyanchored positions, with the countless shattered wood remnants being sucked into the energy vortex, all of theirfaces changed.

Looking around at the remaining and sparse warships, everybody’s face became uglier.

In the extremely short and chaotic nightmare, it had brought them an extremely large loss. 70% of their small scalewarships, half of their mid scale warships and one large scale warship were gone, causing them to be speechless.

What made them even more discouraged was that they did not dare to bombard the energy vortex. If the energyvortex exploded, the power it produced was enough to devour the entire Shang Continent.

They watched in daze at the colossus showing off its might, totally oblivious that the real fatal fang was right behindhim.

Chapter 863 – Heavy Man

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