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Undefeated God of War

Page 696

Chapter 691 – New Moon Swallows Command Whip

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

In the process of studying [Monster] from a distance, Sai Lei kept quiet.

The extremely ugly mechanical spirit weapon, as its name suggested, had an exterior uglier than what any humanwas capable of imagining, causing Sai Lei to feel shock.

[Monster] completely toppled Sai Lei’s knowledge, every single component was filled with the scent of the SouthernCross Army style. There was no sleekness to it, no wings, but it held unimaginably thick defensive capabilities andastronomical strength. The weakened martial spirit needed to work a lot for it to conduct complicated actions. Butat the same time, it greatly dropped the requirements of the mechanical martial artists, matched with the simplisticmovements and martial techniques was an explosively powerful might.

This caused Sai Lei to be shocked but enlightened, she suddenly realised that her understanding on battle might betotally off.

As her mechanical spirit weapons became more and more complicated, the grade of martial spirits became higherand higher, but the requirements demanded of the mechanical martial artists also became higher.

But [Monster] was of a totally opposite style, crude, simple, easy to use, far from the beauty of [Frost Mountain], andwas extremely ugly to add. But Screw’s unfathomable understanding towards mechanical techniques weredisplayed to full saturation from [Monster]. There were no fancy joints or components, but it held extreme stability,extraordinary sturdiness. Compared to it, Frost Mountain’s joints were all pieces of art.

The thick arms and legs gave it extreme stability and monstrous strength. It stood there quietly, and like its namesuggest, its savageness.

It was not that [Monster] did not have any weakness, but instead, its weakness was very obvious. It could not fly,was extremely heavy, and the user was required to exhaust more energy. Its martial spirit’s grade was not high, thusit was not as intelligent as [Frost Mountain]. It also had requirements to be worn, just that it was in terms of physicalstrength and not in terms of the ab

ility to communicate with the martial spirit. In a one against one scenario,[Monster]’s standard might not be inferior to [Frost Mountain], but its functions were far less than [Frost Mountain].

But despite all of its weaknesses, they could not hide [Monster]’s worth. Because [Monster]’s construction cost wasextremely cheap, and compared to the extravagant [Frost Mountain], it truly had the worth of quality–price ratio.One [Frost Mountain] was enough to build twenty [Monster]s.

Just that advantage itself moved Tang Chou.

The Ursa Major Constellation had walked on the path of elite troops, and did not have many armies. The MechanicalArmy was split up, Tang Yi’s Lupus Army, Magic Flute’s Hunter’s Net Army and Ta Dun’s Plateau Army. These werethe four main large armies of Ursa Major Constellation, but in line to the potential chaotic future, Tang Chouthought that the number of armies were too few.

The Ursa Major Constellation required average functionality and low cost mechanical spirit weapons, because withthat, they could fully unleash the advantage of the manpower from the Lupus race.

The future war in Heaven’s Road was bound to be large scale.

And thus, the formation of the Monster Army was quietly built up.


Deepin the Se

a of Energy.

Many light regiments floated inside the Sea of Energy like fireflies, they were neatly arranged in files, flickering onand off, as though they were breathing. Following the seemingly breathing rhythm of flickers, the surroundingenergy was being absorbed into the formation, and produced traces of vortices in the surroundings.

Xie Yu An stood in the center of the formation with a stern expression. 108 little swallows flew around, flying andsurrounding the formation. These swallows had small bodies, with sizes as small as fingernails, they releasedextremely bright moonlight light aura, like a group of cheeky sprites.

Around him, in front of every soldier floated silver weapons, which were releasing intense silver lights. Every soldierwas drenched in perspiration, they did not dare slacken, and worked hard to control the treasures in front of them.

Bright to dark, inhaling and exhaling, energy surged into the formation rhythmically, and upon entering theformation, the swallows flying around would destroy the energy, transforming into thousands of minute threadsthat entered every treasure. Wave after wave of energy surged in, and the light auras on the treasures became evenmore intense.

After maintaining for a full six hours, Xie Yu An’s forehead finally revealed a drop of perspiration.

The energy surging in became slower and slower, Xie Yu An knew that everyone were at their limits. He took a deepbreath and shouted: “Break for me!”

The sky full of swallows abruptly flew back into his hands from all directions, pa pa pa, condensed sounds ofexplosions came up, and a moonlight colored long whip quickly grew in Xie Yu An’s hands. A long whip consisting of108 joints, resembled a moonlight colored bone snake, slowly waving about.

This was the spirit treasure specially refined for him by Little Fool, the New Moon Swallows Command Whip.Evening Snow Ocean that was in Shi Sen’s hands had made all of the soldiers and officers jealous for a long time. XieYu An did not dare to have any wishful thinking, he knew that his own Swift Army was an army that was bought. Intruth, the boss was already very generous to them, and both the Swift Army and the Skull Unit were satisfied by thetreatment.

It was said that Aya had even obtained a broadsword which was also a spirit treasure.

The densely packed lights quickly dimmed down.

Every soldier sat down on the ground, they were drenched from head to toe, their eyes were tired, and they weregasping for breath. No one spoke, they did not even have the strength to lift up a finger and were taking every singlesecond of the precious time to rest.

If they did not have sufficient rest, they would not be able to persevere through the next cycle of training, and theywould pull down the army.

Xie Yu An’s circumstance was much better, he quickly recovered his physical strength and stood up to check oneveryone, seeing that they were all safe, he heaved a sigh of relief and calmed himself down. The soldiers, even whenresting, hugged onto their treasures with all their might.

Xie Yu An could not help but smile.

When Master Bing threw them a bunch of star treasures, they were over ecstatic, and even Xie Yu An becamejoyous. Star Treasures were precious objects with high value. Every single person of the The Five Southern IslandFamilies had a star treasure, causing Xie Yu An to be extremely jealous since a long time ago. But he was not ageneral that liked to cause a ruckus, and maintained his silence the entire time.

When the Master truly brought star treasures to equip the entire Swift Army, every single person in the unitbecame so happy they almost went crazy. But when Xie Yu An sought guidance from Bing on how to train with thestar treasures, and wanted a few coordinating tactics to train, he never expected Master Bing to simply say “Figureit out yourself”, and leave.

Xie Yu An was dumbfounded. Master Tang Chou was a perfectionist that attended to every matter personally. Hewould even specially structure every phase of a tactic. But Master Bing was of a completely different personality.

But it was good that Xie Yu An always executed the orders from his superiors to a hundred percent. He never askedwhy, and since Master Bing had asked him to figure it out himself, then he would, and that might also be the Masterwishing to test him. Furthermore, giving his entire unit star treasures already made him extremely grateful, even ifhe had to figure out tactics on his own, no matter how difficult it was, he would not even frown doing it.

Xie Yu An was a cautious man by nature, and did things systematically. He first went to seek out The Five SouthernIsland Families, and attentively consulted them on their daily training, as they had obtained their Star Treasureseven earlier and had even more experience to boot. After that he visited Jing Hao, Crane and Ling Xu, seekingguidance from them to clarify his doubts.

After a bout, he had an outline on how to assimilate the treasures into his army.

He then started to lead the Swift Army to conduct tests in training, as The Five Southern Island Families walked the path of individual martial artists, they were not suitable to be used in armies, and he did not participate in their training any further. Xie Yu An was a meticulous man, he constantly thought about and repeatedly went through drills and practices, familiarizing himself with every soldier and their treasure.

Gradually, Xie Yu An, who brilliantly became accomplished in tactics by himself, understood the capabilities of startreasures, and quickly found a unique way for his army to train.

The method revolved around the star treasure in his hands, the New Moon Swallows Command Whip. Using the108 New Moon Swallows, Xie Yu An’s control over the army reached an all new level. The current synchronizationfrequency of the Swift Army had already attained a 98% rate, and that was a terrifying value. Every increase in onepercent after hitting the 90% synchronization frequency rate was extremely difficult.

A synchronization frequency rate of 98%, was a value that Xie Yu An had previously thought was impossible, butwho knew they were able to attain it.

This was directly related to the New Moon Swallows Command Whip in his hand, the tiny swallows had anextremely mythical name, called the New Moon Swallows. Their shapes were similar to the changes of a moon,crescent moon, gibbous moon, quarter moon and full moon. Every transformation bestowed them differentcapabilities.

The other most important function of the New Moon Swallows Command Whip was its ability to filter out theimpurities in the energy, leaving behind energy that resembled moonlight. The entire army’s star treasuresabsorbed this same type of energy, and that the reason for the extremely high synchronization frequency.

Xie Yu An gently caressed the New Moon Swallows Command Whip in his hand. During this period, everyone wasimproving at an astronomical rate, all of their star treasures absorbed a surprising amount of energy. But among theenergy that was absorbed by the army, half of it weas swallowed by the New Moon Swallows Command Whip.

More surprisingly, despite the vast amount of energy swallowed, the New Moon Swallows Command Whip did notshow any signs of transformation, causing him to be extremely eager for it to transform.

The location of their training was rather far from the Shang Continent, and also far from any waterway, and with noother continents nearby, they were alone by themselves. Their training revealed too many movements, with theconverging energy flows, the might was extremely imposing.

For the sake of not attracting any attention, they had specially chosen this place.

Xie Yu An never broke contact with the Shang Continent, reporting back to Master Bing about the progress of thearmy every three days. He had also heard of the pirate attacks, allowing Xie Yu An to be aware of the craftiness ofthe opponent.

But when he requested to move out, Master Bing rejected him without hesitation.

His request for them was only one thing, to grab every single second to train.

Xie Yu An could only suppress the battle intent in his heart, he could not hide his worry, the Shang Continent waswalking on a tightrope, if they were not careful, they would fall into the abyss. He did not know how Master Bingwould handle the situations that were soon to come.

He suddenly laughed at himself, ~What am I doing, seeing myself as the world savior.~

~ Master Bing will definitely have his own ideas!~

~My task is to as quickly as possible increase our strength within the shortest period of time.~

With the New Moon Swallows Command Whip and star treasures, as long as they had sufficient time, Xie Yu An wasconfident that the Swift Army would rise from a silver rank army to a gold rank army. It was something that he darednot ever think about in the past. It was the dream of a famed grade general, an opportunity that no other general ofhis grade could ever obtain.

But it landed in his hands.

Xie Yu An suddenly thought of a phrase.

If my continent treats me with such greatness, I will repay my continent with everything that I have.

The introverted Xie Yu An’s heart was clapping and thundering as though a storm was raging in his heart.

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