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Undefeated God of War

Page 685

Chapter 680 – Unexpected Guest

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Before they left, Tang Tian brought in an unexpected guest.

With soft and curly natural brown hair, the young man’s refined face had a neutral look, as though he had not fullymatured and had not gotten rid of his childishness. He resembled an obedient young man, but he was able to playwith the Clan Unions in the palm of his hands, and from it, he took one step and sat down as the Scorpio King. With aseries of tricks that caused rivers of blood to flow, his exquisite checks and balances brought Scorpio Constellationinto his palm.

Assimilating all the unique spirit general devouring and merging techniques of the Clan Union, he unearthed the potential of a constellation of the 12 Ecliptic Palaces, the fallen Scorpio Constellation, in his hands, gradually revived, and started to radiate with the radiance of a true 12 Ecliptic Palace Constellation. The Scorpio Constellation became stronger and stronger with each passing day, allowing its influence on Heaven’s Road to expand. In the entire Scorpio Constellation, they had long forgotten of the terrible days, and started to call out for the young Scorpio King.

By his side was his inseparable senior brother, Qiu Zhi Jun. Dressed in casual white robes, his black hair was drapedover his shoulders, his pale white appearance made him seem as though a wind was enough to blow him away. Butno one dared to look down on this seemingly weak young man, he was Sima Xiao’s sharpest blade, the Great Baptismof the Scorpio Constellation, half of it was executed by him.

The two men with the most authority of Scorpio Constellation.

Sima Xiao’s sudden visitation surprised Tang Tian, the both of them did not have the best of relations, and in truth,were actually enemies. To the youth who was an expert in trickeries and plots, Tang Tian did not have any goodsense from him, furthermore, he did not believe that the other party would have any good sense of himself.

“I am here for the Sacred Saint Galaxy.”

Sima Xiao got right to the point without concealing anything.

“If I am not wrong, you have intentionally sent out the information, that means there is some trouble you haveencountered in the Sacred Saint

;Galaxy and you require the combined forces of the entire Heaven’s Road to defendyourself in the Sacred Saint Galaxy. Although there was some unhappiness between the both of us previously, butwe do not have any benefits in conflict. Even if you have inherited the banners of Southern Cross Army, thegrievances with the Scorpio Constellation should have already dissipated. You do not need to doubt our sincerity,you can state your conditions.”

Tang Tian did not expect Sima Xiao’s eyes to be so sharp, he had just released the information on the Sacred SaintGalaxy, but Sima Xiao had already guessed the intentions behind it.

The bravery needed to come up to the frontlines alone, was truly admirable.

Ignoring the declining Aries Constellation or Taurus Constellation, even the stable and mature other EclipticPalaces, the young Scorpio Constellation was displaying extraordinary vigor and bravery, somewhat similar to theUrsa Major Constellation. Tang Tian did not know how to describe the quality of it, but it made him feel intimate andfamiliar to them.

~There isn’t anything bad about working with Scorpio Constellation, as what Sima Xiao has said, we do not have anybenefits to be in conflict.~

~But, what conditions should I raise?~


Tang Tian was racking his brains, thinking carefully, causing a slight headache.

Sima Xiao was not in a rush, he casually sipped on his tea but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. ~Tang Tiandid not reject instantly, it means that there truly is a play at hand. As long as there is one, regardless of what price, hewould not mind.~ Other people were still suspicious and in doubt of the existence of the Sacred Saint Galaxy, but hehad already seen it, taking the first step in the opening of the Sacred Saint Galaxy could profit endlessly in thefuture.

The structure of the Heaven’s Road had already been stabilized for a long time, and even the progenitors, theHonorable Martial Group, did not dare to take over and annex other constellations.

There was no more space for expansion in Heaven’s Road, and to the ambitious Sima Xiao, it was the mostdepressing thing. With the appearance of the Sacred Saint Galaxy, it immediately made him arouse interest, andafter correctly guessing Tang TIan’s intentions, he personally stepped forward without hesitation.

Holding the waterway to the Sacred Saint Galaxy in his hands, Tang Tian already held the boundless advantage forthe future, as long as the waterway did not change hands, this advantage was not something anyone could try totake over.

And what if they failed to defend the waterway? Sima Xiao had already scrutinized and researched all the battlesTang Tian had been involved in, and made a conclusion, that Tang Tian and his people never made mistakes in thecrux of battles. Tang Tian and his people were extraordinarily acute when it came to strategizing the crucial points,with extraordinary courage and decisiveness.

He did not believe that the Ursa Major Constellation’s higher ups would make such a stupid mistake.

If he could not be the first, he would be the second, awaiting for the opportunity.

In truth, although it was not in line with Sima Xiao’s ambitions, but the Scorpio King’s ambitiousness and ruthlesscharacter was at the moment a rising popularity with the people, it was something that once something goes wrong,he would always be able to maximize his own benefits.

~Since I am unable to compete to occupy the advantages for the future, then I will reduce my disadvantage as muchas possible.~

Qiu Zhi Jun did not speak at all, he had been observing Tang Tian from the start. To him, his junior brother wasalready a genius that appeared once every few hundred years, with all of his sky and cloud toppling methods, manyheroes were played into the hands of his junior brother.

But, in Heaven’s Road, there was one person that had always pressured his junior brother, and that was Tang Tianwho was right in front of him thinking.

From his slow responses, he could tell that Tang Tian could not compete with his junior brother, if it was his juniorbrother, as long as the other party finished speaking, he would already have his answers and counterattacksprepared.

Tang Tian frowned very deeply, as though he was racking his brains. Qiu Zhi Jun did not understand how aseemingly unintelligent person like him was able to lay down a foundation with his bare hands, and pressure hisjunior brother.

Tang Tian completely ignored their gazes as he thought and calculated in his mind.

In truth, the current political situation was linked in countless ways, becoming vague and unclear, and to Tang Tian,it was truly a ball of mess. He was doing his best to calm himself down, ~What is the most important problem that Ihave to resolve now?~

~The Honorable Martial Group!~

Tang Tian effortlessly came up with the conclusion, ~That’s right, the Honorable Martial Group!~ Tang Tian’s eyesgleamed with a fierce look, with the Scorpio Constellation joining their ranks to defeat the Honorable MartialGroup, it was simply giving tiger wings.

~Sima Xiao himself is a military general, to be able to rise above the rest in the Clan Union, that was because of hisdazzling military achievements.~

~In terms of strength, the Scorpio Constellation would undoubtedly make them stronger, but if news of it were to leak out and the Honorable Martial Group were to get wind of it, then all the planning before would be pointless.~

Sima Xiao was good at reading faces, he immediately noticed the change in Tang Tian’s expression, and knew thatthere was a reason that made Tang TIan hesitate.

~What reason can it be?~

Countless of thoughts flashed past his mind, he kept on thinking, and noticed that at the most tense and crucialperiod, Tang Tian was hesitating!

~Why is Tang Tian hesitating? Are the conditions not satisfactory?~

~No, nothing has been made, but Tang Tian is already hesitating, that means it has nothing to do with the value. ButTang Tian is not rejecting, which means that this suggestion has moved him.

~But what can make Tang Tian hesitate even before setting the conditions?~

Sima Xiao’s eyes suddenly shrunk, ~Tang Tian and the rest must be planning something, if not, he would definitelynot hesitate! The matters that they are planning in the shadows must be extremely important, to the point that TangTian is worrying and complicating the issue.~

~Yes, it must be like that!~

~But what can be so important?~

Sima Xiao realized that he had missed out the most important part, but there were a plethora of things to tackle, andit was not easy for him to think at the moment, he needed Tang Tian to speak out first before he could express hisattitude, if not, if Tang Tian rejects him, the matter would go back to where he first started.

“If you have any worries, I am willing to act as a hostage.”

Sima Xiao threw himself on the table without hesitation.

Qiu Zhi Jun’s face changed, he wanted to stop Sima Xiao, but saw him raise his hands.

Sima Xiao stared at Tang Tian: “Godlike young lad, do not doubt my good faith. I heard that the Ursa MajorConstellation has many mystical places, and I plan to stay here for the time being. Regardless of what actions yourside has to take, our Scorpio Constellation will be your assistant. Our Scorpio Constellation has the sincerity and theability to help the Ursa Major Constellation.”

Tang Tian looked at Sima Xiao in surprise, he never thought that Sima Xiao’s decision would be so determined, anddid not hesitate to throw himself as a hostage to dispel all apprehensions on him.

~This guy, is a gambler!~

But Tang Tian felt admiration and respect for him.

Tang Tian suddenly had a brazen idea: “Recently, I want to go into the Sacred Saint Galaxy to look around, whatabout it, are you interested?”

~Bringing this lunatic into the Sacred Saint Galaxy will be a good idea.~

Qiu Zhi Jun’s face changed again, if his junior brother stayed in the Ursa Major Constellation as a hostage, ifanything were to happen, he could at least attempt to save him. But if his junior brother were to enter the SacredSaint Galaxy, then the Scorpio Constellation would be pulled by the nose without any grounds to resist.

Sima Xiao remained neutral and laughed: “Such an opportunity is hard to come by. I am truly curious of the SacredSaint Galaxy!”

Qiu Zhi Jun knew that the matter had come to an end, and he was helpless to change it, so he spoke out: “I wonder ifyou can bring an additional person? This subordinate is curious about the Sacred Saint Galaxy as well.”

Sima Xiao looked at his senior brother apologetically: “Senior brother, the Scorpio Constellation still needs you totake care of it, if senior brother is not there, I am afraid Scorpio will not be able to stand firm.”

Qiu Zhi Jun was beyond helpless, and remained quiet. If the two of them were to disappear at the same time, theScorpio Constellation would truly be in danger. And he knew for himself that his weight could never be comparableto his junior brother, and was unable to replace him.

He was filled with worries, but Tang Tian’s prestige had always been extremely good, and there was never once thathe heard that they would willfully slaughter the innocent.

~Compared to them, I am truly the butcher with blood on my hands.~

Qiu Zhi Jun laughed bitterly in his mind, but he did not regret. Furthermore, as long as he held the ScorpioConstellation tightly, his junior brother would always be safe. No one dared to think of what would happen if anEcliptic Constellation disregarded all consequences and did what they wanted.

Since it was already concluded, Tang Tian did not hide it from them: “We will be dealing with the Honorable MartialGroup!”

Sima Xiao and Qiu Zhi Jun’s heart shook, but the both of them revealed their expressions shortly. In truth, it wasnothing strange for the Ursa Major Constellation to want deal with the Honorable Martial Group, but Sima XIao didnot think that Tang Tian would choose such a time to tell them.

In theory, it was not a good time to be the enemies of the Honorable Martial Group. As time progresses, the battle between the Leo Constellation and the Honorable Martial Group will cause the Honorable Martial Group to be even weaker. And the Major Constellation that was allying with other constellations would become even stronger, that was the best time to strike.

~The Ursa Major Constellation must definitely have a reason to want to make a move against the Honorable MartialGroup.~

Sima Xiao did not want to think further, he heaved a sigh of relief, although they were once closer to the side of theHonorable Martial Group, but to them, they were not considered allies.

~And the Honorable Martial Group is the biggest powerhouse, if they were to participate in the campaign to theSacred Saint Galaxy, they will definitely want the bigger piece of the pie.~

~Since it is so, we must get rid of them!~

A fierce gleam flashed past Sima Xiao’s eyes. He stood up.

“You can count on Scorpio Constellation for this!”

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