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Page 75

I need her naked. I want her body, damp and breathless beneath mine.

With a growl, I surface for air, pushing her head back and licking my way down her neck, tasting every inch of skin. She shudders under my touch, clinging onto me as I cup my hands around her perfect ass and lift, wrapping her legs around me shoving her back against the wall; molding her closer, grinding into her body with my aching hard-on. She makes a mewling noise, arching up against me, and f**k it, I’m lost to her now. I’m drowning in the rush of lust, the world gone, shattered, burning in ashes around us as I claim her lips again and kiss her, kiss her like there’s nothing left but us.

“Mr. Callahan?”

There’s a noise, I couldn’t care less, not with this girl’s body wrapped around me and her mouth so wet and sweet under mine.

“Umm, Mr. Callahan?”

I ignore the voice, dull on the edge of my brain, but suddenly, the girl tenses in my arms. She lets out a cry of shock, and scrambles to push me away.

“Oh my god!” She yanks her dress down, staring past me with a horrified look on her face.

“Dammit!” I curse, whirling around to face our interruption. It’s a busboy from the restaurant, some kid looking mortified in the doorway. “What do you want?” I demand, breathing heavy.

“I, umm, they’re ready for you.” He casts his eyes away, blushing.

“Five minutes,” I curse again, turning back to the girl. I reach for her, but she skitters away from me. Her cheeks are flushed, eyes wide, her hair falling loose in reckless waves.

She’s the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen.

“I can’t believe I just did that,” she whispers, almost to herself. She shakes her head sternly, then turns to go.

“Wait!” I call after her, “You can’t just leave!”

But she does, fleeing back inside without even a backwards glance. And as the haze of lust parts and I finally snap back to reality, it hits me:

The most intoxicating girl I’ve ever met, and I don’t even know her name.

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