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The bell pulled Sophia from her sad spiral. Damn, she meant to lock the front door. It wasn’t that she was afraid. This was a great town. She just wanted some quiet time alone.

As she stepped into the studio, the man at the counter looked familiar. Maybe he’d been at a gallery event, or she’d seen him on TV. She couldn’t be sure, but his eyes were so dark and mesmerizing. “I’m sorry; I’m not open today. I just forgot to lock the door,” Sophia said as she approached Tony.

“That is all right. I can come back,” Tony said with an agreeable smile. “It is just that I travel a lot and happened to be in town. A friend of mine told me about your gallery. He was here a week or so ago and bought three pieces. I’m very interested in nature, and he said you have a wonderful selection.”

Sophia exhaled and smiled. Of course, talk of her art could lift the dark cloud that held her hostage. “Are you a friend of Jackson Wilson?” Tony’s smile widened as he nodded. She continued, “He’s one of my biggest fans.”

“I don’t get this way often. Are you sure you couldn’t give me a speed tour? By the way, my name is Anthony, Anthony Rawlings.”

Sophia stuck out her hand. “Where are my manners? I’m so sorry. My name is Sophia, Sophia Burke. I would be happy to give you a tour.” She couldn’t help looking at those eyes.

“With one condition,” Anthony said, his eyes shining, “you let me buy you dinner and a drink after the tour.”

Sophia gently took the man’s elbow and led him around the studio. After a few minutes of enjoying his charm, she decided, why not? After the last two weeks, what harm could one dinner and a drink do... after all; a new investor could help with her parents’ debt.

Sophia’s mind moved slowly with recent events; however, when the word investor came to her, she recognized the name of the man beside her. “Rawlings?” She stepped back. “Are you the Anthony Rawlings, as in Rawlings Industries and Shedis-tics?”

He grinned, “The one and only.”

She tried to hide her shock. “I’m not sure if you know this... I mean you have thousands of employees, but my husband works for you at Shedis-tics.”

Tony turned toward the painting. “This is lovely. What was your inspiration?”

Sophia tried to concentrate, the mountains were from memory. “The inspiration was a mountain range in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s a beautiful place. Have you ever been?”

He nodded. Sophia saw sadness behind those memorizing eyes. “Mr. Rawlings is everything all right?” She’d been so wrapped up in her own personal tragedy she hadn’t been following the news.

His eyes refocused on her. “I’d like to purchase this.”

She never remembered making an easier sale. “You don’t have to do that, just because we identified our connection.”

“Oh, Mrs. Burke, there is more. Could we possibly discuss it all over dinner?”

Sophia looked at her watch. “It’s ten in the morning.”

He smiled, “Then lunch? Could I meet you at the Bistro at the top of Bradford Street, say one o’clock?”

“They don’t serve meals until after 5:30.”

Tony exhaled, “Well, I’m not on my usual game. I’m staying at the Inn at Crown Pointe, so once again... dinner... say six?”

“Do you want to know the price of the painting?”

“You can tell me during dinner. I’ll write you a check.” He smiled, “If you think I’m good for it?”

Despite the absurdity of this encounter, Derek had said good things about Anthony Rawlings. “I accept. I’ll see you at six.”

Tony bowed gallantly. “Mrs. Burke, it is a pleasure to finally speak with you in person. I look forward to our talk.”

She watched as he walked into the cool autumn morning. Mmm, tonight’s conversation with Derek will be interesting, she thought as the bell on the door jingled signifying Mr. Rawlings’ exit. Sophia quickly walked toward the handle and secured the lock. She’d had enough odd visits for one day.

Tony paced the confines of his executive suite thinking about Sophia. He wondered what she would be like if she’d been raised a Rawls, instead of a Rossi. In actuality, she was a London; however, that was irrelevant.

Nathaniel Rawls wanted to bring Sophia into the family as soon as he found her. At first Tony wasn’t sure; although, he never dared voice his opinion to his grandfather. Yet over time, as Nathaniel’s intention remained steadfast, Anton agreed. With Sophia’s talent, an affluent education and influence could have propelled her beyond her current meager status.

Although Sophia’s adoption was completely legal, the true reason Nathaniel’s desire never materialized was Marie/Catherine. Even in 2013, she didn’t want to know or even have knowledge of her daughter. Catherine didn’t know Sophia’s name, her occupation, anything...

Catherine knew Tony knew. Tony even suspected Catherine knew he’d been watching over her. Until the death of Sophia’s adoptive parents, they’d never discussed it. Tony wasn’t sure how to approach the subject, especially now with Sophia married into a line connected to Jonathon Burke. Yet, he reasoned, Catherine was supportive of him and Claire; perhaps she could also be supportive of Sophia’s choice.

Heaven knows, Tony didn’t approve of Derek Burke initially. However, over time the man passed every test Tony posed. Tony wanted to be sure Derek was the right person. After three years of enticements, Derek and Sophia were still together.

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