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True Agape: True Love Will Always Conquer

Page 169

Father." The priest witnessed with great happiness the changes taking place in

Theodoros. Filled with renewed hope for his recovery, the priest gave Theodoros a big hug and kissed him on both cheeks.

On his way home, Theodoros saw the two cemetery guards who were having tea on their usual marble grave top. They invited Theodoros to join them. Theodoros accepted, but his mood was solemn.

"What is it with you tonight, Theodoros?" the obese Egyptian with slightly effeminate movements asked gently. Theodoros did not respond, but kept caressing his unruly beard.

"Maybe you fell in love with some pretty tourist girl from Greece, eh? What do you say, Theodoros, am I right?" teased the taller thin Egyptian, trying to provoke him. But he paid no attention.

He stood up and in a clear voice that startled the Egyptians said, "I want to shave my ..." Theodoros pointed at his beard.

"Theodoros, I'll do it," replied the tall Egyptian, motioning him to sit. "I used to be a barber in the army." He turned and faced Theodoros. "How about a little off your hair, too?" Theodoros nodded yes.

The Egyptian cut his hair with surgical precision. Then he took out a long razor blade from his leather bag and skillfully shaved Theodoros' face.

"How handsome you look now, Theodoros." He stood back and looked at him with admiration. Then he applied a splash of cologne to his face. The strong alcohol content made Theodoros jump up from the sting. Both Egyptians laughed out loud.

"Thank you," said Theodoros. "Good night."

Theodoros lay on his bed but could not sleep. After hours of tossing and turning, he got up and walked around the marble gravestones. He heard a noise as if someone was coming. Frightened, he jumped into an open desecrated marble crypt and waited.


"If you already told me your name, I forgot. I am sorry," said Penelope to the taxi driver.

"That's okay, ma'am ... It happens to all of us. My name is Nick."

"Nick. Did you say Nick? Oh my God, that was my son's name ... my only son, Nikolas. That's why I came here tonight, looking for him, but it is a long story. Can you

please wait?"

Penelope took her cane and knocked on the priest's door. "Father Agathangelos, please open up. I need to speak to you."

After the third knock, a window on the second floor above the front door opened. Who could it be at this hour? Wondered the halfasleep priest.

"It is I, Mrs. Theophilos, please open up."

"Blessed woman, what are you doing here at this prohibitive hour?"

"I came to look for my son. Please meet me at Theodoros' cottage," she said, recalling that Theodoros had pointed it out in the cemetery to her earlier in the day. She hurriedly left, feeling all the burden of her age, along with the stress of the day. Her heart's pounding pushed her heavyset body, as she limped with the help of her cane through the rows of tall marble crosses and busts of dead people. The light of the moon made everything look like another world. Tripping on a piece of broken statuary, Penelope fell to the ground with a loud thud.

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