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Transcending the Nine Heavens

Page 252

This Revered Martial Artist instinctively sensed the danger and swung his body forward. His sword slashed back creating a blinding flash of sword light.

Everyone who saw this sword move cried out internally in enlightenment. In an unguarded moment, and he was able to react like that. This was truly the peak of cultivation; standing firm in a losing position.

This sword move was truly amazing. Everyone believed that even if the enemy behind him was a King level master, that sword move would have blocked the attack.

But… (Walk the Jiang Hu)

What happened next surprised everyone.


A very soft sound rang out. Two swords met each other. The ninth grade Revered Martial Artist’s sword surprisingly did not even slow down the attack for even a second. It was cut into two like a piece of paper!

That other sword still went after him at an extremely fast speed!


That ninth grade Revered Martial Artist was flying in the air when his figure suddenly paused. He eyes were empty; there was only despair.

On his chest, a blood flower bloomed brightly. On that flower, a sword point shined coldly. This ninth grade Revered Martial Artist was in daze and disbelief as he looked down at the half of the sword that had pierced through his heart. Surprise and hopelessness filled his eyes!


The sword just pierced through, and it was suddenly pulled back. Its white blade became a faint shadow in the snow and wind as it rushed to another ninth grade Revered Martial Artist!

Behind it, the ninth grade Revered Martial Artist who was hit was now holding on to his chest as he slowly fell to the ground. His action was like a slow motion film while that mysterious person in white was moving as fast as lightning!

One fast and one slow, it was too much of a contrast!

That one sword slash earlier was both precise and ruthless. It had unexpectedly ended the life of a ninth grade Revered Martial Artist!

“Big brother!” The remaining ninth grade Revered Martial Artist screamed out. He looked up and yelled in fury, “Bastard! I will kill you!”

Raising his sword, he even abandoned Wu Yun Liang as he went head on with crazy rage!

But right at this moment, that faint white shadow suddenly backed up with a swoosh.

He was clearly advancing with all his strength, but he had immediately backed up in the blink of an eye. As it turned out, he was actually moving back the whole time. However, in the eyes of others, he seemed to be moving forward!

This was an extremely precise move that was capable of fooling the eyes of others!

As if forward, as if backward; as if there, as if gone!

Meng Chao Ran and Wu Yun Liang exclaimed internally!

This was too familiar!

Fleeting Snow Cloud Movement!

But such Fleeting Snow Cloud Movement was beyond the realm of understanding of these two!

That ninth grade Revered Martial Artist angrily roared like thunder. He desperately tried to catch the person. But at that very moment, under the snow behind him, a white shadow shot up!

He swung one sword like lightning right through the chest! There was an unexpected second person in white! Not just one!

And the sword of the person in white in front of him continued to move like the wind; it went for the chest of a sixth grade Revered Martial Artist nearby! Sword and person were one as they attacked feverishly!

This sixth grade Revered Martial Artist terrified. He shouted and pulled out his sword in desperation. But his opponent did not even try to dodge. With a swoosh, the sword had went through his stomach, but the person in white also brought with him blood flower from inside the Revered Martial Artist’s body… out!

Yes, from inside his body… out!

The entire body of the person in white was soaked with blood. On his stomach there was almost clear cut. It was the stab from his opponent earlier. Pausing on the snow, his body still had pieces of that sixth grade Revered Martial Artist’s organs…

Behind him, that sixth grade Revered Martial Artist only had two legs, two arms, a head, and a layer of skin connecting everything. At the stomach, his body had completely disappeared! It had become a large opening!

Such a big hole, even a wild boar… could go through!

The eyes on this sixth grade Revered Martial Artist unexpectedly widened. He plopped to the ground, and his body divided into five pieces…

Head, two legs, two arms…

No body…

The remaining ninth grade Revered Martial Artist roared with burning red eyes as he rushed over. But he suddenly screamed out when he reached half of the way. There was a pop, and a sharp sword point came out of his chest. It flashed with an icy white light and was gone.

He shouted and ferociously palmed backward. They person who attacked from behind quickly backed up and greeted his palm with another. Bam! That person in white flew outward like a loose kite. But, on the chest of the ninth grade Revered Martial Artist, at the position of his heart, there was a hole that went right through his body, and fresh blood was spewing out!

He frowned and murmured, “Still one more left! Still one more left!” While everyone still did not understand his words, he had fallen down and completely stopped moving.

In a blink of an eye, two ninth grade Revered Martial Arists and one sixth grade Revered Martial Artist had died tragically on the spot!

All of these things happened in a moment; it was so quick that everyone felt that even if their bodies were covered with eyes, they could not have seen all the details of what had just transpired.

All of heaven and earth became quiet; even the sound of panting had ceased completely.

Everyone opened their eyes wide to look; the stood stunned with chaotic feelings going through their minds.

The whole thing was unbelievable!

A moment ago, the Revered Martial Artists of Golden Horse Riders Department had complete upper hand. Now, they were dumbfounded!

The enemies were on their last leg so they did not want to pay a big price and chose to kill their enemies slowly… This place was mountainous; even if the enemies were able to get martial experts to come in their aid that aid would come unnoticed. And at that moment, they would still have time to kill their enemies.

After all, everyone had fought and chase for a long time. Both sides had lost almost all of their strength. Even the ninth grade Revered Martial Artists were exhausted. They were trying to save whatever energy they could. If they acted hastily, they risked dying together with the enemies… In this kind of situation, who would have wanted to be the sacrificial lamb?

In any case, with each second that passed by, the enemies were weakened by another part. The enemies could barely even hold on to their swords. Everything was in the palm of their hands; they only needed to deal a final blow, and their task would be over. Great rewards were waiting for them upon their return…

They would have been able to deal the greatest possible blow to King of Hell Chu!

It could be said that if King of Hell Chu fell, Great Zhao would have won the battle of nations. Today’s battle was the foundation of everything. Its massive effect was unspeakable!

However, no one ever expected that such perfect outcome would turn upside down in a blink of an eye! They were just full of joy, and, now, they had fallen into an abyss.

Two ninth grade Revered Martial Artists died as fast as lightning; they had become two corpses! They died needlessly!

As for that sixth grade Revered Martial Artist, he was even more pitiful. In a blink of an eye, his opponent had beaten him to pieces…

From a distance, a voice was heard. Everyone hastily turned; they could see the person in white who sneaked an attack on the second ninth grade Revered Martial Artist had stood up. Fresh blood did not stop coming out the edge of his mouth, but he remained as erect as a spear. And, like that, he walked over step by step. (TLN: May not be necessary, but in case your head is spinning like mine is right now. This guy is Gu Du Xing. The blood soaked one is Chu Yang.)

As he continued to approach them, everyone could clearly sense a sword radiating with cold light slowly approaching them; it showed a sharp edge as if it could slash through everything!

A swordsman!

This is a swordsman!

A Revered level swordsman! No wonder he was able to sneak attack the ninth grade Revered Martial Artist so easily!

This person in white had white hair; even his face and his brows were as white as snow just like the rest of his body. Even if they were standing right in front of his face, they would not have been able to see what he looked like.

At this point, the person in white that had appeared first also slowly turned around. He was now a person wearing blood red clothing; this made it even harder to see what he looked like.

Only his piercing eyes and his sharp temperament was enough to let everyone know that he was also a swordsman!

Swordsmen! In this moment, everyone from Golden Horse Riders Department felt like they want to cry.

In this Lower Three Heavens, how many swordsmen were there? Under normal circumstances, meeting one swordsman was already rare. Right now, in the moment they are exhausted and burnt out, two swordsmen unexpectedly appeared!

This kind of thing truly left people speechless!

While the two were both injured, their auras did not diminish.

If they counted Tan Tan, the situation was now reversed. Meng Chao Ran’s side now had five people while Golden Horse Riders Department’s side suddenly became a party of four. In term of numbers, they had fallen into a disadvantageous position.

Tan Tan relaxed. He could only feel all the wounds on his body. There was not one place that did not hurt or burn. His whole body was without one bit of energy. He plopped on the ground and became unconscious. He had been out of strength long before this, but he was simply struggling to fight and keep himself from falling down. Now that he was relaxed, how could he maintain that state any further?

Wu Yun Liang suspiciously eyed they two people in white in front him. In his memory, these two people did not seem to exist. Where did these two people come from? Why are they helping me? But, no matter what, we are now temporarily out of danger.

Meng Chao Ran calmly watched his enemies as before. He said casually, “Do you people want to continue?”

His words strongly hinted: This is an ambush I have prepared ahead of time! You people have fallen into my trap!

The four Revered Martial Artists of Golden Horse Riders Department looked at each other; this was a dilemma.

Meng Chao Ran said frankly, “We have no personal vendetta against each other. Today’s battle, let’s end it here. If you don’t want to leave your lives here, I will not see you off.”

“This is your trap? You planned this ahead of time?” That female Revered Martial Artist said in disbelief.

“Perhaps yes, perhaps no…” Meng Chao Ran said ambiguously, “I just never thought… that it would be in such a timely manner…” Meng Chao Ran said so because he recognized one of the two people.

While he did not see what the person look like, that gaze was enough for Meng Chao Ran to immediately recognize that: This person in Chu Yang! My disciple! No matter what Chu Yang changes into, how could he fool the eyes of the person who raised him?

This had led Meng Chao Ran to make this impromptu decision.

He and his eldest martial brother had lost all fighting strength. It was pure mental power that kept them going. Now that their aid had arrived, they naturally let out a sigh of relief. But the moment they did this, the two even had trouble standing straight let alone fight!

If it was indeed Chu Yang, he seemed to have improved a lot. But how much could he have advanced in such a short time? Moreover, they were successful with their sneak attacks, but his stomach suffered a serious wound! This wound was enough to cost him his life. If they continued to fight, the injuries would become more severe, and the consequences would be unimaginable…

And the remaining person, while he was able to kill a ninth grade Revered Martial Artist, his injuries were also not light. The blood on the edge of his mouth was bright red; it was the blood of his internal organs. If he continued to fight, he would probably have difficulties keeping his life.

Therefore, Meng Chao Ran immediately made this decision.

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