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Tough Love

Page 60

With his gaze going over Stack’s firm hold on her, Leese nodded. “Right. Later.” On his way past, he winked at Vanity, which made Stack growl.

Ready to throttle him, Vanity strained away. “Let go.”

No reply. Stack held her, occasionally pressing a kiss to her cheek or temple, until he heard the front door close. Then, as the anger uncoiled, he nuzzled her neck. “I’m sorry.”

Un-freaking-believable. “Oh, now you’re sorry.” Everywhere his mouth touched, her skin tingled—but she fought it. “You owed the apology to Leese.”

“He and I will talk.” His clever mouth drifted to her ear, making her toes curl. Using his breath as a tease, he whispered, “Not for you to worry about.”

She started to relax against his big, hot body—then it hit her, and she strained away again, twisting to face him. “Oh, my God. You moved the pissing contest to the rec center.”

Giving up, Stack released her. “He and I will talk, that’s all.”

Crossing her arms and tapping one foot, Vanity demanded, “About what?”

“You.” The dogs hit her back door, and Stack moved around her to let them in. Euphoric at finding Stack there, they began a frantic yapping. Stack knelt down, and Norwood climbed into his lap with his entire body jiggling.

Maggie piddled on the floor.

Sighing, Vanity gathered up paper towels and cleaner. While reassuring Maggie that she was forgiven, Vanity swabbed up the mess.

Stack just watched her. “You’re good with the dogs.”

“But not so good with friends?” She threw the paper towels in the trash with more force than necessary.

Slowly Stack stood again. “You’re under the misguided perception that straight men can actually be friends with women that look like you.”

Looks! Few things could set her off as easily as that.

“Oh?” She swung around to face him. “So you aren’t Merissa’s friend? Yvette’s? Cherry’s? They’re all attractive, so are you lusting after them?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “No?”

Eyes widening, she gaped at him. “Oh. My. God. You do! You lust after all of them!”

Making a face, he said, “I don’t go around lusting after anyone.” Then he verbally backtracked, “Well, you, now. But only because you’ve pushed me—”

“Oh, poor Stack. Have I driven you to distraction?”

Curious, he leaned a hip against the counter and studied her. After what felt like an eternity, he said, “Let me start this over.”

Gesturing grandly, Vanity said, “Go.”

“All men have sexual thoughts about all attractive women who aren’t related.”

Her jaw loosened at such an outrageous outpouring of nonsense. She concentrated on her umbrage, rather than her heartache, because it seriously broke her heart to think of Stack wanting every other woman...meaning she wasn’t special to him at all. “So you have—”

“Considered it? Yes. Ever thought to act on it? No.” He didn’t approach her. When the dogs tried to regain his attention, he pulled two chew treats from his pocket.

The dogs went nuts.

After a long look at her face, Stack tended to the dogs. “C’mon Maggie, Norwood. You guys want treats? Good dogs, let’s go.” He led the leaping, woofing dogs to the living room.

So now he’d just walk away without a word. Throat tight and heart heavy, Vanity turned away to face the window over the sink and concentrated on hiding her hurt.

Then, big warm hands settled on her shoulders, and Stack leaned around to see her face.

She ducked, avoiding eye contact.

“Vanity.” His arms came around her for a hug. He propped his chin atop her head and for the longest time just held her.

Refusing to be the first to talk, Vanity stood there, loving his touch, wondering what it meant, and knowing she had to get it together.

Stack gave her another squeeze. “I’m going to try total honesty here, and I hope I don’t dig myself in deeper.”

She said nothing.

“I am friends with the ladies. Harper most of all because she’s around the rec center so often. Friends only, because they’re a part of our group. Have I noticed them as smoking hot women? I’m not blind, so, yeah. Have I ever given it thought? Yes. I’m a man.”

She felt him shrug, and her eyes narrowed. She had to pinch her mouth tight to keep silent.

“But would I have ever made a move on them? No.”

Bully for him. So while he imagined sex with all of them, he kept his hands to himself. Big whooping deal.

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