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Too Consumed

Page 35


“O, I want you to take all of those nervous thoughts that are skittering around your head and I want you to forget them. I’d never do anything to hurt you. I’d never do anything to demean you…” His lips twitch. “…intentionally. All I want is to make you feel good.”

He removes his hands from my thighs, slips out of his jacket and tosses it to the side like it isn’t worth a cent. “I want you to feel special, like you’re the only girl I want to be with.”

I keep my eyes on his as his fingers curl around his buttons one by one, exposing his alluring flesh piece by piece. I’m enthralled by the vision. Every muscle in his perfect body is obvious and sculpted to complete perfection.

“You don’t scream for me when I’m fighting, but you will scream for me now.” He strokes his finger along my bottom lip then pushes it inside. He surveys his finger in my mouth before he snatches it back, grabs my jaw and swoops down, claiming it with a heavy breath. His tongue tastes me with an aggressive passion that sets my body alight. I can hear our breath smashing into each other and I gasp loudly when he pulls away without any notice. He rests his forehead against mine. “And I will replay your screams over and over in my head every second I’m in this ring two weeks from now.”

I nod my compliance eagerly, but I don’t know whether to be petrified or exhilarated. He shrugs out of his shirt, exposing all of his clean cut muscles and he kicks the fabric to the side, uncaring if it wrinkles. He doesn’t give me much time to admire him topless in a nice pair of slacks. His hands shoot out and grip my bare hips as he descends on me, lowering his head to suck harshly on my neck. Fervently, I press myself into him, unable to get enough. Seth’s rough hand glides down my navel and between my legs. I shudder as a low growl rolls through his chest like thunder and he drags his lips to my ear.

“You’re so fucking wet.” He sucks my earlobe between his lips and releases it. “You don’t want to be, but you’re really turned on by this, aren’t you?”

He strokes me and it sends a bolt of pleasure down through my body, making my knees weaken. I rake my teeth across my bottom lip and shake my head, refusing to play into his hands straight away even though my heart pounds hot blood through my veins.

“You’re going to have to do better than that, baby,” I tell him, not in the slightest bit embarrassed that my voice is low and breathless.

His eyes flare. He knows he has me melting like butter, but he plays along, undoubtedly eager to see how long I can keep from letting myself go. His fingers slip from me and a pang of disappointment courses through my body…or at least it does until I hear the zip of his pants. Before I have time to see if he’ll drop them or not, his hands tighten around my hips and I’m suddenly being thrust upward. He hoists me up, forcing me to wrap my legs around him while he shoves his hips into mine, thrusting against me. Seth smirks as he presses his bare erection deliberately into the apex of my thighs, and I squirm as my breath escapes in a sharp gust. His expression turns predatory—dark and hungry.

“I’ve watched you strut around in your dress while others stared.” He cups one of my breasts and my peaks strain against the palm of his hand.

I squeeze him tighter, forcing him even closer to me. In response, he runs his tongue slowly over my bottom lip. “I’ve watched other men flirt with you and eye-fuck you.” He drops a hand to position himself right where I want him to be. “You’re here with me now, though,” he rasps, entering me a fraction and sending white hot pleasure arrowing through my core. “And all I want is to hear you say it.”

He doesn’t push further as he waits for me to say it—whatever it is. I flex my hips, forcing him in deeper, but he pulls away, keeping me desperate and wanting.

“Seth…” I groan.

Cold tingles—wait—hot tingles dance over the surface of my skin as he pushes a little deeper then moves back out.

“You were mad at me upstairs,” he says, his breath sounding awfully shaky for someone who is meant to be in control. I almost smile.

“I was.”

“It was never my intent to demean you, but I had to let those dick bags know that you’re mine.”

I feel my brows draw together. “I know I’m yours. That’s all that should matter.”

He shakes his head. “For as long as you’re with me, I’ll make sure everyone knows it. Whoever talks to you, touches you, or looks at you will know that you are mine, and I will do and say an endless amount of stupid shit to achieve that.”


He moves inside of me and I desperately want to grip his shoulders against the shudder that rolls through me.

“Because I love you and I’ve never loved anyone before…I don’t want anyone else to feel how you make me feel. I told you when we met that I’m fucking selfish and spoiled, and I wasn’t kidding. I want every one of your smiles, every laugh, every tear, every-fucking-thing—all of it—I want it and I want it all to myself.”

My heart swells at his words—although not elegantly stated—and I want to give him all of me. I do give him all of me. I want to break through these restraints and glide my hands across his shoulders and up his neck to reassure him. “I am yours and solely yours. The smiles I give everyone else aren’t like the smiles I give you. For them, I smile out of courtesy. For you, I smile out of love—something only you make me feel.”

His features soften and I watch his tongue glide quickly over his bottom lip. “Why do you love me?”

I stare into his choc-honeycomb eyes and think about my answer. After a few prolonged seconds, I realize I don’t have one and I shake my head.

“I don’t have an answer…and maybe that’s what love is.”

His brows furrow. “Explain.”

“Well, maybe love is enigmatic for a reason. Think about it, all of the greatest things in this world are indescribable because there are no words that can accurately portray them.” He smiles and I mimic it. “In short, inexpressible beyond words is my answer for you.”

His forehead falls softly against mine. “I don’t deserve you…I shouldn’t be tying you up out in the open and I shouldn’t be treating you like you’re anything but good.”

I shrug, my stare falling to his lips. I don’t want him to stop this. It feels right. All I want is Seth on me, around me, inside of me—I can’t get close enough to him.

“Even good can be a little bad sometimes.”

His mouth quirks up on an adorable angle. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“It doesn’t have to, now shut up and finish what you started.”

“I don’t think you understand how this works.” He bites back a cocky smile. “You’re the one tied up…which means, you are in no position to give me orders.”

With a flick of my eyebrows, I roll my hips on him and he growls deep in his chest, gripping my hips. I may be tied up, but I still have the power. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as Seth slams himself all the way inside, making me take all of him in one deep thrust. As he fills me, the air whooshes out of my lungs and stings when I forget to breathe. His hands squeeze me as he moans my name. With each thrust his length fills my hot core completely and my helpless body writhes against the wire as I cry out in ecstasy. My eager moans spur Seth onward and he slams into me with surprising, spine-tingling force.

“You are here with me,” he mutters in a sexy husky voice and I’m unsure if it’s to me or himself. “Because you are fucking mine.”

I bite my lip harshly and moan my agreement. My head spins and momentarily, I’m worried that this is all a dream—that I’m about to wake up and find this isn’t happening, but when I drag my eyes to his and see his scorching eyes and sexy smirk, I know there’s no way I’m dreaming. This is real. He feels real…and fucking amazing.

“Untie me.”

I want to engulf my fingers in his dark hair. I want to run my hands over his hard body and feel his muscles tremble because of me.

“You want to touch me?”

I nod. “Desperately.”

In an instant he reaches up and manages to free my hands. It’s clear the tying thing doesn’t work for us. We need to feel each other with our hands—every time we have sex we explore each other and touch each other like it’s the very first time all over again.

Immediately, I plunge my fingers into his hair and he groans as I weave my fingers tightly through his locks. His tongue plunges into my mouth, assuming all control. I’m sure I’ll have marks on my back from the cage, but I don’t care—not right now, anyway.

Seth’s movements speed to a frantic pace and I can hear him grunting and growling low in his chest, begging me for his release as he continues to fuck me. I’m close, and I begin to pull at his hair as I climb higher to my peak. I’m falling endlessly, waiting for something to explode inside me, but I don’t want to come yet. I want to stay here on the edge of euphoria with him. Seth grips the base of my thigh, thrusting in long, quick strokes.

“Yes,” I hiss, locking my ankles.

My mouth and brain are disconnected from each other. My brain knows to shut up, but my mouth insists on begging for more. When I’m panting for air, his mouth slips down to my neck and he bites down on it, sucking fiercely. He releases the skin instantly, realizing a love bite isn’t the classiest thing to show off at an event like this, and runs his tongue over the spot he sucked. My hands grope him and my mouth nips and licks every section of exposed flesh available to me.

“Tell me…” he moans into my ear. “Tell me how much you love this.”

“I love you taking me hard against the cage.”

He moans, deep and husky, and it vibrates every sensitive part in my body, increasing my pleasure tenfold. My body contracts as sensations begin to build in me, forcing me to pant hard and heavy. I’m going to come…I try to hold it off, wanting to prolong this feeling and this moment, but as soon as Seth reaches down in between us, and he flicks a rough, thick and hard finger over my sensitive bundle of nerves, all is lost. I’m spinning down an endless spiral, floating above my body. He’s swearing under his breath as my muscles constrict almost painfully around him, and I’m milking him deeper and deeper inside of me.

“Seth!” I grab his shoulders as the friction of him thrusting into me becomes too much.

“You better fucking scream for me,” he rasps, rubbing me harder, thrusting deeper. He bites my bottom lip and the feel of his tongue, the nip of his teeth, the heat of his breath, the friction of his fingers—it’s all too much and dark coils unfurl in my stomach, whipping wildly inside of me, shattering my self control and fragmenting me. I dig my nails into the taut flesh of his shoulders and I scream out as wave after wave of the most intense orgasm of my life rips through my entire body, causing my muscles to spasm and my breath to falter. Seth’s hips drive harder and faster as I ride out the surge, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Fuck yeah…oh…” he growls, pressing his forehead against mine. Our breaths clash in a heavy pant and our lips barely graze. His thrusts become quick and shaky, his eyes half-lidded and lust-filled. Not a second later, he jams his tongue in my mouth and I absorbed all of his moans on the tip of my tongue as warmth spreads throughout my womb. Long after I feel him soften, he continues to kiss me. His lips slow moving against mine in a relaxed rhythm as his tongue licks and tastes me. I feel myself melt into him and he supports most of my weight. With a small nip of my bottom lip, he pulls away.

“That’ll do just nicely.” He smiles, and it’s a cute, lazy smile that makes my heart swell hard against my ribs.

He steps away from me and fresh, cool air clings to my skin in his absence. I reach for my dress, but his voice stops me. “Not yet.”

I freeze and draw myself back to full height. Excitement bubbles at the thought of doing what we just did again, but when Seth starts putting his own clothes back on, I really become confused. I watch, leaning thoughtfully against the wire—the wire that is probably printed onto the flesh on my back, too.

As he pulls his jacket over his shoulders, he steps closer with a wide smile.

“What?” I ask.

“You are so amazing.” He chuckles, stroking my nipple with his index finger and it stands to attention.

“You can’t tell me this when I’m dressed?”

“I can, but it’s what I’m going to tell you afterwards that I want you to be naked for.”

I frown. “Why?”

“Because I want you to remember this. When you think back to this life changing moment, I want it to have my name all over it.”

Seth drops before me, down on one knee! My heart stops and stutters, threatening to implode and kill me on the spot. When it continues to beat, it pumps blood through my veins at a pace too quick for the rest of my body to accommodate and my head spins. Do not freak out. This can’t possibly be what I think it is.

He looks up at me through thick, dark lashes.

Oh, fuck.

Without taking his eyes from mine, he reaches into his jacket and produces a gorgeous green velvet box. I’m frozen. It’s exactly what I think it is. He opens the box and exposes the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. Gold. Emeralds. Diamonds. All of the pretty rocks are arranged on top of the gold band in a breathtaking display of elegance.

Oh, shit.

“If I don’t do this now, I know I’ll regret it later. I’m here in my favorite place, with my favorite person—naked, might I add—and I can’t think of a more perfect time other than right now to ask you what I’ve been dying to ask you.” ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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