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Till Dark

Page 89

Andy didn't speak until they were pulling out of the parking lot. "I'm sorry if my sister offended you. She tends to be a little outspoken." "If she's a little outspoken then I'm a nun." They both laughed at the joke for a minute. "Andy." He turned his attention to her without taking his eyes off the road. "Is something wrong?" he asked worried that Renada had been too much. "No I just wanted to tell you that I had a really great evening." He reached over and lightly patted her knee. I'm glad. I hope that it helped ease away some of the tension." "It was a great idea and I'm glad that I agreed to do it." Andy looked over at her for a long moment before returning his gaze back to the road. "So am I." The rest of the trip back to her hotel was spent in companionable silence. They both were a little to full from the meal and thoughts to really do much talking. The fact that neither one of them had slept well also contributed to their silence.

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