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Till Dark

Page 74

She made it in the elevator glancing over her shoulder as she went, to see both her attackers drilling toward her. She backed inside not even waiting for the doors to fully open as she smashed the close door button. She continued to bang the button fear gripped her whole body like a hand squeezing the breath and hope out of her. A large object just inside the elevator stopped her from backing up further and panic rose in her throat like bile. "What the heck." She knew that voice and looked up. It was Andy. Her bravado returned as she hit the button once more to close the doors just in time. Only one of them managed to get his arm in the door but quickly removed it as the elevator started to move. Jordan turned to Andy relief pouring from her. "What happened?" Andy asked as he opened his arms to let her walk into them. Jordan didn't dare look up at him because she knew that she would not be able to control her emotions if she did. She grabbed a fist full of his shirt and began to tell him about what happened through her tears and gasps of pain. He was quiet through all of it till she was finished and then he asked her why she had not called him at home or the police. For the first time since Jordan got on the elevator she looked up at him. "I'm not sure." She replied. "I guess I really didn't think too. I mean it all happened so quickly" Andy didn't mention the incident again he simply held Jordan until the sound of the elevator brought both of them back to reality. "Oh no, I'm certain that they would have noticed us going up. They both jumped to the sides to make it look like no one was on the elevator. As the doors opened they peeked around the side to see if anyone were there before exiting. Quickly she punched several buttons before getting off the elevator so that it would stop on several floors while she and Andy took the stairs to the main lobby. The elevator doors shut behind them and began its decent.

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