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Till Dark

Page 39

Stonily Jordan sat in the police car, next to Officer Greer, looking out the window. Her head ached both from the bump on it and, from thinking about Andy being a part of all of this. Officer Greer brought her out of her thoughts. He probed her again about anything strange or out of the ordinary that might lead them to her attacker. She knitted her brows together in concentration. "No only a strange smell and then nothing." "Tell me about the smell." The Officer probed. "Well, it was not like cologne or anything but more like someone's own particular scent. Do you know what I mean? That sounds stupid I know." She said and looked out the window. "Not really. Do you think you would recognize it if you were around it again?" She turned to stare at him. "I don't know probably why?" The Officer pulled to a stop at a red light and turned his attention fully on her. He stared at her silently for a long moment as if he wanted to say something but was afraid to. Softly he replied, "Because that scent might be the only thing to save your life next time." The light changed and they were on their way again. Staring blindly out the front windshield the buildings passed by in a blur. From Andy's house it was several blocks to the hotel by city streets. Neither of them spoke the rest of the way. Jordan thought over this revelation until he pulled up in front of the hotel. "I'll walk up with you. The hotel has already been informed to have all staff members on the lookout for anyone strange entering the building and they are also checking out all the rooms on your floor. We have also placed extra security in the hotel. So far nothing has turned up but you never can tell." She glanced at the officer solemnly. "Am I going to have a security guard outside my door as well?" He smiled slightly. "No. We didn't think we needed to go that far besides with all the other precautions we are taking there shouldn't really be a need for that. I would recommend that you stay as close to the hotel and the security guards as possible." I had not planned on leaving my room for a long while but thank-you for the advice." "Wait here." The Officer told Jordan as he got out of the car and closed the door.

A little miffed at the fact that he was speaking to her as if she were a small child; she let it slide because her head hurt so badly she didn't feel like making an issue out of it right now. Leaning back against the headrest she waited for him to finish talking with the doorman. This had been some kind of wild day she thought. Actually it had been a very wild and crazy week. Startled back into reality by a tap on her window, she slowly opened her eyes to see Clark standing next to the car. She rolled down the window. "What are you doing here? How did you get here and, why did you leave me there?" She looked over to where Officer Greer was talking with the doorman. He was half turned and if he really paid attention he would spot Clark in a matter of minutes. Clark smiled his most devastating smile and told Jordan all that had happened after he left her. He had gotten out of Andy's house when he shoved her behind the boxes to protect them both. He could not risk being caught by Andy and he didn't want to put her in any more danger than he already had. "So tell me what happened?" He asked Jordan but it was too late. She looked past his waist to see a very perturbed Officer Greer headed straight for them.

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