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Page 28

Taking my phone back, I quickly send Olivia an email before sending Kyan a message.

Me: Olivia just sent me a mockup of her cover. It looks AMAZING! You look AMAZING!

I set my phone back down, knowing that Kyan is usually busy all day, and return back to my spot on the couch. Hopefully this movie will help steer my thoughts away from Kyan for a while. Thinking about him takes my mind to places that it shouldn’t be.

“Alright. Enough interruptions. Back to Ryan time.”

Tori doesn’t argue with that. She plops back down in her chair and hits play on the remote, starting the DVD.

We get through the first hour of the movie before someone knocks on the door. I sit up and look over at Tori, not wanting to deal with it. “Go get it. It’s probably Brad.”

She makes an annoyed face. “I haven’t talked to Brad since this morning. He knows better than to just show up. He’s a trained little puppy.”

“Well get it anyways. You’re closer and I’m sore.”

She lets out a frustrated breath as the person knocks again. “Fine. Calm your tits, I’m coming.”

She stomps across the room and over to the door. I look over the couch and watch as she opens the door to Hunter standing there. My heart does a little flip as he flashes his sexy smile.

“What the . . . Hunter?” Tori steps aside as Hunter walks in and closes the door behind him. “What the hell are you doing here? It’s been like six years or some shit.”

He walks over to the couch and plops down beside me, before grabbing my face and pressing his lips to mine. Pulling away, he smiles up at Tori. “Nice to see you again too, Tori. I was hoping Calla would join me for food and go for a ride. I need some air.”

Tori gives me a very confused look, her mouth gaping open. I think I forgot to mention that Hunter lives in the same building and that we sort of slept together, or maybe I just chose not to tell her . . . because she sort of despises him.

“Hunter.” I smile as I watch him lean back on the couch as if he’s perfectly comfortable. I get that little giddy feeling in my stomach again, seeing Hunter sitting here on this couch like he owns the damn place. Last time he was here we were both . . . naked. “I wasn’t expecting you. I mean . . . but yeah, I’m pretty hungry.”

“What the fuckity fuck? I’m so damn confused right now.” She looks at me wide eyed. “He just kissed you and now you’re leaving Ryan for him. No one walks out on Ryan Guzman without good reason. Are you two . . . dating or some shit? Why do I not know about any of this?”

I shake my head, about to die in embarrassment if Tori keeps running her mouth. “No, we’re just . . .” I have no idea how to explain to Tori that I’ve been sleeping with two guys. Saying it out loud just seems so . . . wrong. “Umm . . .”

“I’m just her sex slave,” Hunter says teasingly. He grabs my hand and rubs it down his abs. “She can use my body whenever and for whatever she pleases.”

She looks a little impressed as she fully takes in my situation. I’m sure she never would’ve thought in a million years that I’d have it in me to be having sex with two gorgeous men. Well, neither did I. “Wow. Didn’t see that one coming.” Her eyes stay on us as she walks back over to her chair and takes a seat. “He’s still pretty hot as long as he keeps his mouth closed. Good fucking job.”

Hunter chuckles beside me. “I’ll just take that as a compliment.” Grabbing my hand, he pulls me up from the couch. “I won’t keep you away from this Ryan guy for long.” He lifts an eyebrow in question.

I nod toward the TV. “That gorgeous guy frozen on the screen.”

“Nice,” he says.

Tori watches me as I grab for my purse, and I can tell she has a lot to say, but is fighting as hard as she can to keep her mouth closed. Good. Leaving with Hunter will save me some time from having to answer her endless questions about Kyan and Hunter.

“I’ll be back in a bit. Pause Ryan until I get back?” I give her a sweet smile. “Please.”

Tori shrugs. “I’ll pause it, but only for a couple hours.” She raises a brow at Hunter as he gently guides me toward the door. “Keep my friend safe. I know how you like to party. I’m sure that hasn’t changed much.”

“No partying,” Hunter says with a smile. “Just the two of us and some good food.”

My stomach fills up with knots.

Just the two of us . . .

WE STOP BY A BURGER place and get our order to- go. Hunter explained that he has a certain spot that he likes to go to be alone and just relax. He thought it’d be better than eating in a crowded place. I could agree. A little fresh air will be nice.

It feels so weird being inside Hunter’s truck and I can’t help but to keep looking over at him, watching him as he drives. Being with him makes me feel like I’m back in high school. I guess Hunter James will always bring back that old feeling, making me feel young again. It’s weird how certain people do that.

We drive for about fifteen minutes until Hunter pulls off into the middle of nowhere and parks in the grass. It’s starting to get dark, but I can easily tell that there’s no one nearby. We’re completely alone and the thought both excites me and has me nervous. Hunter makes me nervous.

Hunter looks over at me and smiles, all while reaching for the bag of food. “Let’s eat outside. Come on.” He jumps out of the truck and walks around to drop the tailgate.

I jump out after him and walk around to the back. Grabbing my hips, Hunter lifts me up and sets me on the tailgate, his hands lingering for a few seconds.

“I love eating outside.” He hops into the truck beside me and digs our food out of the bag. “There’s just something so peaceful about it. I hate being cooped up inside on the couch or at a table. I do that way too much.”

I grab my burger and nod my head. “I agree. I’m stuck inside way more than I like.” I lean my head back and smile as the breeze blows through my hair. “This is nice, Hunter.”

Enjoying the night air, we both sit here in silence until we’re both done enjoying our food. With bellies full, Hunter pushes the garbage out of the way and lays backward, lacing his fingers behind his head.

“I’m taking it Tori still hates me from that time I hit her with my football. That was about what . . . seven years ago?”

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