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Page 25

Back up, hussy . . .

Tori smiles at Kyan and her eyes follow him all the way to his seat. “So . . .” She pulls out her own chair and takes a seat, as so does Brad. “Were you done working for the day?”

Kyan thanks the waitress and grabs for one of the beers, while loosening his tie some more. “Nah. I’m never really done with work.”

“I see.” Tori grins at me like an idiot, so I quickly kick her leg and change the subject.

We spend the first hour or so just hanging out at our table, drinking and talking, and I have to admit that Chrissy’s invitation is the last thing on my mind tonight. That invitation can kiss my ass. Time is flying by and everyone is getting along as if we’ve done this a hundred times before. It’s comfortable. I haven’t had this kind of fun out with friends in what seems like forever.

It seems that a lot of people here know who Kyan is and treats him with so much respect that I can’t help but to smile as I watch him interact with others that randomly stop by to say hi. He’s so different than most men. He doesn’t have to try. People just naturally like and respect him and he doesn’t seem to let that go to his head. It makes me happy to just be around him.

“Alright,” Tori says while grabbing Brad’s hand. “This is a lot of fun and all, but I need to move. I’m too young to just sit here.” She giggles as Brad pulls her into his arms and bites her neck. “We’ll be out on the dance floor. You two don’t have too much fun.”

Kyan tilts his head at me and grins before taking a swig of his beer and setting it back down. “Come on.” He grabs my hand and starts pulling me out into the crowd. Luckily I’m on my third beer, so I’m feeling a bit loose and am starting to not worry about all the sets of eyes that seem to keep following us around.

Kyan pretends to not notice all the girls gawking at him, but it has definitely caught my attention.

“You dance?” I question as he slips an arm around my waist and pulls me against him.

He slowly grinds his hips to the music in such a seductive way that a breath escapes me. I seriously had no idea that he could move his body like that.

He leans into my ear and laughs against it. “Surprised? Don’t let the suit fool you.” Moving behind me, he runs his hand up my arm and pulls it around his neck, while grinding his hips against my ass. I feel his lips against my ear again. “It’s been a while, but I never forget how to move my body.”

Oh God . . .

I feel my body moving in rhythm with his as if we’ve done this a million times before. One of his arms is around my neck and the other around my waist as we move to the slow beat, his body controlling mine. It feels too much like the bedroom and I instantly feel the heat rush through my body at the memories.

His hand runs up my neck until my head is tilted back and his lips are running across my face. They trace my hairline, nose, and cheeks, but never stop on my lips. Still, just the feel of his breath so close to mine gets my heart racing.

We dance for a while until he notices that I’m out of breath. Obviously I’m not in as good of shape as him and I started to break a sweat at least twenty minutes ago.

“Sorry,” I say while fighting to catch my breath. “I don’t dance much.”

He runs his hand under my hair, along the back of my neck and smiles. “Don’t be.” Lacing his fingers through mine, he pulls me through the crowd and over to stand next to the bar. He leans in so I can hear him. “I haven’t done this in a while, but being here with you makes me forget about all the fucked up stress of work. I finally remember what it’s like to relax and enjoy myself.”

He picks my chin up and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. “I’m happy you invited me out tonight. I desperately needed this.”

I find myself smiling against his thumb. “Well I’m glad you came.” I lean beside him against the bar. “I didn’t think you’d come. I figured you’d be too busy working.”

He waves over a bartender and orders us a couple beers. I seriously have no idea where Tori and Brad are, and for once I could care less. Usually when I go out with Tori I hate when I can’t find her, even when I am with someone else. Right now . . . I’m perfectly fine just having Kyan close by.

Tossing down some cash, he grabs both beer bottles in his right hand before grabbing my hand with his free one.

I see him glance back at me and smile when he notices an open pool table. Pulling me behind him, he grabs up an empty table and sets our drinks down.

“You down for another game?” He raises a brow. “Maybe this time I won’t have to carry you home?”

I push his chest a few times and laugh at my stupid behavior that first night. I was hoping the end of that night was just some kind of weird dream.

“I’m down.” I watch him as he watches me. “What?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing.”

“Nothing?” I step closer to him and grab his tie, bringing my lips close to his. He looks down at my lips before bringing his eyes up to meet mine. The pained look in them has me clearing my throat and releasing his tie. I grab for my cue stick and smile as if that moment never happened. The last thing I want to do is make him feel uncomfortable.

“You break this time.” I stand back and cross my arms. “I’m pretty sure since I’m sober this time that I’ll be kicking your ass.” I lean over the table and grin at him as he concentrates on breaking. “I promise not to tell too many people.”

He looks up at me and keeps his eyes there while breaking. I’m surprised to see how good of a shot he still made. It was a nice, solid hit.

“Show off,” I mutter.

I stand back and watch as he continuously hits solid after solid into the pockets until he’s down to just one ball. Then, he misses on purpose.

“Really!” I shriek. I slap the end of the pool table and grab for my beer. “You tricked me our first night. You didn’t play nearly that good.”

He gives me a sexy grin as I set my beer down and prepare for my shot. “I didn’t want to scare you away and blow my chances of another game with you.”

“Liar,” I say.

“I’m dead serious.” He leans over me and runs his lips up my neck just as I’m about to take a shot. My hand loses grip and I hear him laugh in my ear. “Oops.”

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