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Page 20

I look down at our feet and do a silent scream of joy. Me? This girl? I pretty much thought that I was invisible most of high school until Jordan approached me. He was smart, sexy, and had his whole future planned out. I thought I was part of that future, but I was proven wrong; so wrong.

“I really don’t know what to say about that. I never knew.” I look up and smile as he backs away from me to zip his pants and button them.

“Well, now you do.” He looks down at his watch before rubbing his thumb over my chin. “I really enjoyed this. We’re just two adults having a little fun. If you start to feel like this is too much then we can stop. You’re in charge here. Remember that.” He quickly kisses my lips. “It’s getting late and I have some more work to get done before my brother kicks my ass. He can be a little bossy.”

I smile and start walking him to the door. “We wouldn’t want you getting your ass kicked, so I guess you’re free to go.”

He opens the door and starts backing out. “You have my number.”

I nod. “I do.”

Turning around, he walks away, causing my head to go crazy with thoughts the second I’m left alone.

Holy shit . . . I just had sex with two guys within two days; two insanely, sexy guys that I could only dream of even kissing.

I take in a deep breath and plop down on the couch. That’s when I notice a missed text on my phone. I grab my phone off the coffee table and see Kyan’s name across the screen.

My heart speeds up.

Kyan: I want to see you tomorrow night. Meet me at my place at seven.

I grip onto my phone and type back with shaky fingers. Looks like I’ll be telling Kyan about my little date night with Hunter tomorrow. I know he said this is what he wants, but I still feel weird about all this.

Me: Should I dress comfortably? Is this a training session?

He replies a couple minutes later.

Kyan: You can wear anything you want. I’m here to please you, Calla. I’ll see you then.

My heart skips a beat as I read his message for a third time. I have no idea how to respond to that . . . so I don’t.

I don’t know if I can survive these boys . . .

I’M IN MY OFFICE FINISHING up paperwork when Erica appears in my doorway and lightly knocks on the opened door.

I tilt my head and look up. “What’s up, Erica?”

She points behind her. “There’s a guy here asking for you? He says he really needs to see you. Says he’s an old friend. He seems a little out of it or drunk or something.”

Shit . . .

I let out a frustrated breath and grip the top of my desk. “Send him in. I’ll take care of him.”

A few seconds later Bryant walks in dressed in a wrinkled suit and looking as if he hasn’t slept in days. His tired, brown eyes land on mine as he closes the door behind us.

Fighting to keep my shit in check, I nod to the chair in front of my desk. “Take a seat.” I clench my jaw and swallow in anger as I watch him sitting there looking back at me. Doesn’t he realize how hard it is for me not to kill him? “What do you want?”

He leans forward and runs his hands over his face before looking back up. His blonde, curly hair is long and out of control, and his face looks as if he hasn’t shaven in weeks. “I can’t fucking sleep, man.” He rubs his hands together. “She’s killing me and I don’t know what the hell to do.”

Okay, now I’m convinced he’s lost his fucking mind. He wants to sit in my fucking chair and talk about the woman he fucked me over with.

Do not kill this sad fucker, Kyan . . .

I stand up, lean over the desk and slam my fists down, causing him to jump back. My hands grip onto the desk and I can feel my veins popping from my neck. I’m beyond ready to rip his throat out. “What the fuck, Bryant!” I tilt my head up and lock my eyes with his. “Jessica is not my problem. Your relationship with her is not my problem. In fact, I want nothing to do with either of you.”

He stands up from his seat and swipes an arm over my desk, knocking the papers off. “You’re the one that decided to let a fucking woman come between ten years of friendship. Ten years, bro. Now I can’t even get you to answer a simple text, and I have to sit at home and listen to my woman compare me to you; how you did this and you did that. Do you think that’s easy for me? Huh? Knowing that she’s with me but wants you?”

I lean my head back and let out a forced breath. It’s going to take a lot of strength to not jump over this desk and kick the shit out of him. “No,” I growl out. “That’s where you’re wrong. You let a woman get in the way of our friendship. You broke the code, bro. She wasn’t just a random hook up. She was the girl I was going to fucking marry. I don’t give a shit what she wants now, and I definitely don’t give a shit about what you want. You both should have thought about the fucking future when you were both fucking me in the ass. That’s all I can do now, and my future sure as fuck doesn’t involve the two of you.”

I stand up straight and flex my jaw as he stares at me. “You know what? Get. The. Fuck. Out. The two of you deserve misery together, and when you get home tell Jessica to fuck herself and forget about me. I’ve already forgotten about her.”

Bryant’s nostrils flare as he just stands there, looking straight ahead. I’ve held this anger in for far too fucking long. Seeing the look in his eyes tells me that he’s definitely feeling my hatred and betrayal. Good.

He nods his head a few times before shaking it and turning to face the door. “Take it easy, old friend.”

As soon as the door closes I grab my desk and flip it over, before grabbing the chair he was just sitting in and breaking it against the wall. My blood is pumping so damn fast that I’m seeing red. I don’t need this shit right now. I don’t need to think, or feel.

“Fuck you!” I kick my desk. “That fucking asshole.”

My door opens, and without looking up I scream. “Get the fuck out!”

Whoever it was decides not to question my outburst. The door quickly closes and I’m left standing here, coming undone.

Leaving my office a mess, I grab my jacket and lock the door behind me. I look straight ahead, jaw tense as I walk for the door. I feel eyes on me, but right now I don’t care. I just need to get away from all this bullshit. I need fucking freedom.

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