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Page 13

He smiles at me and grabs my hand. “Let’s go.”

I ABOUT FELL OVER AND fainted when I watched Kyan mount his motorcycle when we left the gym. His sexiness level is now off the chart and I’m not sure how much more of it I can handle. I mean, a woman can only handle so much, right?

I feel his hand rest on the bottom of my back as we enter the apartment building and walk toward the front desk.

The blonde girl at the desk smiles at me and then looks to Kyan. “Hi, Mr. Wilder. You have some messages and a reminder from your brother that he’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

Kyan reaches for the index cards as the girl hands them out for him. “Thank you, Ashley.” His hand goes lower, stopping on my ass and I have to fight the gasp that almost escapes my lips. “Anything else I should know?”

Ashley nods toward me. “Would you like me to tell you at a different . . .”

“She’s fine,” he says, cutting her off. “Tell me now.”

She clears her throat and gives me a forced smile. “It looks like Ryder Owens is late on rent again this month and Mrs. Moore is going to pay tomorrow when her check comes in.”

He grinds his jaw. “Tell Mrs. Moore not to worry. She can pay when she can, and I’ll deal with Ryder myself.”

Kyan brings his hand back up to my lower back and gives a little pressure to let me know that he’s ready to start walking.

I wait until we get in the elevator to ask him a pretty obvious question after the conversation I just witnessed a few minutes ago.

“Do you own this place too?”

“Yeah,” he says, still looking a little worked up about this Ryder guy. “I bought it from my father a few years ago and then opened the gym up with my brother.”

“Wow!” I smile as the elevator dings. “Someone’s a pretty busy man.”

He walks out onto the sixth floor and pulls me along beside him. “I’m a very busy man. Too busy sometimes.”

Once we get in front of my door, he presses my back against it and rubs his thumb over my throat. His eyes meet mine. “I need you to promise that you’ll use protection with others. Every. Single. Time.”

“I’ve always used protection. I’m safe when it comes to sex.”

He gives me a satisfied nod. “Me too. Always.” His hand wraps in the back of my hair and his eyes lower to my lips. “Goodnight, Calla.” He leans in and kisses me on the side of the mouth. “I’ll text you later about our next session.”

I swallow and nod my head. “Goodnight, Mr. Wilder.”

He flashes me a sexy grin before taking off toward the elevator. I immediately unlock the door and push it open, disappearing inside.

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!”

I’ve been keeping that in for a while. I’m sore; so sore. All over. Especially between my legs, but I didn’t want him to know that he hurt me, because I don’t want him to take it easy on me next time. I want this just as much as him.

Maybe even more . . .

I STEP INTO THE ELEVATOR with Calla’s taste still tingling on my lips from the gym. I was so close to kissing her on the mouth when I said goodnight at her door that I had to stop myself before going through with it.

Kissing isn’t something that I take lightly. I usually keep kissing in the bedroom to keep that safe line between dating and just having unattached sex, but her lips feel and taste so damn good that I’m so close to saying fuck it and blurring those lines.

“Fuck!” I step out of the elevator and onto the tenth floor. My eyes wander down the hall to Hunter’s door before I shove my key into my lock and let myself inside.

Hunter gets back tomorrow and finally I’ll have a little help around here. I’m so exhausted by the time I get home each night that thinking is physically painful, and I know for a fact now that since I’ve had sex with Calla I’m going to be doing a hell of a lot more thinking.

Being inside her felt a lot better than I expected. I had to try my hardest not to come before I got her off first. I always get the woman off first, but with her I was almost selfish.

I pick up my phone and think about sending her a text, but then toss it aside, deciding against it.

Instead, I strip down to my boxers and go to bed, thinking about how and when I’m going to fuck Calla again.

It definitely has to be soon . . .

INSTEAD OF GOING TO BED I find myself behind the computer, pulling up photos of Kyan from the shoot on Monday. I’ve been so busy editing other photos that I haven’t had much time to go through the cover shoot and I need to have the edited pictures sent to Olivia in two days.

With each picture that I click on, I find myself smiling at how well we worked as a team that day, and I guess maybe just a little at the way he made me ride his face. Okay, so a lot, a whole lot.

Wedding photography is enjoyable, it’s what I’m used to, but this . . . this is a whole new level of fun. I can definitely see myself looking into doing more personal shoots, especially if it’s with Kyan.

I turn my head to the side when I hear Tori come out of her room. She nods her head at the computer and walks to the kitchen. “Whatcha looking at?”

I wait until she’s done pouring a glass of juice before answering her. “My photo shoot with Kyan.”

Tori’s slippers rub against the wooden floor, bringing attention as she scurries my way. “Yes please. I need to see this.”

I bring my hands up to cover her eyes as she bends down to get a look. “Yes please? I never asked you to come look.” I laugh as she slaps my hands away and looks down at the screen.

“Oh damn!” She looks closer at the photo of Kyan under his sheets, looking up at me—the camera. “Did you photo shop this delicious man or was he just blessed with every good genes that God made?”

Shaking my head, I laugh and click through a few more pictures, giving her a taste of what I’ve been tasting . . . literally. “No actually. This is my first time even looking through them. This is all him. Man meat all in his sexiness wonder.”

She leans against the computer desk and sips her juice, keeping her eyes glued to the screen. “Well damn . . . this man could do anything that he wanted with my body. I’d pay him just to lick my big toe. No lie.”

Without thinking, I say my thoughts aloud. “Well he’s definitely good with his tongue; so good.”

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