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Page 11

I scrunch my forehead and concentrate hard on the road. “I’m late for my training session at the gym. It’s rude to be late. I don’t want to leave a bad impression.”

“I bet you don’t, hussy.” I hear her typing fast on her phone to whom I’m sure is to be Brad. “I bet Mr. Sexy is ready to work you. I may just need to go to the gym with you sometime so I can get a look of this fine piece of man meat.”

I laugh at her choice of words. “I’m sure we’ll run into him in the building sometime and you can meet this man meat. He does live on the tenth floor,” I remind her. “No need to twist your arm to get you in the gym.”

“True,” she says uncaringly. “Maybe he’ll be at the bar or something and you can introduce us. Then I can see who has my roomie all flustered and fluffin’ the muffin.”

I stop a little too abruptly at the stoplight, my face turning beet red. I haven’t mentioned the events of Monday night to her yet so she really has no idea just how turned on and flustered he truly has me. I’m not really sure how to explain, so I won’t. Not yet. “You talk a lot. You know that?”

“Oh you’re just embarrassed because some guy finally has your lady parts working. There hasn’t been anyone in over two years. You really need to get out more.”

I grind my teeth at her reminder. “It’s been by choice. I’m just not looking to date right now. When I am, I will look.”

I FIND MYSELF RUSHING TO the gym door as soon as I jump out of my jeep. I have to catch myself from face planting when my feet hit the blacktop. That’s how fast my feet are shuffling right now.

I’m already thirty minutes late and I was in such a hurry that I didn’t even bother stopping to send Kyan a message. I have no idea if he’ll be upset and I really don’t want him to think that I forgot about our session.

When I look around me, the parking lot is empty; all except for an expensive looking motorcycle parked close to the building. It confuses me, causing my steps to slow. “Shit! Please don’t be closed.”

I place my hand on the handle and pull, expecting it to be locked, but it easily opens, surprising me. A surge of hope rushes through me at the thought that I’ll at least get a chance to explain. I just hope the bike outside is his.

Walking inside, I look around me, but don’t see anyone else in the gym. One of the tanning room lights are on as if someone may have recently gotten out, but besides that, it’s just rows of empty equipment.

Once I get closer to the back, I notice Kyan’s office door is open, so I jog a little to get there faster, not wanting him to have to wait any longer than he already has.

I poke my head inside to see Kyan leaning against his desk, dressed in a black, sleeveless shirt and a pair of gray shorts. He looks sweaty and out of breath, as if he’s just finished with his own workout.

He looks up as he takes notice of me. “Calla.” He smiles.

“Hey.” I watch him as he pushes away from his desk and walks over to stand in front of me. He doesn’t say anything. His eyes just check out my breasts as they slowly rise and fall. “Why is the gym empty? Am I too late? I got held up with a wedding. I’m really sorry.”

Another small smile appears on his face as he grabs the strap of my purse and slides it down my shoulder. “We can leave this under my desk.” He places it on his chair and pushes it back under his desk. “And you’re not too late. You’re never too late, Calla. I have all night. I’m here for you.”

Placing one hand on the small of my back, he guides me out of his office and over toward the treadmills. “The gym’s empty because not a lot of members workout between eight and nine. It’s one of the quietest time slots that are still early enough for you to come. You seemed a little nervous around everyone on Saturday, so I wanted to make sure you’re comfortable.” We stop in front of a treadmill and he motions for me to step on it. “Let’s get you warmed up a bit first.”

“Okay.” He presses the start button and punches in my weight. Surprisingly he’s only about four pounds off. I give him a shocked look since he never weighed me on Saturday. “How did you know? I . . . was that a guess or did you steal a sneak peek of my license that night at the bar?”

He studies me as I start walking with a confused expression stuck on my face. “I’m pretty good when it comes to a woman’s body.” He lets out the sexiest laugh to ever grace my hearing. “Looking at your body, it’s pretty easy to figure out. I was close, huh?” He lifts an eyebrow, waiting for my confirmation.

“Well yeah. You’re close.” I start moving faster as Kyan ups the speed. “Pretty impressive.”

Without another word, Kyan smirks and leans against the treadmill right next to the one I’m on, watching me intently and clearly enjoying the show.

By the time our session is over, I’m insanely sweaty and out of breath. He showed me a few of the different machines and had me rotate between those and carrying some weight across the room. I stand here for a moment with my hands on my hips, watching as he watches me. “I’m so tired,” I say softly. “This is the most intense workout I’ve ever done.”

“We’re not done yet.”

My eyes widen. “What do you mean we’re not done? You’ve been working me for the last forty minutes.”

He comes up behind me and presses his body against mine. An instant rush of heat spreads throughout my body as he brushes his bottom lip over my ear and gently laughs. “I’m not done working you yet. There’s plenty more I want to do.”

My breathing picks up. I watch his eyes on me as he circles around to stand in front of me. His eyes linger down to my chest that is quickly rising and falling, as I stand here imagining his mouth and hands all over me.

Wetting his lips, he steps closer and reaches out, tangling both his hands into the back of my hair as he whispers, “Just sex?”

My eyes lower to his lips and I find myself nodding. “Just sex,” I whisper back.

As soon as the words leave my lips, Kyan picks me up, wraps my legs around his waist, and kisses me so hard the air gets knocked out of me.

His hands wrap tighter in my hair and his breathing picks up as he starts walking with me in his arms.

Before I know it, we’re in the shower room. I don’t even notice Kyan reaching to turn the water on until we’re both standing below the water getting wet.

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