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This Man

Page 129

A car starts honking its horn from behind Margo Junior. ‘Oh, f**k off!’ Kate yells. ‘I’m off. I’ll see you at home later. You’re in charge of getting the wine.’ The window starts to rise and she grins from ear to ear. I still can’t believe he brought her a van.

I suddenly remember the deal I brokered in exchange for my clothes…no drinking tonight. Well, that’s rubbish because I’m looking forward to a glass or two. He’ll never know. Kate zooms off down the road, and I return to the office.

‘Patrick called,’ Sally informs me as I pass her desk. ‘He’s not coming in at all today. He’s playing golf.’

‘Thanks, Sal.’ I return to my desk, stretching my legs back out. Yes, I’m really feeling it now. Standing back up, I pull my heel up to my backside, letting out a long, grateful breath when my thigh muscle stretches most satisfyingly. My phone starts jumping around my desk and Placebo starts crooning about Running up that Hill. I don’t even have to look at the screen to know who it is. He has amazing taste in music.

‘I like.’ I say, by way of greeting.

‘Me too. We’ll make love to it later.’

‘You’re not seeing me later.’ I remind him again. He’s doing this on purpose.

‘I miss you.’

I can’t see him, but I know he’s pouting. And as for the make love part…well, it’s a massive improvement on f**king. I smile, my heart performing jumping jacks in my chest. ‘You miss me?’

‘I do, I miss you.’ he grumbles. I glance at my computer. It’s one o’clock. It’s not even been five hours since I left him. ‘Don’t go out tonight.’ he says. It’s not a plea, it’s a demand.

I flop back in my chair. I knew this was coming. ‘Don’t.’ I warn, in the most assertive voice I can muster. ‘I’ve made plans.’

‘You know, you may be at work, but don’t think I won’t come down there and f**k some sense into you.’ His voice is deadly serious and even a little angry.

He wouldn’t, he couldn’t. Or could he? Bloody hell, I’m not even sure. ‘Knock yourself out.’ I respond, very lightly.

He laughs. ‘I was serious, lady.’

‘I know you were.’ I’ve no doubt about it, but he will have to wait until tomorrow to do any sort of f**king.

‘Do your legs ache?’ he asks, just as I’m stretching them under my desk again.

‘-ish,’ I’m not giving him the satisfaction of knowing that I’m actually in pain. I’ll have a Radox bath before I go out. Hold up…was he trying to cripple me so I can’t go out?

‘-ish,’ he replies, humour clear in his husky voice. ‘Remember our deal?’

I roll my eyes to myself. I was kidding myself if I thought he would forget about his little deal. And now I’m certain he had me running a marathon at the break of dawn in an attempt to immobilise me. Control freak!

‘No reminder f**k required.’ I mutter. He’ll never know. I’m not going to get so drunk that I have a raging hangover – it’s too soon after my last performance.

‘Watch your mouth, Ava.’ he sighs, tiredly. ‘And I’ll decide when and if a reminder f**k is necessary.’

He’s serious? I gape a little down the phone. Has he no sense of humour? I stand up again, pulling my thigh to my butt on a satisfied groan. Damn him and his break of dawn run.

‘Roger that.’ I confirm with all the sarcasm it deserves.

‘When will I see you?’ he sighs.

‘Tomorrow?’ I really do want to see him, despite his challenging ways.

‘I’ll pick you up at eight.’

Eight? It’s a Saturday, I want a lay in. Eight? I really won’t be getting drunk, not if Jesse is going to be rocking up at eight. ‘Noon,’ I counter.



‘Eight!’ he barks.

‘You’re supposed to meet me half way!’ The man is impossible.

‘I’ll see you at eight.’ He hangs up, leaving me on one leg with my phone hanging from my ear. I look at my mobile disbelievingly. He can turn up at eight all he likes; I won’t be awake to let him in. And I seriously doubt Kate will be either. I sink my achy body back into my chair on a few sharp inhales of breath. I’m never running again.

‘Tom,’ I call. ‘We’re out tonight, you coming?’

He looks up with a dirty, great big grin on his baby face. ‘I shall decline graciously,’ He bows his head like the gentleman I know he’s not. ‘I have a date!’


‘I can’t come. I assume you were going to ask me.’ Victoria huffs without looking up from her drawings. I don’t dignify her sarcasm with a response, flashing my screwed up face to her back instead.

‘Yes! This one is definitely a keeper.’ Tom nods with the biggest smirk on his face.

I leave Tom with his grin, returning to my computer. They’re all keepers.

I leave the office at six, heading straight to the shop to get some Radox and a bottle of wine, before making my way to the tube. I fight off the temptation to open the wine here and now. It’s Friday, I’m catching up with Kate tonight and spending the day with my challenging control freak tomorrow. Perfect.

I walk through the front door, finding a half-naked Sam walking out of Kate’s workshop, followed by a fully dressed Kate with a highly satisfied smile on her face.

‘Seriously?’ I splutter, as I try to direct my eyes anywhere, except on Sam’s fine physic.

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