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The Wronged Princess - Book I

Page 92

Odd, how she and Essie depended on Pricilla's pragmatism in such moments. Her natural leadership was infinitely clear.

"I suggest one of us go ahead, and ensure she is nowhere around," Pricilla said, her voice low.

"I shall go," Essie said. "Wait here." She shot forward, disappearing quickly.

Pricilla turned to her with a contemplative air and a sense of foreboding snaked down Cinderella's spine. Cinderella waited, wary and watchful.

"I seem to recall something you said in passing a few days past," Pricilla said.

Cinderella clutched her skirt in tight fisted fingers, prepared for a scathing set down. "What statement would that be?"

Pricilla tapped her chin with the tip of her forefinger. "That you had dainty feet, too."

Heat flooded Cinderella. She managed a nervous swallow and waited.

"What, pray tell, should foster such a statement? I believe the comment soared straight over Essie's good senses." Pricilla seemed to have said this more to herself.

She swallowed another lump, not quite sure how to express her words. But Pricilla just stared, so she had to say something. "Oui…well, when Papa married Stepmama and….and you and Essie…" She took a deep breath. "When Papa passed on…she…Stepmama took possession of all my…my shoes…" Cinderella's voice trailed. She shut her eyes because there was nothing more she could say. She raised her head, braced for the crack of Pricilla's hand across her cheek. But after a long stretched silence when nothing happened she opened her eyes. Pricilla was staring at her oddly.

"Oui, that is so. We were quite young. I vow, it makes no sense." Under Pricilla's shrewd gaze Cinderella opened her mouth to stumble out a confession but Essie hurried back round the corner.

"Come quickly," she panted. "Maman was summoned by Queen Thomasine so we must finish before she returns. There's not much time."

Unladylike dashing ensued.

Another lost moment, or a granted reprieve? The agony was killing her, but she would feel better after she cleared her conscience. At least until her sisters decided to end her misery. If they didn't, there was always her stepmother. She sucked in breath to still her nerves.

They made it to Essie and Pricilla's chamber without incident. Pricilla darted to the wardrobe and brought out a pair of leather half boots.

Cinderella blinked at the size, but slipped them over her stocking-feet without a word. They were huge.

Cinderella met Essie's eyes, begging her silently, to let it go, but Essie compressed her lips. "Cill, we could float the Mediterranean in those things. You cannot possibly expect Cinde to wear them. Why, she might as well join the court jesters for our evening entertainment."

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