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The Wronged Princess - Book I

Page 74

Cinderella summoned reached for an elusive calm and lifted her chin. Let Stepmama turn this into a nightmare. She could not steal what was in Cinderella's heart.

"Maman," Pricilla smiled and stepped between them. "We did not tell you how the prince happened by our carriage this afternoon. It was really quite exciting," she gushed. Pricilla did not gush.

Stepmama looked at Pricilla as if surprised to see her. Cinderella imagined her own expression matched. "It was?" Stepmama asked. Confusion tinted her voice.

Pricilla encircled Stepmama's arm, sashaying her expertly down the great hall. Cinderella, too terrified to move, felt faint.

Essie darted over and nudged her into motion. "Breathe, Cinde," she hissed. "Breathe."

Cinderella licked dry lips. If she was not mistaken, Pricilla had just saved her a very violent thrashing.


Prince watched the foursome disappear through the door with narrowed eyes. He did not have a good feeling regarding the situation. His future mother-in-law struck him as a ruthless monster. 'Twas obvious she cared naught for Cinderella. He directed a gaze to his mother who met his eyes. He could see at once her thoughts mirrored his. It was there in the worried frown drawn across her brow.

"Maman, Papa. If you will excuse me for the evening?"

"Of course, mon cher." The spark of relief in her expression confirmed his suspicions.

"By the by, Maman, thank you for the invitation to the lake." He could not resist the jab. And by her pained expression, it met its mark. He nodded to an efficient servant who managed to beat him to the door and slipped through. Arnald followed fast on his heels.

"Do you foresee a problem?" Arnald asked, softly.

"I am not certain." Prince stopped in the large hallway and cocked an ear but all he heard were soft murmurings from around the corner. On stealthy steps they made their way to the turn.

His worry must have been for naught for all he could make out was Pricilla's amusing rendition of Arnald's and his untimely intrusion from the late afternoon. He peered in time to see Eutilla loop her arm through Cinderella's. In time to catch a wary glance pass between them. Her clasp on Cinderella's arm suggested one of protection.

A flurry of shimmers hung in the air. His eyes followed Cinderella's slender form down the corridor. Apparently, he was not the only one whose protective bone showed itself when she was about. Something lessened the restriction in his chest. He hoped someday he and Elsela….er…Esmeralda could be friends. While his feelings regarding their upcoming nuptials remained unchanged, he appreciated that streak of kindness.

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