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The Write Stuff

Page 9

"It's a good thing you're not being dramatic or anything," she said dryly. "So, if it's settled and you're not going to kill me, I'll set it up with Alec. I'm sure he'll jump at the chance for more exposure and to—" Her words stopped as she remembered who she was talking to.

"That's fine, Liv. Just make sure you lay down the ground rules."

"Ground rules?"

"Yes, like no fondling the women during the signing, and no going home with anyone." I'm sure my rules sounded ludicrous. It wasn't like I could dictate who Alec could and couldn't flirt with, let alone who he slept with.

"Uh, Nicole. I think Alec knows the boundaries of being professional."

"Fine. I just want to make sure he understands we're promoting my book. Not finding him a date," I snapped, taking out my aggravation on her. I ended the call abruptly before I could say anything else stupid.

The rest of my week passed in a flurry of activity that was broken up by bouts of self-doubt. Wicked Lovely had been sent to my editor, and I decided to take the week off from writing to prepare for the signing that weekend. Olivia came over midweek to help me pack my inventory and sort through my swag. Neither of us mentioned Alec.

Instead, we talked about how since Indie Booklicious Con was being held in Orlando, this would be the first significant signing my family would be attending. I was nervous about their expectations. My reader following was slowly growing, but there were plenty of other authors at the signing who had diehard fans. I had to remind myself that this signing was about the new series. It was about putting myself out there.

I couldn't help teasing Olivia about seeing my brothers. It was common knowledge in our household that Tony had been crushing on Olivia for years. She had shot him down numerous times, claiming she wouldn't let some guy ruin her friendship with me. Dating Tony would inevitably do that. Tony remained persistent and never let an opportunity to flirt with her slide by. This Saturday would be interesting since we were all going to dinner after the signing and Taylor would be joining us.

Olivia laughed it off, but I knew her well enough to know she was also nervous about Saturday. At least it wouldn't just be me who might become frazzled.

Friday night Olivia and I headed out to hang out with some of my blogger and author friends who had arrived a day early for the signing. It had become a ritual of ours to get together anytime we did the same events. There was an organized mix-and-mingle party at the hotel where the signing was being held.

To save time in the morning, our plan was to drop off my stuff for the signing tonight since we'd be there for the mixer anyway. The hotel lobby was abuzz with groups of convention-goers scattered around the large room talking and gossiping about everything from the latest books they had read to who said what and why on social media. Over the last year that I'd been attending these types of events, I had come to realize writing was such a solitary experience that when you got a bunch of authors and book lovers together, a pent-up noise explosion was sure to follow. At times it could be overwhelming, but for the most part it was fabulous hanging with so many people with common interests.

"You want a drink?" Olivia asked, scanning the room for the bar.

I shook my head. "You go ahead." I had spotted Melissa across the room and wanted to chat with her.

"You sure? Not even a Coke?"

"Maybe in a little while."

"Okay. I'll be back in a few."

I nodded. "I'll be with Melissa and Tracey over there," I said, heading toward two of my friends I had met through Facebook. The idea that I had met so many people online was funny to me. It reminded me of the dating sites I would see commercials for on TV, but for friendships.

"Nicole!" Melissa greeted me in her normal exuberant way, giving me a tight hug. "What took you so long to get here?"

"I had to drop off all my crap in the ballroom," I answered, giving Tracey a hug. "When did you guys arrive?"

"I got here a couple hours ago," Tracey answered.

"Me too," Melissa added, taking a sip from her drink. "Is it always armpit hot down here?"

"This is nothing. Wait till August. When you live here you learn to go from one air conditioned spot to another."

"My family came along so we could visit the Mouse House. My kids have been dying to go to Disney, but we're going to be like fried eggs out there," Tracey said dryly.

Melissa and I laughed. By the time Olivia joined us, we were all comparing the good and bad of our home states. Eventually, more and more people joined our group until we had about a dozen different conversations going on. The tension I had been feeling during the week began to sap away, and for the rest of the evening Alec became an afterthought.

Our late night made it hard to get up the next day. Olivia and I were grumpy and barely spoke until I drove through a Starbucks and picked us up a couple of coffees. The caffeine didn't help my nerves, which were already on edge. Alec may not have been on my mind last night, but this morning was a different story. The thoughts bounced around my head like a ping-pong ball on crack, painting different scenarios of how our interaction today would go.

Would he say something about that night, or pretend it never happened? The last thing I wanted was to create a scene and become the topic of the latest gossip in everyone's Facebook groups. As long as Alec and I both acted like professionals, the day would work out fine.

The closer we got to the hotel, the more anxious I became. My stomach was tied in knots. If I didn't have Olivia with me, I would have considered skipping the event. Luckily, she was my rock and would drag me inside if she had to. Not to mention, my family and readers would be disappointed.

"You okay?" Olivia asked as I pulled into a parking spot. Her voice startled me. I didn't realize I had been gripping the steering wheel like it was a life preserver.

"I'm fine," I lied, opening my door and forcing my body out of the jeep.

Olivia carried our coffees while I signed us in and collected our ID lanyards from the convention's registration desk. People from different directions waved and called out greetings to us as we headed toward the large banquet room to set up. Inside, dozens of authors scurried about like busy bees organizing their tables with books, swag and other types of merchandise to sell. Tall banners were being assembled and placed prominently around the room. Some of the authors were quite creative with their displays.

Olivia and I were currently fighting with the stand for my vertical banner when the subtle scent of Alec's cologne caught my attention. I realized how sad it was to be able to recognize him by his cologne, but the smell seemed to be engrained into my senses. Of course he would walk up when I was bent over with my ass in the air.

"Need some help there?"

"No, we got it." Olivia looked at me without saying a word, but I knew she was questioning the harshness of my response.

"If you say so," he replied.

I could practically see the shit-eating grin on his face without turning around. Mocking me wasn't going to get our day off to a good start. My hand closed around one of the metal bars from my banner stand. For a moment, I considered whacking him in the nuts, but I counted to ten in my head to calm down. It came to my attention since meeting Alec a few weeks ago that I'd developed quite the violent tendencies. I was becoming downright demented. My brothers would be so proud. Zachary and Tony always claimed I was too much of a pushover.

Alec stood idly by while Olivia and I fought and cursed my banner, trying to get it extended to its full height. The problem was neither of us was tall enough to lock it into place at the top. Olivia opened her mouth to ask Alec for help, but I shot her a look that stopped her. Reaching over with my free hand, I dragged my chair closer so I could stand on it to click the banner into place. I may have knocked over my boxes in the process, but it was better than asking for Alec's help.

Just as I stepped off the chair to pat myself on the back, the banner came undone at the top of the stand and tumbled at my feet. Olivia snorted, trying to hide her laughter. She turned away and knelt down to pick up the boxes I had knocked over.

"Here, let me," Alec said, stepping in close behind me. The scent of his cologne wrapped around me like a warm blanket on the coldest of days. I closed my eyes, inhaling it in deeply.

I finally turned around to face him, convinced I could handle it without cracking. I was wrong and right at the same time. Physically, I was able to hide my emotions behind a mask of indifference, but inside I was mess. "Fine," I said, stepping away from the banner. Dragging my chair with me, I slid around to the other side of the table and began setting up my books.

I watched from the corner of my eye as Alec finished assembling the stand in no time at all. It didn't escape my notice when his shirt pulled up slightly, hinting at the full set of abs I had run my hands over intimately. Glancing around the room, it became evident I wasn't the only one who had noticed him.

Alec was clearly the topic of conversation among several women who suddenly seemed more concerned with his ass than finishing the setup of their displays. I didn't know whether to laugh or flip them off. Actually, I couldn't blame them. I had firsthand experience with how sexy he was. I'd felt his hands and lips on my body. My legs had wrapped around his narrow waist, feeling every glorious hard inch of him.

"I'll be right back," I said, rising abruptly from the table.

Olivia looked surprised, holding a handful of bookmarks. "Wait, what about your table?"

"Just put the finishing touches on it. I trust you. I'll only be a minute anyway." I had to get away to collect myself. The very body that I was sitting there lustfully reminiscing about was the same one that had left me hanging high and dry and practically humiliated. Several people tried to get my attention as I walked by, probably to ask about Alec, but I dodged them with the excuse of a bladder emergency as I quickly made my way into the main hallway.

Thankfully, I found the bathroom empty. As it turned out, I hadn't lied after all. I really did have to pee. Once I finished, I deliberately stayed in the bathroom washing my hands as long as possible before I knew I absolutely had to get back to my table.

Walking through the lobby on the way back to the banquet room, I spotted the long line of readers waiting to get into the signing. Their excited chatter echoed down the hallway, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter. Picking up my pace, I entered the banquet room and saw everyone at their tables, ready to go.

"Two minutes," a voice announced over the loud speaker.

I waved to a few more of my friends in passing before finally reaching my table, which looked fantastic. Olivia had outdone herself again. My books were creatively stacked and prominently displayed on one side of the table while my bookmarks were fanned out on the other. She had even laid out my two favorite signing pens along with a fresh can of Coke. "Thank you," I said, giving her a quick hug. "I'm sorry for acting like a freak."

"It's cool. You know I'm here for you. Just remember what you're here for. This is your chance to shine." She squeezed my hand and collected the empty boxes to stack under the table and out of sight.

Olivia was right and I knew that. I just needed to suck it up and do my job. Alec stepped out from behind the banner he had been moving into place. In my absence he had removed his shirt, which shouldn't have been shocking considering it was part of the plan. He looked amazing, which was why he was here. Now all I had to do was avoid any physical contact with him and I'd be fine.

As I made my way around the table to my chair, my foot caught on the leg of the table next to me and I stumbled forward. I would have landed face first if not for Alec's firm hand reaching out to grasp my upper arm. He had saved me from possibly a bloody lip or a case of rug burn on my face, but my plan to avoid physical contact with him had lasted all of thirty seconds. That had to be a world record.

His hand remained on my bicep even after I had found my footing. Our eyes met as I waited for him to release me. I was powerless to pull away. We both acted like we had something to say, but the time wasn't right. Not here.

The buzzing of voices entered the room as the doors opened and the line of people that had been waiting poured in. Something in my eyes must have clicked with Alec because he abruptly dropped my arm. I scooted around him, sinking into my chair as he took his spot, standing at the front of the table. Olivia raised her eyebrows at me, but I shook her off. I could barely figure out my behavior, let alone explain it to her.

It didn't take long for Alec to attract the attention he was brought here to get as clusters of women began converging on my table. Surprisingly, many of them were not shy about expressing their feelings for him.

One woman in particular even asked for my opinion as she waited for her turn to get close to him. "Have you ever seen a set of abs like that?"

"Of course. Right here," I replied meekly, handing her a Wicked Lovely bookmark. I wasn't ready for this kind of attention so quickly.

"That's him? I think I've died and gone to hunk-a-luscious heaven." She fanned herself with the program she was handed at the door.

"Oh sweet decadence," the woman with her said, snatching up one of the bookmarks for herself. "It doesn't come out till July? I need to read this now," she whined. "Will you at least sign these for us?"

"My pleasure," I said, removing the cap from my silver pen.

As they waited, one of them reached for one of my older titles. "And these are your other books?"

"Yes. Do you read historical romance?"

"Girl, I read anything steamy," she said, turning the book over to read the synopsis. "Wait. I've seen this on Amazon. I've actually had it on my to-be-read list. I might as well get it now so I can add it to my autographed book collection."

"Me too," her friend added.

Olivia handled the transaction while I finished signing and personalizing the copies of their books. The rest of the day progressed in much the same manner. The crowd never thinned out. I had to hand it to Alec and the way he'd handled the attention like a pro. He'd taken endless pictures, been touched countless times, tolerated pecks on the cheek and even a couple butt pinches. He had even been propositioned more than once and simply ogled more times than I could count. All the Wicked Lovely swag I had brought was gone, and the excitement for its release seemed tangible. It was a mentally draining day, but I couldn't help responding to the enthusiasm of everyone I met. My family showed up midway through the signing, and even they were excited to see that I was too busy to do more than give them a quick hug before returning to my table.

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