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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 95

The company came to a halt so suddenly that they were nearly unseated. There was some commotion ahead. Jerra had returned with his patrol. Lily noted with a knot in her stomach that they were noticeably fewer than before.

The elf named Jerra reigned his horse in before Dorain as though he had barely escaped with his life. "We were ambushed! The way is barred against us. We must go back the way we came; they are too many."

"How many?" It was Belloc, accompanied by Brogan.

Jerra looked to Dorain, who nodded. Addressing the wizard formally, Jerra said, "Sire, assessing numbers was made difficult because the enemy was well-concealed. To venture a guess, I would say that there are at least two hundred gnome archers, and perhaps fifty goblins with sword."

"We will need reinforcements," said Belloc to Dorain. "Brogan, have your men secure that knoll which overlooks the road there." Brogan left quickly, shouting orders to his men. Dorain sent Jerra back to the encampment.

"Anest, Lily," said Belloc, "dismount and wait for me atop the knoll. I must see to it that the horses are taken care of."

As Anest helped Lily climb the steep rock to more level ground, he said, "Do you think you can manage your bow?" He regretted the question as soon as it was out of his mouth. She was pale and wide-eyed with fear. "Never mind," he said as they made their way through the trees to the summit, "I would rather you stayed out of this."

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