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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 563

Chapter Twenty-eight

The Battle For Valerian

Belloc, leading his army, had been carefully making his way to Morlock’s castle for three weeks, giving Morlock’s armies time to depart. They had run into several roving bands of gnomes and goblins while travelling through the narrow band of trees which was all that remained of the Great Forest. These bands, however, were not conscripted. Rather, they were folk from the northeast who followed in the wake of the advancing armies, hoping to profit from the despoiling of the Four Kingdoms.

Belloc allowed many of these to escape, knowing that they would spread rumours that the lands to their south were far from being safely in the hands of Morlock’s hordes.

When they were at last within reach of Morlock’s castle, three scouts came riding back as though Morlock’s entire army were after them.

“Sire... “ cried the first of them, “Morlock’s castle... it burns! There is fighting at the gates.”

“It is Niles,” cried Belloc. “We must aid him before Morlock destroys him and his men.”

Belloc quickly organised his troops to attack. They soon reached the crater’s edge and viewed the spectacle below. Niles, though greatly outnumbered, was in the midst of organising another charge against the remaining forces of Morlock’s castle. Many dead were scattered about, and even at this distance, they could see that many of the dead were horses and men.

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