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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 471

They had ridden all that day, and well into the night, and still they were surrounded by the signs of battle.

As made camp that night, Paris approached Niles. "Could it be," he said, "that Morlock and the Demon King are at war?"

"It becomes obvious why neither have attacked us in earnest," Niles replied. "They have been preoccupied with one another. From what I understand, it was Baldric's hope that a way would be found to instigate hostilities between Morlock and the Demon King. But what we are witness to here does not bode well, regardless."

Paris frowned. "I do not understand you! How can you say that?"

"Consider the size and the scope of what we have beheld," Niles told him, thoughtfully. "We have long lost count of the dead here. Many more remained to set these pyres. Pitched battles were fought here, true, but overall we are witness to a very small part of a Great War! It seems that those who came from the east perished, having encountered Morlock's forces. In any event, these were merely the advance guards of both armies. I fear that there are more dead here than there are soldiers in all the Four Kingdoms. What chance have we against such numbers? And now, Morlock will surely have an eye to the east as well! We may find ourselves caught between the hammer and the anvil in this place!"

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