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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 467

There was no warmth in the elf soldier's greeting.

"You are Niles of Astargoth," said Finrain.

"I am," Niles replied.

"I bear a message from Palindor," said Finrain. "Kindly dismount."

Niles did so, and stared as the elf soldier drew his sword. "Draw, northerner!" cried Finrain.

Behind him, Niles' men reacted with anger. "I have no quarrel with you," said Niles. "I will not duel with you."

Ignoring his words, Finrain attacked, forcing Niles to draw his sword. Several of Nile's men dismounted and moved to intervene, but Niles stopped them with a shout. "Hold!" he cried, "this is a private matter. Remain where you are." He turned back to Finrain. "This is neither the time nor place, master elf!" he said. "We have business with the Enemy! Kindly put up your sword!"

"Not until you have attempted me," replied Finrain.

"I have no quarrel with you!" Niles repeated. "Do not make me harm you."

The elf laughed, and swung a vicious blow at Niles which he barely parried. "You will attempt me!" Finrain persisted, and began swinging blows.

"Very well!" Niles breathed, the challenge of battle in his eyes. "If you will not refrain, then you leave me no choice!"

He swung a heavy blow at Finrain. At the same instant, Finrain spun around, bringing his sword up to meet Niles' with all his might. There was a deafening ring, and Niles' sword broke six inches from the hilts. There was a scramble as the others, man and elf alike, dived away to avoid being hit by the blade as it spun off into the wood. Finrain bowed, and sheathed his sword. He then called to one of his kindred, who came forward bearing an object bound in cloth.

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