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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 417

Akaru's eyes widened in surprise at this. "Oreadi? You mean, the Oreads? The mountain nymphs? I have heard that name before, from the lips of an aged Healer, who was my mentor and protector as a child! But . . . please, continue! I know the name, but little else!"

They shared a meal together, and it wasn't until the sun broke briefly through the clouds, low in the sky at dusk, when they mutually felt the time of parting was upon them. Both became silent for a time, neither wanting the day to end, but at last, Akaru got to his feet. Not looking up at him, Rhia bit her lip, reluctance showing plain in her posture, and upon her face.

"The day is quickly waning," Akaru reminded her quietly, though he wished it could be made to last forever. "You must rest before beginning your journey tomorrow."

Still not looking at him, Rhia said, "Will I see you tomorrow?"

Akaru sighed, and considered the darkling, impenetrable east. "No. I leave well before dawn."

She considered him askance a long moment. "You go directly to war . . . will we meet again, do you think?"

Akaru considered the notion blankly a moment. "I do not know. Your way lies to Hollind and back, but the evacuation of your people will not continue north back here to Lund. Instead, it will be directed across the south of the Four Kingdoms, from the dwarf kingdom of Darkhun across to the southern part of the elf kingdom of Angorain."

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