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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 309

The following day, as they neared the outskirts of the northernmost Dwarf city of Munden, they passed several companies of dwarves escorting wains full of armaments on their way north to Lund.

Nylandor's company gave a cheer as they passed, for here were the weapons needed to deal with the evil to the north and east. There were boxes of swords, arrowheads and speartips, as well as stacks of helmets, mail, shields, and armour. No ordinary armaments, these! Even to untrained senses, the cargo exuded an eldritch might.

Even as Rhia gaped in awe, Julina's eyes widened in surprise. "How can this be? What wizard lent aid in their forging?"

"`Twas no wizard," said Nylandor. "The King of Normandon himself went in secret to the furnaces of Ghund. He has left the ruling of Angorain to his eldest son, Prince Valen. It was Valen himself who sent me to Lund."

Julina nodded her comprehension. "I see now that it comes as no wonder that both Belloc and Anest are free to go north."

"Yes," said Nylandor. "Morlock is going to be in for rather a shock. Baldric intends to use the tactics of the enemy against them, seeking first to weaken the evil wizard, so that the sword of the Demon King will fall first upon his neck!"

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