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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 263

"We had not gone far before we heard his war-cry, and heard the clash of his sword. But by the time we reached the gate, we could hear no more of Hanik of Brand.

"And that is the tale of our journey," said Akaru. "We accomplished what no other could, and at great cost. I have no regrets, nor do I feel that I nor any other of my company have any apology to make."

Celedhan nodded thoughtfully. "Your tale will be told and retold throughout the land, my friend," he said. "And I pledge my sword that we may someday see battle together."

There was a cry of `Aye' from about the table, and all there saluted Akaru and Gart for their great deed.

Gart laughed and drained his flagon. "Did I not tell you that fame and fortune would await you?" he cackled, slapping Akaru on the back. "Once a lonely and bitter wanderer, I believe our friend Akaru has found his home, and he who speaks so little has certainly found his tongue."

Damond glanced at Amrhost, who appeared distant and troubled. When he became aware of Damond's gaze, the northerner rose and left without a word.

"What ails him?" asked Brogan.

The question hung where it was, unanswered.

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