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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 260

"The witch I had to warn to silence from time to time as it became necessary to remove her gag to allow her to eat and drink. She was loath to trust me at first, afraid of both my appearance, and possibly of what fate awaited her. And without Darrow's guidance, we knew not what danger the girl did or did not present to us, so we were watchful of her, and admittedly ungentle when she was given to undue noise or movement.

"I did wonder at her obvious fear and loathing of the enemy, as who would not? But being unable to question her, or trust the wiles of her voice, I had to be satisfied that upon out return this matter would be addressed.

"We soon found out, to our dismay, that all roads and paths leading to Kolibos were watched. We made our way there slowly and carefully, moving about only at night like thieves. After a week of this, the witch became almost paralysed with fear, and often I had to carry her to avoid detection.

"When we finally arrived at the outskirts of that dread, ruined city, we found that a great host of the enemy waited, intending to snare whoever had passed through their demesne.

"And in their midst was a black presence that even the evil rock-gnomes and goblins scurried away from in fear. With it were several warlocks, with iron staves that ended in a black claw clutching a ghastly pale blue stone.

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