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The Wizard and the Sylph

Page 210

Though Baldric hadn't spoken aloud, the meeting suddenly came to order with an almost audible snap.

"To those of you who have made known your misgiving, surprise and displeasure regarding the irregularity of this meeting, rest assured that I was otherwise engaged, and acting upon certain information that had been made available to me in strict confidence. My first priority was that of obtaining information which may in turn gain us some strategic advantage. At least," he added ironically, "that is the hope.

"If I seem chary where the sharing of information is concerned, learn now that the open sharing of information has led to the absence of two members of this meeting whom are conspicuous in their absence. They are the wizard Darrow, and Raldo the dwarf.

"Learn now that they became lost to us when they tried to cross the Burning Lands."

There was a stricken silence as Baldric paused to let this sink in. Darrow was a great and powerful wizard, and many present called him friend and mentor. He was the wizard of Lund, a great source of courage and hope.

And now, he was gone.

Raldo was a young dwarf, fiery and quick to anger. But equal to this was his quick wit and indomitable humour. He would be sorely missed by many.

"Only two of their company have managed to return to us, alive and unscathed," continued Baldric. "They are Gart and Akaru. They will tell their tale presently. For now, these proceedings will be conducted by Darrow's assistant, Vale."

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